Gartner Score Diagnostic Family

Advancing functional performance to support enterprise goals

The Gartner Score Diagnostic Family provides a set of interactive maturity assessments designed to help you measure, prioritize, and improve your function’s performance on critical activities. The best way to decide which improvements are most valuable to your organization’s performance is to understand which activities have the most critical gaps between maturity and your organization’s business priorities.

Instead of simply targeting low maturity activities, Gartner Score diagnostics optimizes your business resources by identifying activities that need to perform at a higher maturity based on your organization’s strategy. Being able to look across the entire function or capability provides vital context because activities don’t operate in isolation but in conjunction with, and supportive of, one another.

An objective measure of maturity

A Gartner Score assessment is rooted in actual practices. Rather than self-assessing maturity, organizations answer specific questions — markers of maturity — that Gartner transforms into maturity measures using a proprietary algorithm.

Gartner Score spans the enterprise

The Gartner Score diagnostic tool uses a standardized methodology for maturity assessments that span the enterprise, reflecting the desire for executives to view their organizations holistically. For instance, a leader can assess maturity across multiple IT functions (such CIO leadership, infrastructure and operations and program and portfolio management), and include HR and finance diagnostics — all using a consistent methodology and reporting visuals.

How do I use Gartner Score diagnostics?

Gartner Score diagnostics help you prioritize areas based on Gartner’s experience and research into what defines high-performing organizations. After you assess your organization’s performance against a peer-based framework, you can identify your most critical maturity gaps and review customized step-by-step maturity roadmaps that provide resources and recommendations to help you close these gaps.

The results enable you to see (and share with your colleagues) a graphical analysis of the gap between maturity and what’s important to generate tangible results for your business. Other views in the results include depicting the differences between leaders and team viewpoints, identifying alignment gaps that may impede organizational progress.

Who should participate?

There are three different strategies for choosing participants. Each are equally valid approaches but can reveal different nuances.

  1. The first approach is to simply take a Gartner Score diagnostic yourself. That is the quickest and easiest option and will allow you to review your results as soon as you complete the diagnostic.

  2. If you’d like to gain the insights and expertise from your team, invite them to participate as well. We recommend inviting the functional leaders who are best able to assess how the team performs each activity, and the relative importance of the activity to your organization’s objectives. Typically, this no more than 10 to 12 trusted leaders who have in-depth knowledge of some parts of your business, even if they may not be familiar with others.

    Another benefit of this approach is being able to see where your view differs from that of your team. As you deploy the survey, you can nominate yourself, or one or more people as a leader. Your Gartner Score report then includes a slide showing how the leader’s view differs from the aggregate view of the rest of the team, indicating potential differences in alignment.

  3. The final approach is to gather your team in a room or on a conference call and go through the survey, discuss, air opinions and come to a consensus for each answer together. This approach ensures all team members express impressions in open discussion and come to a group consensus. It can make the result more actionable, since everyone is aligned on the inputs, it’s easier to act on the outputs. Keep in mind, there is always a potential risk that this approach could stifle valuable dissenting voices.

Gartner Score diagnostics help you:

  • Gain insight into your organization’s capabilities, based on the priorities that determine where you should focus resources to generate tangible business results
  • Understand the specific steps to take in those priority areas to advance the function
  • Leverage Gartner’s resources to implement foundational, featured and progressive practices you can implement to drive results