Gartner Market Forecast

Where are markets headed?

How fast will the market grow and what is the market growth potential? What market assumptions stand behind a published forecast? Gartner Market Forecasts help you prioritize investments and identify growth opportunities within the IT market. They enable you to base your critical business decisions on proven methodologies.

How do clients use Market Forecasts?

Our relationships with 12,000 distinct enterprises across both the provider and user communities give clients a picture of supply and demand they can only get from Gartner. As a result, clients use our forecasts as checks against their own internal forecasts in the telecom, IT services, software, device, data center system and semiconductor industries to:

  • Understand the potential market opportunities
  • Identify changing market conditions, their impact on the market and the related assumptions
  • Evaluate, formulate and validate business plans

How do Market Forecasts work?

A Gartner Market Forecast is based on a market model specific to the dynamics of a particular market segment and it identifies the key influencing factors about which assumptions are made. These assumptions are informed by numerous fact bases, such as primary and secondary research, inquiry analysis and an extensive network of industry contacts. Our aim is to help you fully understand a market’s future spending patterns and provide quantified insight to support your business decision making.

Our standard forecasts include two years of historical data and five years of future projections, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of supply and demand by market, geography and industry vertical on a quarterly basis.

Market Forecasts provide supporting analysis that explains how Gartner envisions market trends playing out in both primary and adjacent markets and the associated assumptions that Gartner believes have high impact on the forecast.

Market Forecasts help you:

  • Understand the market opportunity for IT products and services. 
  • Differentiate which market opportunities are emerging, maturing or declining. 
  • Base your business plans and strategies on fact, not conjecture.