3 ERM Strategies for Effective Third-Party Risk Management

Improve your organization’s management of third-party risk

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    59% of organizations have experienced a data breach due to third-party risk management, and yet management of these risks remains siloed and ineffective.

    ERM leaders have a crucial role to play in standardizing vendor risk assessment, reducing duplication of efforts and speeding up due diligence to improve third-party risk management.

    Download this Gartner guide to discover three key strategies to better manage third-party risk:

    • Leverage ERM expertise to move from a siloed approach to cross-functional collaboration

    • Create a standard framework for managing third-party relationships 

    • Highlight areas of low visibility in the vendor network and set realistic expectations for response 

    About the ERM guide to third-party risk

    This research is based on analysis of Gartner data, interviews with enterprise risk management executives who manage vendor risks and secondary research into third-party risk management (TPRM).

    Learn how enterprise risk management can provide unique value to the business and create a unified picture of vendor risk in the enterprise by fostering cross-functional collaboration, reducing redundancies and better assessing the most challenging third-party risks.