Novarad Books 2x More High-Quality Demos With Intent Data From Gartner Digital Markets

Novarad, a medical imaging software provider, serves a wide market of individual imaging centers, imaging groups, and hospitals nationwide. The company’s distributed sales team faced challenges setting qualified demos with heads of radiology that often juggled administrative duties, site visits, and patient care across multiple locations.

When asked about Novarad’s sales challenges, Vice President of Sales Paul Shumway said, “You want your sales reps spending their time selling, and ours had to do a lot of their own prospecting because we could not give them enough demos. We were converting only about 5% of the facilities we call on to demos.” 

As a result, his team found themselves setting calls with facilities that weren't ready to switch providers and chasing demos to reschedule. “It’s a big problem for us,” Shumway continued. “We only have two people setting appointments, and we contract (contact) additional technical experts to attend every demo, who are often heads of radiology themselves.”

Shumway needed a way to help his team find more medical facilities that were ready to switch providers and lower his costs to produce a qualified demo. Fortunately, Novarad was already generating qualified leads from Gartner Digital Markets, so the company’s account manager was able to recommend integrating buyer intent data to optimize its lead data and prospecting strategy.

Thousands of prospects delivered straight to sales’ inbox

Novarad added Buyer Discovery, Gartner Digital Markets’ intent data, to its prospecting strategy in 2021 after learning they could:

  • Predict which medical facilities were in-market and most likely to book a demo.
  • Craft an email or pitch according to each facility’s competitive research.
  • Share helpful information with the facilities viewing Novarad’s product profile.

In less than a week, Shumway’s market development representatives (MDRs) began receiving emails with thousands of fresh prospects to call. And with the help of a dedicated intent data specialist, the team was able to focus on Novarad’s ideal customer profile and call on prospects that were a best-fit.

The MDRs, sales reps, and technical experts all noted a quick improvement in the quality of conversations they were having with prospects. Shumway said, “We could tell it was working because we scheduled the demos we needed, which made everyone happy, and the prospects showed up asking good questions of our technical experts.” 

Higher sales productivity and sustainable pipeline growth

Since Novarad added Buyer Discovery to its strategy, Shumway’s team books twice as many demos each month creating a steady flow of pipeline and sustainable revenue growth. “We’re now able to give enough demos to sales reps. Now, we book demos with 17% of the facilities we call on, and our win rate is about 60%,” Shumway rejoiced.

In addition to a strong close rate, Shumway has spotted a few instances where deals closed faster than its typical sales cycle of 6 to 12 months. “A couple deals that came from Gartner Digital Markets closed in 2 to 3 months. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s great when it does,” Shumway said. “The prospects we receive from Gartner Digital Markets already know what they want and that makes the deals close faster. All we have to do is understand and follow their workflow to make it happen. It’s a trend we plan to follow over the long term.”

With the Novarad sales team running full steam ahead, the company has had more time to explore new strategies, such as the introduction of a new product called Cardiology PACs. Novarad expects a lot of cross-sell and upsell opportunities from its existing clients with the introduction of this new product. Additionally, the success Shumway has experienced with Buyer Discovery has caused other divisions within the business to follow in his teams’ footsteps. 

Novorad logo

Medical Imaging Software

Buyer Discovery, Lead Generation


Business impact

With the support of Gartner Digital Markets, Novarad was able to: 

  • Book 2x more high-quality demos
  • Win 60% of deals sourced from Gartner Digital Markets
  • Tailor sales pitches to outperform competitors

We love the quality of the data that we get from Gartner Digital Markets, and we find our account team is great to work with. We are always able to speak to someone and get the help we need when we’re trying to tweak our plan or find a way to improve outcomes.

Paul Shumway

Vice President, Novarad

Break Into More Deals With Gartner Digital Markets

Reach accounts that are ready to buy and increase win rates.