Corrections 2022

A listing of corrections, errors and omissions.

Gartner strives to meet the highest standards for accuracy and thoroughness in our research and editorial coverage. When oversights occur, however, we will list them below.

29 December 2022
Market Share Analysis: Digital Commerce, Worldwide, 2021 (G00771526) has been republished to correct the Others row data in Table 2: Top 10 Digital Commerce Software Providers by Revenue, Worldwide, 2020 and 2021 (Millions of Dollars). The Others’ 2021 market share is 48.4%, and the Others’ 2020 through 2021 growth is 15.9%. An updated version of the document is now available on

23 December 2022
How Organizations Can Boost Pay Transparency and Employee Confidence With Communication (G00780061) has been republished to correct two labels in the legend of Figure 1. An updated version is now available on

21 December 2022
Critical Capabilities for Security Information and Event Management (G00755436) has been republished to display the updated scores for Logpoint in the interactive view of the use cases. The scores were updated on 2 December 2022, but were not reflected in the interactive version until this time.. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 December 2022
Market Guide for Life Policy Admin Systems, EMEA (G00767886) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In the RGI vendor profile, we corrected the “Primary target countries or regions” and “Regional SI partners” listed for the vendor. An updated version of the document is now available on

Business Case for Strategic Workforce Planning (G00783683) has been republished to correct the continuum order in slides 6 and 7 of the attachment, which was transposed. An updated version is now available on

16 December 2022
Gartner’s Guide to Website Redesign: Plan, Deploy, Maintain and Optimize Your Digital Experience (G00775466) has been republished. Figure 2 has been replaced with the correct figure, displaying Gartner’s five Website Dimensions.

15 December 2022
Magic Quadrant for Global Industrial IoT Platforms (G00760641) erroneously included Tulip in the Honorable Mentions section. Tulip does not have an IIoT offering but instead has some IIoT capabilities as part of a low-code application platform with a focus on operations technology. Therefore, the mention of Tulip has been removed. The corrected report is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, Worldwide (G00760638) has been revised to update the second Cautions bullet for Google. The revised document is now available on

14 December 2022
Leadership Vision for 2023: Sales Enablement (G00778773) has been republished. The pie chart in Slide 12 was updated to show the correct percentage (49%) of sellers that expect the current skills they use in their role to be outdated in two to three years.

13 December 2022
How to Build a Successful Loyalty Program That Drives Revenue Growth and Brand Engagement (G00774003) has been republished to correct the survey date and question used for Figure 4.

12 December 2022
How and When to Use a Contact Center in Microsoft Teams (G00773535) was republished on 12 December 2022. 

Figure 10 was updated to more accurately depict the capabilities of Audiocodes’ VoiceAI Connect within the architecture diagram.

The text has been updated to add Anywhere365 as a vendor that supports consumption-based licensing models and to update the list of channels available through Microsoft’s Azure Communication Services.

The text and Table 2 have been updated to correctly reflect the vendors that Microsoft is currently working with for the Power integration model for Teams.

The revised document is now available on 

8 December 2022
Market Guide for Digital Health Platforms (G00760304) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we updated the link for Google Cloud Healthcare API, and in the GE Healthcare vendor profile, we removed an incorrect reference to Microsoft Azure. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Life Policy Administration Systems, Americas (G00766399) has been republished to correct Table 1 in the Representative Vendors section. For the vendor Majesco, we changed a cell in the “Group — All Others” column from light gray to light blue, representing a range from 1% to 25%. An updated version of this document is now available on

6 December 2022
Tool: Assessment of M&A Capabilities (G00776829) has been republished to correct a formula in the “3. Summary Scoring” tab in the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

Digital IQ in Focus: Industrials and Chemicals Social Media 2022 (G00773113) has been revised. Figure 8 has been updated to reflect the correct data, which is that 80% of top industrial and chemical brands use partnerships with Facebook and Instagram on social media, while 20% do not use those partnerships.

1 December 2022
Market Guide for Commercial and Industrial Energy Management and Optimization Systems (G00780513) has been republished to update the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we corrected the product name associated with the vendor CO2 Smart Tech to “cost|TEM.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Energy Management and Optimization Systems (G00761020) has been republished to update the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we corrected the product name associated with the vendor CO2 Smart Tech to “cost|TEM.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Quick Answer: Finance Transformation Leader Priorities for 2023 (G00783423) has been republished to correct the label in Figure 2. The figure shows the initiatives in order of the level of finance transformation leader involvement, not CFO involvement.

