Gartner Expert

Kristian Steenstrup

Distinguished VP Analyst

Kristian Steenstrup is a Distinguished Analyst and Gartner Fellow (Emeritus) in Gartner's Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation research team. Mr. Steenstrup helps CIOs and technology leaders explore the opportunities and impacts of digital business now and into the future, within asset intensive industries. This includes using Operational Technology and Digital Business to enhance reliability strategies and equipment performance. As a Gartner Fellow, he is involved in cross-topic research across Gartner, leading research on IT and Operational Technology alignment, EAM and APM, with expertise in asset-intensive enterprises (such as Manufacturing, mining, power, utilities, oil and gas, and transportation).

Previous experience

Mr. Steenstrup was part of the CIO and CEO research teams for the last 3 years. Prior to that, he was the manager of an industry research advisory group in Gartner for five years. He has presented papers at conferences worldwide, covering topics such as asset management improvements, real-time integration of monitoring systems, and the integration of asset management and ERP systems. Before joining Gartner, he worked in ERP and EAM system design and delivery for more than 15 years in a number of global markets, including the U.K., the U.S., Canada, Australia and Latin America. During this period, he was directly involved in emerging technologies applied to asset intensive industires and worked on implementation projects at Union Pacific Railroad, Hawaiian Electric, Inco Mining, Pacific Power, Nebraska Public Power, Scottish Power and Toronto Hydro. A resident in North America from 1993 through 2000, Mr. Steenstrup was involved in EAM delivery, sales and software development for these markets. On returning to Australia, he was part of corporate management for an international software company, responsible for the initiation of new revenue groups and the overall product marketing for software and solutions.

Professional background

International ERP company

Vice President, Product Strategy

International ERP company

Sales Director

International ERP Company

Vice President, Technical Support and Customer Services

Areas of coverage

Energy and Utilities Technology Optimization and Modernization

CIO Impact on Digital Business Strategy and Execution

Manufacturing Digital Transformation and Innovation (Retired)

Manufacturing IT Optimization and Modernization (Retired)

Energy and Utilities Digital Transformation and Innovation


B.A.S., Computing, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1IT and operational technology (OT) convergence, alignment and integration

2Using technology to support maintenance and reliability strategies

3Understanding business differentiators in asset-centric businesses

4IoT applied to industrial reliability

5Data and analytics for equipment