Gartner Expert

Vittorio D'Orazio

VP Analyst

Vittorio D'Orazio is a VP Analyst in the Financial Services/Banking team part of the CIO and Industries Group, specializing in core banking systems (CBS) for which he was the Magic Quadrant lead author. Mr. D'Orazio covers CBS projects, commercial off-the-shelf packages, contract negotiation and pricing for CBS products.

He is also the reference analyst for the Cloud technology in Banking by covering cloud workload analysis, cloud roadmaps and mainframe migrations to the cloud for banks.

Other coverage areas include Digital Transformation, Cost Optimization and Artificial Intelligence for the banks.

From an emerging-market perspective, he has extensive coverage of the EMEA emerging markets (that is, the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe) and some key Asia/Pacific countries, such as India and China.

Previous experience

Previously, Mr. D'Orazio has been Agenda Manager for the banking team and until 2016 he was part of the Gartner Technology and Service Provider Research within the Vertical Industries team, where he was responsible for the banking and securities markets across EMEA and Asia/Pacific. He has also been the Project Manager and lead author for the Gartner Enterprise IT Spending Forecast (aka Vertical Forecast) for five years.

Prior to joining Gartner, Mr. D'Orazio gained experience and established a solid background in the data warehousing and business intelligence sectors by building solutions for major Italian and German banks. He also ran projects in the grid computing area, managing strategies for this technology. He has studied extensively the use of data integration solutions in modern banking systems.

Professional background



Accenture - Financial Services


Dresdner Bank

Data Warehouse Architect and Business Analyst

Areas of coverage

Financial Services Digital Business Strategy and Innovation

Financial Services Technology Modernization and Transformation


M.B.A., CIIM (Cyprus International Institute of Management)

Member of the Italian Engineers Professional Body

M.Eng., Aerospace Engineering, La Sapienza, University of Rome

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Vendor selection for core banking system

2Core banking migration strategies

3Core banking system's contract negotiation and pricing

4Cloud market trends in banking

5Cloud migrations for the bank