Gartner Vendor Ratings

How to use Gartner Vendor Ratings effectively

Vendor Ratings provide go-to content for end-users evaluating providers for strategic partnerships:

  • Assess aspects of a technology provider’s strength
  • Show how providers stack up and how they are positioned for the long-term
  • Help manage provider portfolio risks
  • Support key purchase, investment and renewal decisions

Vendor Ratings also deliver a holistic view of providers’ offerings and strategic directions to help you see how these align with your business objectives and ensure you have a balanced provider portfolio.

What is our vendor selection criteria?

Vendor selection is based on a methodology that includes regular review of our client buying-decision needs to focus on a small number (25 – 35) of key providers. It uses a blend of four core metrics for assignment, averaged over two years to avoid spikes in data:

  • Demand metrics — Gartner clients inquiry and search
  • Coverage metrics  — Inclusion in Magic Quadrants and other Gartner research 

We reserve the right to choose additional providers for strategic reasons, such as criticality to our clients’ businesses.

How do vendor ratings work?

Technology providers with a clear focus, solid products and an advantageous market position may be rated Positive or Strong. Providers that face challenges in these areas may be rated Caution or Weak. Those that have potential but still have some areas to develop further are rated Variable.

  • Strong. Customers can feel comfortable investing in a continued relationship with this provider. Potential customers should consider this provider a strong choice for new strategic investments.
  • Positive. Customers should continue planned investments. Potential customers should consider this provider a viable choice for strategic or tactical investments, while planning for known limitations.
  • Variable. Customers should consider the short- and long-term impact of possible changes in status. Potential customers should factor issues and opportunities related to the ongoing evolution and maturity of this provider into their decisions.
  • Caution. Customers should understand challenges in relevant areas and develop contingency plans based on risk tolerance and possible business impact. Potential customers should consider the provider’s challenges in their due diligence.
  • Weak. Customers should execute contingency options. Potential customers should consider this provider only for tactical investments with rapid payback.