30 November 2022
Risk Reporting Self-Assessment: The Path to Decision Influence (G00711313) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

21 November 2022
Understand Buyers, Personas and Roles to Improve Healthcare Marketing and Sales (G00775856) has been republished to correct the sample roles listed under the “Clinical Informatics Leader Buyer Persona” in Figure 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

GRC Software Benchmarking in Audit (G00778432) has been republished to update vendor RSA Archer to “Archer” throughout, and to add Diligent Highbond to Figure 2. An updated version is now available on

18 November 2022
Market Guide for Digital Shelf Analytics (G00764668) has been republished to correct the HQ location of vendor Course5 Intelligence in Table 1. Previously indicated as the U.S., it has now been corrected to India. An updated version is now available on

Market Guide for CSP Revenue Management and Monetization Solutions (G00760515) has been republished to update vendor Comviva’s product list with BlueMarble Commerce in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 November 2022
In Forecast Analysis: Robotic Process Automation Software, Worldwide (G00777147), Figure 1 and Table 1 showed amounts in current U.S. dollars but incorrectly stated that amounts were in constant U.S. dollars. Table 2 incorrectly stated that Nintex acquired Ephesoft and ContactEngine, when in fact, Kofax and NICE, respectively, acquired Ephesoft and ContactEngine. The corrected report is now available on

Data and Analytics Essentials: 3 Steps to Implement Self-Service Analytics (G00778692) has been republished. Notes were removed from Slide 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

16 November 2022
Why Supplier Innovation Needs to Be a Priority Today (G00767800) has been republished to replace preliminary survey data with final survey findings. Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been updated to reflect percentages in the final survey. Percentages in the accompanying in-text discussion have also been updated to reflect final survey findings. Registration information for the Supplier Innovation Executive Retreat that was held in May and July 2022 has been removed. An updated version of this document is now available on

Video: 5 Social Commerce Trends You Need to Know (G00779375) has been republished to correct a discrepancy between the narration and the on-screen text. An updated version is now available on

15 November 2022
Infographic: The Chief Revenue Officer (G00774275) has been republished. The data for the APAC and Middle East and Africa sectors has been updated to reflect the correct amounts of 5% for APAC and 2% for the Middle East and Africa. In addition, the percentage of CROs reporting to the CEO has been updated from 72% to 73%.

10 November 2022
Supplier Scorecard Library (G00776147) has been republished with multiple updates. In the IT Consulting Scorecard: In the Scorecard tab, “direct materials” was replaced by “IT Consulting” in point No. 1 under the Instructions. In the Contract Manufacturing Scorecard: In the “What it does” section of the Introduction tab, “chemical” is replaced by “contract manufacturers.” In the Logistics Scorecard: The “Financial” metric weighting on the Scorecard tab was reduced to 20% for the overall metric to equal 100%. In the Outsourced Providers Scorecard: In the Introduction tab, “Office Supplies” was corrected to “Outsourced Providers” in two places. In the IT Software Scorecard: In the “What it does” section of the Introduction tab, “IT Hardware” was replaced by “IT Software.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Legal Department Workload Analysis Survey (G00711293) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.”

Tool: Sample Code of Business Ethics (MetLife) (G00756858) has been retracted.

9 November 2022
Forecast: IT Spending by Employment Size, Worldwide, 2020-2026, 3Q22 Update (G00778711) has been republished to correct devices and telecom services data in the downloadable Excel file as well as the Wrapper. An updated version of this document is now available on

Vendor Rating: Micro Focus (G00746851) has been republished to correct the vendor’s rating for Product/Service in Figure 1 from “Positive” to “Variable”. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 November 2022
Quick Answer: Will Machine-Learning-Generated Code Replace Developers? (G00768918) has been republished to correct some factual errors in the GitHub Copilot paragraph. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 November 2022
Adaptive Governance Principles: How to Orchestrate and Boost the Success of Fusion Teams (G00774010) has been republished to replace Figure 4, which was inadvertently published with a duplication of Figure 5. An updated version is now available on

4 November 2022
Toolkit: Build a Business Case for a Sustainability Initiative (G00776628) has been republished with several updates. The Obtain Project Budget Presentation Builder.pptx Tool was updated to amend Slide 17’s incorrect inclusion of a column labeled “Initial Setup Costs” and to amend Slide 17’s column titled “Year 1 Expected Costs” to read “Year 1 Expected Benefits.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Quick Answer: Common Metrics Tracked by Recruiting Functions (G00780218) has been republished to correct a number of errors resulting from a data export fault. An updated version is now available on

3 November 2020
Market Guide for Advanced Distribution Management Systems (G00756341) has been republished to update the following: In Figure 3, to correct the product revenue percentages by region for ADMS vendors; in Figure 5, to accurately sort in descending order ADMS vendors’ market share by endpoints served; in Figure 6, to correct Oracle’s market growth by endpoints served in the last 12 months; and in Table 2, to revise General Electric’s available product version to GE ADMS June 2022, revise Survalent’s available product version to Survalent One ADMS v22, and to correct Oracle’s percentage of customers on latest release to 7%. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 November 2022
Technology Opportunity Prism: Indoor Location Services in Commercial Spaces (G00761168) was revised to rearrange items in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

