Omnia Retail Reduces Cost Per Acquisition by 82% with Gartner Digital Markets

Omnia Retail, a dynamic pricing software provider, helps retailers and D2C brands unlock value from pricing through its dynamic pricing solution and competitor pricing data. Omnia Retail's software and customer support empower companies to automate different pricing strategies, from business rules to more advanced algorithms, leading to advanced pricing models that deliver higher revenue and increased market share.

The company has experienced rapid growth in the e-commerce sector over the past 5 years by focusing on enterprise accounts across Europe. But with an industry-specific product offering, Omnia Retail at times struggled to connect with the right in-market accounts that were ready to leverage its software.

Leon Curling-Hope, Head of Marketing and Insights at Omnia Retail, explained, "As the industry has matured, smaller retailers have entered the market looking for dynamic pricing software, but they don't always fit the ideal user profile. Usually the smaller the retailer, the less likely that it has the resources and skills needed to apply and run a pricing software solution effectively, and truly gain the full benefit from it." 

Omnia Retail sought to differentiate its product and restrategize its lead gen channel mix to capture the right accounts and drive more efficiency, while working to further educate potential clients about pricing optimization.

Personalized support for campaign optimization

In 2017, Omnia Retail launched lead generation campaigns on the Gartner Digital Markets platform to get a consistent lead flow. When Curling-Hope joined Omnia Retail a couple of years later, he overhauled the paid media strategy and decided to continue with Gartner Digital Markets as one of the main channels for high-quality, affordable leads. 

"It was easy to get internal buy-in, from both sales and finance, to keep investing in Gartner Digital Markets because we trust the brand and it provides a better ratio of cost per acquisition over client lifetime value compared to other paid affiliate channels," Curling-Hope said.

After the company went through a merger, Omnia Retail focused on revamping its premium product profile messaging to target both enterprise and mid-size businesses in the pricing optimization software category for retailers and brands.

In addition, the team collaborated closely with their dedicated account manager to identify which markets were working and optimize the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) bidding strategy for each campaign. 

"A key benefit from Gartner Digital Markets is the personalized campaign support. We have regular check-ins to look at the data and understand what's working and what isn't for continuous improvement. That is the kind of team we want to collaborate with that helps us grow," highlighted Curling-Hope. 

Generating high-quality leads at a lower cost

With Gartner Digital Markets, Omnia Retail was able to improve the efficiency of its lead generation strategy. 

The company tested and optimized campaigns to maximize leads from its target audience while staying within budget. Curling-Hope explained, "With the same amount of ad spend, we were able to generate more high-quality leads and drive campaign efficiency.” 

By adding Gartner Digital Markets' lead generation campaigns to its paid media strategy, Omnia Retail confirmed that it was able to reduce its cost per acquisition by 82% across its affiliate paid channel marketing. 

When analyzing its channel mix for attribution, the company identified that around 60% of its leads first interacted with Omnia Retail's profile on Capterra, then visited the company's website, engaged with its content, and ultimately, requested a demo. As a result of this buying journey, the number of qualified leads doubled and the disqualification rate was reduced by 18%.  

As Curling-Hope started to see positive ROI in Gartner Digital Markets' lead generation program, the company steadily increased its budget in markets where it was seeing success, such as the U.K., Germany, and the Netherlands. By leveraging Gartner Digital Markets' global services, such as translated profiles and reviews, Omnia Retail plans to set up multi-language campaigns as it expands further. 

Novorad logo

Software Category:
Pricing Optimization

Lead Generation

The Netherlands

Business impact

With Gartner Digital Markets, Omnia Retail was able to:

  • Optimize its PPC bidding strategy with personalized campaign support
  • Reduce cost per acquisition by 82%
  • Double the number of qualified leads
  • Generate high-quality leads in its target countries

I recommend Gartner Digital Markets not only because it offers a great combination of lead generation and reviews, but also because of the hands-on support from a dedicated account manager.

Leon Curling-Hope

Head of Marketing and Insights, Omnia Retail

Get More High-Quality Leads with Gartner Digital Markets

Launch lead generation campaigns that convert active buyers where they are searching for software.