
Conference Updates

Orlando, Fla., October 16, 2023

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2023 Orlando: Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place this week in Orlando, Florida. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are highlighting the Gartner opening keynote presentation, top 10 strategic technology trends for 2024, and culture hacks to improve the hybrid workplace. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Gartner Opening Keynote: The Next Era − We Shape AI, AI Shapes Us

Presented by Mary Mesaglio and Don Scheibenreif, Distinguished VP Analysts, Gartner

Generative AI has burst onto the scene, unleashing both possibilities and threats for CIOs everywhere and raising questions that range from the metaphysical to the tactical. In the Gartner Opening Keynote, Gartner Distinguished VP Analysts Don Scheibenreif and Mary Mesaglio explored how CIOs can meet these questions head on to stay out in front in this new era of human-machine relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • “AI – and especially generative AI – is part of a larger shift in how humans and machines interact. Machines are evolving from being our tools to becoming our teammates.”

  • Gartner predicts that by 2025, GenAI will be a workforce partner for 90% of companies worldwide.

  • “AI comes in two flavors: Everyday AI is focused on productivity, making us do what we already do faster and more efficiently. Game-changing AI is focused on creativity: creating whole new types of value, new products, new services, new business models and even new industries.”

  • “To do game changing AI, three tough conditions have to be met. You will need a lot of risk tolerance, a lot of executive patience and boat-loads of money.”

  • “In this new realm of human to machine interaction, where we talk to machines, they talk to us and we listen, there will be all sorts of unforeseen consequences. This means you need to think ahead of time about what lines you won’t cross.”

  • “If you don't have an AI vision, you don't have an AI ambition.”

    Learn more in the Gartner press release "Gartner Says CIOs Must Prioritize Their AI Ambition and AI-Ready Scenarios for Next 12-24 Months."

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Signature Series: Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024

Presented by Chris Howard, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

Success in times of economic and social volatility requires technology and business leaders to decide how to make the best possible use of new technology developments. In this presentation, Chris Howard, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, shared how CIOs and other IT executives can explore and selectively use strategic technology trends to help ensure success.

Key Takeaways

  • “The top trends this year fall into three broad themes: Protect Your Investment, Rise of the Builders and Deliver the Value.”

  • Sustainable Technology: “86% of organizations consider sustainable use of technology a protective investment that helps resilience. 

  • Intelligent Applications: “Optimize and automate decision-making through actively intelligent applications that have generative and other AI functions embedded as a default of their architecture.”

  • Democratized Generative AI: “Both accessibility of massively trained models via APIs, and the parallel productivity of the open source community, bring AI to every worker in the world.”

  • Augmented-Connected Workforce: “Organizations can use the data from connected workers to help augment and adjust their onboarding, training, performance and well-being.”

  • Machine Customers: “CIOs must lead the construction of the platforms capable of serving machine customer markets, which are prognosed to add several trillions in additional revenues by 2030.”

    Learn about 5 more strategic trends and additional details on each one in the Gartner press release “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024.”

20 Culture Hacks to Improve Hybrid Workplace Adoption and Efficiency

Presented by Lane Severson, VP Analyst, Gartner

Many organizations have begun implementing hybrid work, but some are struggling to motivate employees to come to the workplace. In this session, Lane Severson, VP Analyst at Gartner, discussed how culture hacks can be used to change corporate culture, emphasizing the importance of beginning with small things that are easy to change rather than trying to change everything at once.

Key Takeaways

  • “A culture hack is exploiting a single point where a culture is vulnerable to deep change.”

  • “Don’t aim to be comprehensive, changing everything at once, rather aim to find one access point where culture is vulnerable to change, and exploit that.”

  • “Use rules, scripts, low-code/no-code to automatically perform routine tasks in the same way an employee would.”

  • “Multiple users can interact on the same virtual canvas simultaneously. Design culture hacks that help people work synchronously and asynchronously, no matter where they’re located.”

  • “Acquire generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) interaction skills and understand the limitations and potential of the technology.”

  • “Identify and eliminate technical issues that create digital friction.”

  • “For every new process that seeks to improve the employee experience, discard one that does not.”

Signature Series: CIO and Technology Executive Agenda for 2024

Presented by Mandi Bishop, VP Analyst, Gartner

Technology leadership has forever changed, as the democratization of digital delivery is fundamentally redrawing the boundaries between IT departments and other business areas. In this session, Mandi Bishop, VP Analyst at Gartner, revealed what should be on the CIO’s agenda for 2024 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • “The CIO role is expanding. You're still responsible for traditional realms of IT applications and infrastructure, but 62% of you are also wearing an enterprise digital transformation leader hat.”

  • “When ranking the top three most critical enterprise outcomes for digital technology investments, customer or citizen experience is king, followed closely by margins and revenue generation.”

  • “The most successful CIOs are meeting the moment by strategically engaging with their CxOs to share resources, funding, and accountability for delivering digital initiatives. They’re running IT like a business.”

  • “Top CIOs are franchising digital delivery. Franchise models are how businesses around the world leverage ecosystems to achieve scale, overcome budget and talent constraints, and reduce risk.”

  • “Cultivating trust and co-leadership in a franchise model does more than just deliver better business outcomes. It also increases CIO and IT leadership teams’ performance.”

  • “Cybersecurity, data and analytics, cloud platforms, and integration technologies are among the top technology investments CIOs have told us they’re increasing this year, and they are foundational fusion team enablers.”

    Learn more in the Gartner press release “Gartner Survey of Over 2,400 CIOs Reveals That 45% of CIOs are Driving a Shift to Co-Ownership of Digital Leadership.”

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