Tool: Account Planning Template (G00778042) has been has been revised to update the Opportunity Plan tab in the spreadsheet tool. We have provided an additional calculation for Probability Adjusted Contract Value. The change does not impact any existing formulae in the tool. The revised document is now available on”

Tool: Key Account Plan Template (G00779814) has been revised to update the Opportunity Plan tab in the spreadsheet tool. We have provided an additional calculation for Probability Adjusted Contract Value. The change does not impact any existing formulae in the tool.  The revised document is now available on”

Achieving Business Growth From the Digital Customer Experience (G00772654) has been updated to modify Figure 3, where the delta figure for the third bar "Respect for Customer's Time" originally read as 1.6x, and is now 1.7x. The revised document is now available on

3 Myths Holding Back ROI for Digital Channels (G00777379) has been updated to modify Figure 5, where the delta figure for the third bar "Respect for Customer's Time" originally read as 1.6x, and is now 1.7x. The revised document is now available on

1 November 2022
Magic Quadrant for IT Service Management Platforms (G00758263) has been republished to correct the as-of date indicated in Figure 1. The date was previously erroneously indicated as May 2022; it has now been corrected to September 2022. An updated version is now available on

31 October 2022
Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage (G00760026) has been updated to change the name of the vendor to be Pure Storage. An updated version of this document is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage (G00760374) has been updated to change the name of the vendor to be Pure Storage. An updated version of this document is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Primary Storage (G00770420) has been reissued to update the name of vendor Pure Storage from “Pure” to “Pure Storage.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage (G00761906) has been updated to change the name of the vendor to be Pure Storage. The revised document is now available on

Toolkit: Vendor Identification for Infrastructure Monitoring Tools in China (G00773070) has been updated to reflect a  vendor name change in the attachment files, where previous references to Broada have been updated to UYUN. The revised document has been republished with an erratum and is now available on

Market Guide for Web Content Management (G00733661) has been republished to correct the name and website address of a company listed in Table 1 (Representative Vendors in the WCM Market). The vendor that we originally misnamed as Crafter Software now appears correctly as CrafterCMS with a hyperlink to The revised version of this document is now available on

Audit Management System Software Benchmarking (G00778699) was revised to remove a single reference to a secondary data source, due to a lack of objectivity, and in favor of more reliable, internal analysis.

28 October 2022
Supplier Scorecard Library (G00776147) has been republished with two updates. On the Logistics scorecard tab: The “Financial” metric weighting was reduced to 20% for the overall metric to equal 100%. On the Outsourced Providers scorecard tab: In the Introduction section, “Office Supplies” was corrected to “Outsourced Providers” in two places. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 October 2022
EVP Attributes That Cause Organizations to Lose Job Candidates (G00779286) has been republished to correct the subtitle in Figure 2, which should have read, ‘Percentage of Candidates.’ An updated version is now available on

Survey Analysis: Candidates’ Expectations, Experiences and Outcomes on the Job Market in 2022 (G00778087) has been republished to update Slide 18 in the accompanying slide deck. This update corrects the figure subtitle to “Percentage of Candidates,” to more accurately reflect the survey sampling. An updated version is now available on

24 October 2022
In Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Smart Robots and Drones (G00765277), Table 1 incorrectly listed “Warehouse Picking Robots” under the column heading “3 to 6 Years.” “Warehouse Picking Robots” is now correctly listed under the heading “6 to 8 Years.” The corrected report is now available on

21 October 2022
Critical Capabilities for Primary Storage (G00770420) has been reissued to update the name of vendor Pure from “Pure Storage” to “Pure.” An updated version of this document is now available on

How EMEA-Centric Organizations Build an HCM Technology Strategy (G00766132) has been republished to correct numbering and categorization errors in Table 2. An updated version is now available on

Market Share Analysis: ITOM, Value Management Software, Worldwide, 2021 (G00761773) has been republished to revise the type of bubble chart in Figure 1 (Top Five ITOM, Value Management Software Providers, Worldwide, 2021) to correct the information between BMC Software and ServiceNow and better display the results. An updated version of the document is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage (G00760374) has been reissued to update the name of vendor Pure from “Pure Storage” to “Pure.” An updated version of this document is now available on

20 October 2022
Quick Answer: What Data Do CHROs Share With Their Boards? (G00761515) was revised to update a data point in Figure 1. The previous version indicated 73% of respondents selected “workforce ethnicity distribution” as data they share with their boards. The corrected figure now shows 61%.

