Prioritize the top cost optimization initiatives for your communications function

Looking to cut costs? Instead identify where to reduce, protect and invest to drive growth and efficiency.

Organizations that follow a structured cost optimization program are more likely to access increased funding, and demonstrate value from their investments.

The Gartner Cost Optimization Decision Framework helps you prioritize cost optimization opportunities by value, not just the potential to reduce spending.

Use this framework to:

  • Create a prioritized list of your most promising cost optimization opportunities
  • Assess the level of impact of your cost plans across key decision factors/criteria
  • Evaluate the trade-offs between the benefits, costs, risks, and viability of different cost control initiatives
  • Map cost reductions on a simple grid to show the trade-offs and help build buy-in for your cost reduction strategy.

Download your Communications Cost Optimization Framework today.

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    Gartner decision frameworks enable you — through a combination of scoring and executive judgment — to identify key cost optimization initiatives to implement each over time.

    • Assess the level of impact across six decision factors/criteria (eg financial impact, mission risk).
    • Evaluate the trade-offs between benefits, costs, mission risk and viability of cost optimization initiatives.
    • Map your cost optimization initiatives on a simple grid to show the trade-offs and help build buy-in.