Improve Supply Chain Effectiveness & Efficiency

Gartner Supply Chain Score redefines supply chain effectiveness assessment

According to Gartner's Future of Supply Chain Survey,  38% of chief supply chain officers are concerned that their supply chains are not very well-positioned to handle the challenges of the next two years. And even if they were, it’s difficult to tackle immediate supply chain priorities in a way that also advances the function.

Leaders can improve their supply chain effectiveness by assessing supply chain performance against a structured framework and identifying the highest-impact action steps.

Gartner Supply Chain Score clarifies not only how far a supply chain function has progressed, but also what steps to take next and what to prioritize.

Download the supply chain report to:

  • Evaluate how you stack up across 10 supply chain objectives
  • Enable supply chain planning and transformation
  • Make the business case for supply chain investment

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    Improve Supply Chain Effectiveness with Gartner Supply Chain Score

    Gartner Supply Chain Score - an independent assessment of how your supply chain organization compares to peers - enables you to improve supply chain effectiveness.  With Gartner Supply Chain Score, a supply chain executive can identify and prioritize the right capabilities for advancing the supply chain performance. Once you know where to improve, Gartner Supply Chain Score is the gateway to practical step-by-step checklists proven to drive action toward supply chain effectiveness, no matter your starting point. This assessment will help you in the following areas:

    • Strategic and annual planning — Understand how well your function is performing in its current state.
    • Functional transformation — Support short-term and long-term supply chain planning by clearly identifying next steps and associated resources.
    • Resource allocation — Ensure supply chain strategy and resources align with market opportunities and business needs.

    Inquire about participation in Gartner Supply Chain Benchmarking

    Gartner offers a range of benchmarks and diagnostics that help not only with improving supply chain effectiveness, but also prioritizing the right supply chain metrics and creating an efficient supply chain budget

    Supply Chain Effectiveness FAQs

    The COVID-19 global pandemic manifested an unprecedented level of uncertainty and disruption for society, business and supply chain. Though even before the pandemic, the pace of change was increasing. The “new normal” is for supply chain executives to manage continuous volatility of market demand, uncertainty due to frequent risk of supply chain disruption, and complexity in product portfolios and global supply chain operations. It is the supply chain organizations that are efficient and effective that thrive in such an environment.

    Supply chain executives can improve supply chain efficiency and effectiveness by:

    • Aligning measurements of supply chain performance with business outcomes.
    • Benchmarking end-to-end supply chain performance.
    • Making strategic investments and trade-offs of people, process and technology.
    • Driving a culture of teamwork and continuous improvement in the supply chain organization.

    Measuring Supply Chain Effectiveness: Keys to Success

    • Prioritize Metrics Based on Business Context: Review supply chain objectives and improvement areas and translate them into discrete measurable supply chain operational outcomes. Then choose the metrics that best track progress to these supply chain effectiveness outcomes.
    • Look at Performance From the Customer’s Perspective: Today’s digitally empowered consumers have new levels of expectations when it comes to customer service, and this now includes the overall experience. To meet these new demands, supply chain executives must measure supply chain effectiveness through the eyes of the customer by taking into consideration experiential metrics such as Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Score.
    • Simplify the Dashboard: Organize supply chain effectiveness metrics into a simple and engaging dashboard to increase user engagement.