A New Role for CSCOs in Supply Sourcing

Learn about postpandemic changes to supply bases, markets and manufacturing locations.

The pandemic tore through global supply chains, preying on weak points that had gone unaddressed for years. CSCOs are now facing growing trade barriers and calls to bring manufacturing and supply bases back to their home countries. In the Gartner Future of Supply Chain Survey, 30% of respondents said that they are shifting from a global supply chain model to one that is regionally based.

Gartner recommends diversifying supply sourcing locations to build a model that reduces reliance on single-sourcing locations wherever possible. Download the report to understand how today’s leading supply chains are:

  • Responding and adjusting to these changes
  • Building supply sourcing strategies for resilience and agility

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    Trends in global supply chain management

    The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the fragility of supply chains that are optimized only for cost efficiency rather than resilience. Today’s fast-changing business environment puts new demands on global supply chain management. Gartner knows the keys to effective global supply chain management, and provides the practical, data-driven insights you need to balance cost efficiency with supply chain resilience.

    View more resources on trends in global supply chain management.