Gartner Expert

DD Mishra

Sr Director Analyst

D.D. Mishra is involved in high-quality analyses across all outsourcing services, as well as identification and development of new research topics addressed to meet requirements of Gartner clients. His responsibilities include working with clients to resolve sourcing issues in infrastructure outsourcing, along with developing research to drive improved performance, operational efficiency, cost optimization and partner management and to support various Gartner initiatives and events in the area of infrastructure sourcing.

Roles and responsibility

CIOs, sourcing managers, account managers and delivery managers from providers

Previous experience

Before joining Gartner, Mr. Mishra was involved in managing sourcing relationships in a large outsourced setup and worked in partner management, contract management, delivery and performance management, relationship management, change and transformation initiatives, program management, and the CIO's office. He was also involved in doing sourcing advisory and wrote on various CIO- and IT-related topics.

Professional background

Vodafone India




NIIT Technologies


Areas of coverage

Sourcing, Procurement and Vendor Management Leaders


Master's degree, Computer Applications

Bachelor of Science degree, Physics

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1Contract Negotiation

2Service Level Agreement

3Partner & Relationship Management

4Service Transition

5IT Strategic Sourcing