Gartner CIO Leadership Forum

March 25 – 26, 2024 | Hollywood, FL

Gartner CIO Leadership Forum

March 25 – 26, 2024 | Hollywood, FL

An exclusive community of CIOs

In an era of continual disruption, the role of CIO is evolving rapidly. CIOs must amplify their impact to lead IT beyond the function, partnering with C-suite peers to accelerate digital business models, enable the future of work and drive business growth. 

At Gartner CIO Leadership Forum 2023, CIOs met to access to expert guidance, actionable tools and CIO peer insights to amplify their impact and lead digital business acceleration.

The program for the 2024 Gartner CIO Leadership Forum is underway and we look forward to sharing details soon!

Join Gartner experts and your CIO peers at Gartner CIO Leadership Forum 2024 to participate in interactive and highly collaborative sessions, share experiences and access personalized tools to equip yourself with a detailed plan to support your mission-critical priorities.

Gartner CIO Leadership Forum is an exclusive conference for chief information officers. This means, you are guaranteed a level of information exchange and peer interaction that is unrivaled. To ensure this commitment to our attendees, we ask that you verify your eligibility to attend.

Connect with CIOs across regions and industries, and gain new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of business transformation.

  • Work intimately with Gartner experts and your CIO peer group in interactive and engaging formats on the most critical enterprise priorities facing CIOs today.
  • Develop effective strategies to balance people, processes and technology in an environment of constant flux.
  • Explore actionable insights and practical solutions based on Gartner research and proven practices at leading organizations.
  • Expand your sphere of influence and advocate for innovation with the C-suite and board of directors.

Regional and business unit CIOs come together to connect and collaborate on today’s leading challenges facing CIOs.

  • Work intimately with Gartner experts and your CIO peer group in interactive and engaging formats on the most critical priorities facing CIOs today.
  • Develop effective strategies to balance people, processes and technology in an environment of constant flux.
  • Explore actionable insights and practical solutions based on Gartner research and proven practices at leading organizations.
  • Expand your sphere of influence and advocate for innovation with the C-suite and board of directors.



  • Private sector: Business unit or division with $250 million+ in revenue 
  • Public sector: Department with 1,000+ employees

Network with Gartner experts and CIOs

As an exclusive conference for CIOs, Gartner CIO Leadership Forum is the ideal retreat to connect with fellow CIOs and Gartner experts. Experience unrivaled networking with top CIOs across regions and industries to build new relationships, broaden your perspectives and uncover ways to solve problems alongside other CIOs.


  • CIO workshops:* Work through the leading challenges facing CIOs alongside your peers and Gartner experts.
  • Roundtable sessions:* Join CIOs from leading organizations and various industries to discuss timely, relevant topics in these small-group sessions, moderated by a Gartner expert.
  • Executive Insights sessions: Detailed and documented case studies, by Gartner invitation. In these sessions expect top executives to reveal lessons from their own organizations.

*Preregistration is required. These sessions are available to end users only; space is limited.

Prioritize what to accelerate, unlock resources for digital investments, make meaningful cultural changes and so much more. No matter where you are in your role or your digital business acceleration journey, we’re here to help you get to your destination faster — with confidence.

Lean back and listen

The conference will kick off each day with a Gartner or guest keynote speaker, followed by various sessions led by Gartner — all allowing you to lean back and listen. Expect the best speakers, brightest minds and the latest big ideas. These sessions provide the inspiration and actionable insight to transform your mission-critical priorities into business results.

Lean in and engage

Dive into the big ideas and Gartner insights through interactive sessions — designed to help you lean in and engage. Facilitated by Gartner experts, these sessions challenge you to solve problems together, exchange viewpoints and get to the core of the business imperatives that drive you and your peers.

Our objective Gartner experts help you advance your mission-critical priorities through industry-leading insights, guidance and tools. Tap their unique expertise to make faster, smarter decisions.

Gartner one-on-one meetings:* Meet one-on-one with Gartner experts for tailored guidance to help you achieve your mission-critical priorities. These popular meetings offer you the undivided attention of a Gartner expert who will listen and guide you on the matters most critical to your success.

*Preregistration is required. These sessions are available to end users only; space is limited.

Excellent conference to validate your thinking and direction, prepare you for changes and disruptors you may not see and challenge you to push yourself and your team to the next level.

Eric A. Chatham

CIO, County of Monterey

Join us in 2024

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    2023 Tracks at a Glance

    Over two days at Gartner CIO Leadership Forum 2023, the agenda focused on the CIO role as the leader of the digital experience while building leadership and executive skills needed to accelerate innovative business and technology strategies.

    Track A

    Innovative Business Strategy

    As a CIO in an era of ongoing disruption, your guidance on the creative application of new and emerging technologies is essential to business growth and competitive advantage. Learn what short- and long-term strategies lead you and your team to success in dynamic and uncertain times. In this track, we explore what it takes to create and fund a strategy that delivers against business objectives.

    Track B

    Bold Leadership

    The IT organization no longer owns all IT. Today you must develop fusion teams of highly skilled individuals. You must find ways to build digital dexterity and manage risk for the organization. It’s a task that’s part leadership, part inspiration, part organization. This track helps you reshape attitudes for greater agility, ESG programs, risk management, and enterprise operating models.

    Track C

    Executive Effectiveness

    Top performing leaders are people centric and focus on relationships. Your technical skills may have gotten you to where you are now but they won’t keep you there. You need to improve your executive relationships and develop yourself to amplify your impact. Executives with high personal effectiveness strive to improve the value they deliver, advance their careers, and grow in both a personal and professional sense.

    Track D

    Innovative IT Strategy

    CIOs own ensuring digital foundations exist for the business growth opportunities CEOs expect. Foundations include resolving funding for the right initiatives, ensuring adaptive continuous strategy and execution, agile governance and resilient innovation. Your challenge is to create a modular architecture that empowers scalability and growth.

    Track E

    Dynamic Talent Management

    Having the talent to deliver against the ambitious technology agenda is a struggle in today’s environment. You need to use unconventional approaches to find talent, create an inclusive work environment to retain, and create a culture that is nourished and emboldened by change and innovation. Your remit is both the talent within IT and the business technologist across the enterprise.

    Track F

    CIO Role Evolution

    CEOs have ambitious agendas that require technology. You must step into the opportunities that now exist across the enterprise. The role of the CIO is expanding, not shrinking, and you must take a leadership role in delivering on digital dividends. One’s personal brand, communication skills and influencing are the hallmark of effectively establishing this expanded role.

    Ready to register?

    Secure your space now.