
Conference Updates

Orlando, Fla., October 17, 2023

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2023 Orlando: Day 2 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place this week in Orlando, Florida. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference. You can read the highlights from Day 1 here.

On Day 2 from the conference, we are highlighting Gartner’s top strategic predictions for 2024 and beyond, how to supercharge digital employee experience with superapps, and the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Signature Series: Top Strategic Predictions for 2024 & Beyond: The Year Everything Changed

Presented by Leigh McMullen, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

In 2023, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) unleashed massive creativity and productivity potential. This was the first full year with GenAI at the heart of every strategic discussion. In this session, Leigh McMullen, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, unveiled ten predictions that will demonstrate how GenAI can pervade any topic.

Key Takeaways

  • In 2026, 30% of workers will leverage digital charisma filters to achieve previously unattainable advances in their careers. “Use AI to expand the neurodiverse talent pool. Create a policy to avoid inequalities from shadow use.”

  • By 2027, the productivity value of AI will be recognized as a primary economic indicator of national power. “AI is part of national strategy and shifts the labor power balance.”

  • By 2027, 25% of Fortune 500 companies will actively recruit neurodiverse talent across conditions like autism, ADHD and dyslexia to improve business performance. “Neurodiversity offers a competitive advantage of unique skill sets and viewpoints that drive innovation.” 

  • By 2026, 50% of G20 members will experience monthly electricity rationing, turning energy-aware operations into either a competitive advantage or a major failure risk. “The future of electricity is not ‘always on.’ Electricity demand is growing but on brittle infrastructure.”

  • By 2027, GenAI tools will reduce modernization costs by 70% by explaining legacy business applications and facilitating faster replacements. “Large language models will understand legacy codes better and GenAI assisted coding will reduce replacement effort.” 

    Learn about 5 additional top predictions in the Gartner press release “Gartner Unveils Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users in 2024 and Beyond."

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Supercharge Your Digital Employee Experience With Superapps

Presented by Jason Wong, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

Superapps’ reach is becoming global and its impact is not just on consumers but also on workforces. In this session, Jason Wong, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, discussed why superapps will become an essential part of the digital employee experience, what the technologies are behind them and how application leaders can create a successful superapp strategy. 

Key Takeaways

  • “A superapp is a mobile app that provides end users (customers, partners or employees) with a set of core features reinforced by extensibility via miniapps.”

  • “Enlist business technologists and fusion teams to create a miniapp building community.”

  • “Application and software engineering leaders must evaluate creating superapps for customers, partners and employees, as well as participating in related superapp ecosystems via miniapps.”

  • “Workforce superapps provide capabilities of new work hub, business role hub, employee engagement hub, technology services hub and employee services hub in the digital workplace.”

  • “Determine if a superapp helps to better achieve business objectives for employees.”

  • “Evaluate the technology and talent needed to sustain a superapp platform.”

Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2023

Presented by Arun Chandrasekaran, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

The 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies features emerging technologies that will significantly affect business and society over the next two to 10 years. In this session, Arun Chandrasekaran, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, discussed how these technologies will help CIOs address the digital demands of the future, and how to use them to drive competitive differentiation and efficiency.

Key Takeaways

  • “The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies distills must-know emerging technologies from more than 2,000 innovation profiles that show promise of transformational competitive advantage over the next two to 10 years.”

  • “The technologies on this year's Hype Cycle fall into four key emerging technology themes: emergent AI, developer experience, pervasive cloud and human-centric security and privacy.”

  • Emergent AI: “Generative AI will be the foundation for AI innovation, but other emerging AI techniques also offer immense potential, such as causal AI and federated machine learning.” 

  • Developer Experience (DevX): “DevX is vital for attracting and retaining top talent, for ensuring team morale remains high, and that work is motivating and rewarding.”

  • Pervasive Cloud: “New innovations will make cloud more distributed, verticalized, portable and efficient, enabling pervasive cloud.”

  • Human-Centric Security and Privacy: “New technologies such as cybersecurity mesh architecture and AI trust, risk and security management (AI TRiSM) can facilitate a more human-centric approach to security and privacy, enabling mutual trust and shared responsibility between teams.”

    Learn more in the Gartner press release “Gartner Places Generative AI on the Peak of Inflated Expectations on the 2023 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.”

Signature Series: AI Joins the Team: “Hello World!”

Presented by Erick Brethenoux, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

As an intelligence multiplier and complexity orchestrator, AI is no longer a passive partner, but rather is now generating new knowledge and formulating new strategies. In this session, Erick Brethenoux, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, shared how CIOs can make AI an ubiquitous, transparent and ethical decision-making companion.

Key Takeaways

  • “Through another inflection point in the history of artificial intelligence, AI has now joined the team – not as a passive technology, but more and more as a decision companion.” 

  • “AI is no longer a prop but an actor, becoming an active part of the organization and an integral part of the collaboration environment.”

  • “AI is a permanent fixture of your technological landscape, permeating every aspect of your enterprise and propelling an age of ‘AI Natives’ that were born with AI and have it as part of their DNA.”

  • “About 80% of your AI projects should consist of initiatives that are within boundaries – where AI is already embedded in existing solutions or aimed at driving productivity gains. These projects typically have a time horizon of around 12 months.”

  • “Around 17% of an AI portfolio’s initiatives should be pushing boundaries – about creative plays and potentially challenging use cases, with either growth or smart reduction in mind.” 

  • “The remaining three percent of initiatives should break boundaries, offering radical new plays and daring use cases that have the potential to alter industries or create new business functions.”

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