Gaviti Reduces Cost per Acquisition by 66% With Gartner Digital Markets’ Intent Data

Gaviti, an accounts receivable and collections startup, sought to achieve aggressive growth targets by introducing an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. With a vertical-agnostic software and what the company believed was an unlimited addressable B2B market, Gaviti saw a need to reduce wasted media spend and steer sales toward the accounts that would help it move the needle.

Ilan Hertz, VP of Marketing at Gaviti, worked with Gartner Digital Markets in prior roles and knew he could start driving pipeline with access to in-market buyers. Hertz claimed Gaviti’s product profile and started capturing inbound demand in 2021. Then, in 2022, he explored Buyer Discovery, Gartner Digital Markets’ intent data, to gain visibility into more accounts researching Gaviti and its competitors on Capterra, Software Advice and GetApp.

Scoring high-intent accounts in its CRM

Gaviti sought to launch its ABM program by correctly timing outbound sales plays. Hertz automated their process by integrating intent data with its installed CRM, HubSpot. “We started working with Gartner Digital Markets’ intent data because we could easily funnel it into HubSpot. The data needs to go into HubSpot because that’s our main hub and we use it to rank and score the accounts.”

With Buyer Discovery in Hubspot, Gaviti scored accounts by weighing their intent levels and session activities. For example, accounts with high intent were scored higher than those with low intent, and accounts that viewed Gaviti’s product profile or a top competitors’ profile received additional points on their score. 

When asked how he decided on his scoring method, Hertz said, “We’re a pretty lean team, and we like to move fast. My approach was to keep it simple at first and continuously improve over time. We used the native account scoring features in HubSpot to combine intent signals from Buyer Discovery with other buying signals we collect and automatically trigger an alert for sales development team. I meet with them every couple of weeks to see how changes in our scoring model affect their response rates and the quality of their conversations.” 

Saving sales time and reducing acquisition cost

Once accounts crossed a scoring threshold, HubSpot alerted Gaviti’s sales team that the account was ready to engage. On every account, Gaviti’s sellers could view the intent level and activities from Buyer Discovery to find out what product they were interested in and even which competitors they were up against. 

Today, Gaviti has reduced its cost per acquisition 66% when an opportunity is sourced from the ABM program versus those from traditional demand gen efforts. Gaviti gained the ability to prospect in smarter ways with intent data, saving sales reps time and accelerating pipeline development for ABM programs. And by focusing on the right accounts, the sales team was able to close deals faster. 

“We realized every customer that we eventually closed a deal with checked us out on Capterra beforehand,” said Hertz.

In the future, Gaviti plans to expand its account scoring method by looking at both inbound and outbound touches and building attribution models from there. The company will transition into a pod structure improving collaboration between marketing and sales teams to leverage intent signals more effectively.

Careficient logo

Software Category:
Accounts receivable  

Buyer discovery, lead generation


Business impact

With the support of Gartner Digital Markets, Gaviti was able to: 

  • Create an account scoring method using intent data signals
  • Automate account assignment and alerts for sales development
  • Increase the number of demos that converted to closed deals, while staying within budget
  • Reduce cost per acquisition by 66%

At Gaviti, we are able to address high-intent accounts more effectively with lower costs per acquisition while using a lean marketing team.

Ilan Hertz

VP, Marketing, Gaviti

Break Into More Deals With Gartner Digital Markets

Reach accounts that are ready to buy and increase win rates.