
Meet the world’s leading IT experts and thought leaders at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ conference in Kochi, India.

Get inspired by the world’s leading IT experts, thought leaders and Gartner experts

We are hard at work securing a world-class lineup of guest keynote speakers, experienced practitioners and Gartner experts for the 2023 conference. Check back for updates.


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List of Gartner experts

At the conference, you’ll hear straight from the Gartner experts behind the research.

Richard Addiscott

Sr Director Analyst

Gene Alvarez

Distinguished VP Analyst

Dave Aron

Distinguished VP Analyst

Manjunath Bhat

VP Analyst

Stewart Buchanan

VP Analyst

Frank Buytendijk

Distinguished VP Analyst

Kartik Cariappa

Sr Director, Conferences

Jeff Casey

Sr Director Analyst

Arun Chandrasekaran

Distinguished VP Analyst

Simon Cushing

Sr Director Analyst

Devendra Dhawale

Executive Partner

Milind Govekar

Distinguished VP Analyst

Partha Iyengar

Distinguished VP Analyst

Partha Iyengar

Distinguished VP Analyst

Madhwesh Kulkarni

Executive Partner

DD Mishra

Sr Director Analyst

Naveen Mishra

VP, Team Manager

Alicia Mullery

VP, Research

Gunjita Mundeja

Principal Analyst

Amresh Nandan

Distinguished VP Analyst

Rob O'Donohue

VP Analyst

Shivani Palepu

Principal Analyst

Deven Pandey

VP Service Delivery

Sagar Patel

Director Analyst

Brian Prentice

VP Analyst

Ganesh Ramamoorthy

Managing Vice President

Andy Rowsell-Jones

Distinguished VP Analyst

Arup Roy

VP Analyst

Daniel Sanchez Reina

VP Analyst

Laurie Shotton

VP Analyst

Svetlana Sicular

VP Analyst

Monika Sinha

VP Analyst

Sanil Solanki

VP, Team Manager

Ravi Somayajula

Executive Partner

Christian Stephan

Sr Director Analyst

Gavin Tay

VP Analyst

Jaideep Thyagarajan

Director Analyst

Jason Wong

Distinguished VP Analyst