6 Ways Supply Chain Analytics Mitigate Business Disruptions

Use supply chain analytics during disruptions to respond, recover and renew.

In today’s environment, a large majority of companies are facing more frequent and impactful disruptions to their operations. In a recent Gartner survey, 76% of supply chain executives indicated that compared to three years ago, their company today is facing more frequent disruptions in their supply chain. 

With more available and reliable data analytics in supply chain, leaders are looking to use supply chain predictive analytics to sense, mitigate and recover from current events and prepare for future disruptions.

So you can support response and recovery, 6 Ways Supply Chain Analytics Mitigate Business Disruptions outlines how to:

  • Use real-time data and supply chain analytics to track unfolding disruption
  • Deploy visualization to predict the impact of disruptions on your business
  • Leverage supply chain predictive analytics and simulation to gauge likely future scenarios
  • Revise supply chain policies with scenario modeling

Download the research to learn how supply chain executives can deploy a portfolio of analytics techniques to leverage during current events and future disruptions.

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    Mitigate business disruptions with supply chain analytics support from Gartner

    Supply chain excellence depends on strong supply chain analytics strategy. Yet for many organizations, driving analytics adoption — let alone mitigating business disruptions through supply chain analytics — faces many challenges: Few have the data foundation needed; relevant talent and skills are limited; and adoption is low because ROI is unclear. To make better supply chain and organizational decisions, it’s critical that you harvest accurate and comprehensive data, secure the technical and business skills needed to maximize its value, and invest in real-time analytics and digital solutions. Gartner provides the insights, advice and tools you need to build a strong supply chain analytics strategy and secure buy-in from key stakeholders for supply chain digital transformation.