What's the most important friction in deploying Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in your company?

+14 more

Cost of RPA products29%

Lack of developers who can code RPA applications43%

Amount of customization needed to automate business processes22%

Lack of RPA code maintenance resources3%


6.2k views2 Upvotes6 Comments

Head of Corporate Engagement in Finance (non-banking), 11 - 50 employees
As a B2B SaaS investor, RPA has been a focus of ours. Countless enterprise organizations are turning to RPA and/or BPO to cut costs and free up employees to do more high value work. Unfortunately 96% of companies fail to see an ROI on the investment. For many companies, especially mid-market companies, there's a lack of resources, bandwidth and expertise to successfully integrate/build/maintain automation software. Those who choose to outsource see long leads times and end up with very high attrition rates (40-50%) and low quality work product. 

We've been really impressed with Roots Automation (Rootsautomation.com) - a startup based in NYC that offers the first zero-integration, self-learning digital coworkers.
4 2 Replies
Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software, 1,001 - 5,000 employees

Olivia, the mid-market is our sweet spot where we’re seeing a lot of traction with customers at QuantumRhino (startup offering business process automation, and other managed services, completely US-based resources). All our business to date has been through referrals and word-of-mouth, and our vendor partners bringing us into accounts, and we can’t hire fast enough but the talent pool is very small. I’m working with my team to build out our strategy to reach more of that mid-market who could benefit from the value of our services.

General Partner in Software, 2 - 10 employees

I hear similar experiences i.e. ROI is below expectations. Most enterprises I talked to claim to spend 3-4x additional dollars on professional services/systems integrators for every dollar they spend on RPA tool licenses. 
Typical ROI on bot licenses vs human cost doesn't make sense. You need to look at TCO - including maintenance.

Chief Marketing Officer in Software, 51 - 200 employees
Interesting to see the RPA tool cost as the biggest driving factor. Or at least till the previous quarter and rising again. It's critical to carefully manage the automation spend to make returns; more so for SMEs. That is the key reason our RPA platform Aiwozo comes with unlimited bot licenses to help scale automation without worrying about ROI.
Global Vice President of Sales in Software, 11 - 50 employees
Not surprising to see COST as the #1 factor - this is the primary blocker for MOST Tools when doing an ROI needs analysis. This survey might have been more valuable if it asked the same question but said "what is the next highest factor beyond pricing..."
Director of Engineering in Finance (non-banking), Self-employed
RPA only makes sense in legacy UI. For modern apps, with modern interfaces RPA data integration using your choice or programming language or integration framework has more value.

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