Gartner Expert

Philip Dawson

VP Analyst

Philip Dawson is a Vice President in Gartner Research. Mr. Dawson specializes in digital infrastructure strategy built on intelligent infrastructure and hyperconvergence as a part of integrated systems and infrastructure modernization, cloud, ERP, and server platforms.

He is a leading authority on application modernization driving virtualization, portfolio consolidation, ERP migration and rationalization processes, and enabling cloud delivery. He has been at Gartner for 22 years and has more than 35 years of experience in the IT industry.

Previous experience

Prior to joining Gartner through the Meta Group acquisition, Mr. Dawson was a Competitive Market Research Manager with Sequent Computer Systems, Europe. In this role, he worked in product marketing, helping develop UNIX/NT integration strategies and introduce Intel IA-32/IA-64 NUMA platforms. Before this, he worked at Santa Cruz Operation as the Product Marketing Manager for all the layered products.

Professional background

Meta Group

Vice President

Sequent Computer Systems

Competitive Market Research Manager

Santa Cruz Operation

Product Marketing Manager

Areas of coverage

I&O Organizational Strategy

Data Center Infrastructure

Cloud and Edge Infrastructure


B.A., With Honors, Computing in Business, Huddersfield Polytechnic

Diploma, Computer Studies

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Intelligent platforms for cloud and on premise delivery.

2Application modernization driving I&O

3SLA Software Services not TCO Hardware Silos

4Rationalizing and Consolidation of repeatable services

5Integrated Systems , Hype convergence