Gartner Expert

Emil Berthelsen

VP Analyst

Emil Berthelsen helps Gartner clients with the challenges of achieving best practices in technology service provider areas of Industrial and Commercial IoT, IoT services, predictive maintenance and product management.

The impact of digital technologies such as IoT has changed the market landscape. The speed of change of technology and market has accelerated. New buyer behaviors have emerged. New service provider capabilities are crucial to support clients digitally transforming their businesses. Approaches to optimize, differentiate, disrupt and leverage data-driven insights have become mission critical. Technology service providers and their product and offering managers remain constantly challenged to achieve excellence, and with the assistance of Gartner and our insights, we aim to support and navigate clients through these challenging journeys.

Digital business transformations have become commonplace catalysts for change. To navigate these changes in Product and Service Management as well as the complexity behind IoT, Emil helps Gartner clients identify the issues, explore their options and implement the best practices to achieve sustainable business success. Writing research and addressing end user and service provider inquiries for Industrial and Commercial IoT, IoT Service Providers, Product Management, and predictive maintenance, Emil is closely involved with such topics as IoT trends and technologies (and IoT platforms, IoT data and analytics and IoT data monetization), IoT services, and predictive maintenance as well as product management and leadership.

Emil remains a thought leader for Gartner's IoT and Product Management research, contributing to and driving such thought-provoking and pragmatic topics as the Top Tech Provider Trends, the Edge of the Edge, competitive landscapes for IoT Service Providers and IoT-enabled Predictive Maintenance Solution Vendors and the Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT platform vendors

Previous experience

Prior to joining Gartner, Mr. Berthelsen worked at Machina Research, a global research and consulting firm in M2M, IoT and Big Data. Previously, he has worked as an international management consultant with Proudfoot, BT Consulting and KPMG Consulting across multiple industries including emerging technology and telecommunications. His experience includes industry analyst research, management, business and strategy consulting, IT value added reseller management and general market research. He has worked on research and consulting in M2M, IoT and Big Data, providing global advisory support and thought-leadership to clients of Machina Research. He has published Strategy Reports and Research Notes, and several external articles, and presented, chaired and moderated subject conferences around the world.

Professional background

Machina Research

Principal Analyst

Analysys Mason


BT Consulting

Principal Consultant

Areas of coverage

Product and Services Strategy for Tech CEOs

Product/Service Organization and Leadership

Product/Service Discovery and Validation

Product/Service Evolution and Management

Technology Market Essentials


MPhil in International Relations, University of Cambridge

BA Honours in International Relations, University of Sussex

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1IoT Service Providers

2Industrial and Commercial IoT (Magic Quadrant for IIoT platforms)

3Predictive Maintenance

4Product Leadership and Management

5Edge and IoT