Tool: 2021 Gartner Eye on Innovation for Financial Services Submissions (G00767268) has been republished to update the content of the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 October 2022
Forecast Analysis: Hyperautomation Enablement Software, Worldwide (G00775055) was revised to include an updated figure. “Figure 2: Process-Agnostic Technologies That Enable Hyperautomation, Worldwide Revenue, 2021-2026” was created based on incorrect data. The figure was updated to reflect the correct data. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 October 2022
Assessment of Salesforce Service Cloud for Customer Engagement (G00760771) has been updated to: clarify that the Salesforce Service Cloud assessment is based on the Enterprise edition; remove redundant references to other Salesforce Service Cloud editions; position the Enterprise license as the basis for both documents (Salesforce Service Cloud assessment and Dynamics 365 Customer Service assessment). An updated version is now available on

12 October 2022
2023 Planning Guide for Data Management (G00773693) has been revised to clarify WANdisco’s product nomenclature in the analysis of the first trend. The revised document is now available on

Market Guide for Government ERP Solutions (G00746926) has been republished. Table 2, listing representative vendors, has been corrected to reflect that FinancialForce is no longer associated with Unit4.

Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (G00755317) has been republished to correct the rendering of Logpoint’s name throughout and to correct the wording of the Cautions bullets for Logpoint to read as follows:

  • Lack of UEBA self-build functionality: Logpoint supports a number of tool sets that have the ability to deliver analytics content, and although a large number of out-of-the-box analytics are available, advanced users will not be able to create new user and entity behavioral analytics for themselves.
  • Singular SaaS SIEM storage pricing model: Logpoint includes 90 days of indexed log storage with its SaaS product. A further 90 days of “cold” storage is chargeable, and buyers that require longer periods of storage must purchase in 90 day increments. Potential buyers should inquire about the cost of longer-term storage. Offloading to third-party log storage is available.
  • Europe-centric: Logpoint predominantly serves customers in one region, Europe. Sales are evident in North America, and infrastructure and sales forces appear to be present in the region and are growing. Buyers should satisfy themselves that the level of international support they require is available.

The updated version of this document is now available on

7 October 2022
Market Guide for Weather Data Solutions for Energy and Utilities (G00759917) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 3, we changed Energy Exemplar’s product name to “PLEXOS Modeling and Simulation Software.” An updated version of this document is now available on

How General Counsel Can Use Secondments to Plug Staffing Gaps (G00774493) has been republished to correct a wrongly named interviewee. Our interview was with Alan Wun and not Amanda Miller. An updated version is now available on

5 October 2022
Market Guide for Product Information Management Solutions (G00737318) has been republished. Information about Elastic Path was added to the 11th column of Table 1. Elastic Path was also added to the list of headless PIM vendors. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 October 2022
Market Guide for Software Resellers (G00732696) has been revised to correct details about Connection’s offering. The revised document is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Sales Force Automation Platforms (G00757170) has been amended to modify the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria section to reflect the most recent information. An updated version of this document is now available on

Toolkit: How to Diagnose and Solve Talent Challenges (G00762732) has been republished. The downloadable Excel tool titled “Talent Diagnostic and Solutions” has been updated to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis. As a result, two Excel attachments have also been updated: “Example of CIO With Talent Attrition Challenge” and “Example of CIO of Midsize Enterprise Challenge.” An updated version of this document is now available on

3 October 2022
Market Guide for Communications Platform as a Service (G00759795) has been republished to correct the vendor name “LINK Mobility,” and to add the vendor Vonage as a notable CPaaS-CCaaS provider in the Market Analysis section. An updated version of the document is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation Platforms (G00756921) has been amended modify to update the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria section to reflect the most recent information. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Hybrid Cloud Storage (G00752057) has been amended to update two WANdisco product names in Table 5 from WANdisco LiveData and WANdisco Fusion" to "WANdisco Data Migrator and WANdisco Edge to Cloud," respectively. An updated version of this document is now available on

What Collaboration Skills Are Necessary for New Ways of Working (G00776173) has been updated to make the following text changes to Figure 1: “Visual Collab Templates to “Template Acumen,” “Integrate Channels” to “WSC Channel Integration,” “Optimize WSC Channels” to “WSC Channel Optimization,” “Transcribe Meetings” to “Meetings Capture,” “Coordinate Tasks,” to “Task Management,” “VoE and DEX Reports” to “VoE and DEX Tech Familiarity,” “Cooperative vs. Collaborative” to “Collaborative vs. Cooperative,” “Create Dashboard” to “Dashboard Creation.” An updated version of this document is now available on

26 September 2022
Market Guide for Product Information Management Solutions (G00737318) has been republished. Information about Precisely was added to the ninth column of Table 1 and to the second column of Table 2. Information about inriver was added to the ninth column of Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 September 2022
Market Guide for Product Information Management Solutions (G00737318) has been republished. Information about Sales Layer was added to the second column of Table 1 and to the fourth column of Table 2. Information about Unbxd was added to the sixth column of Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

22 September 2022
Market Share: Content Services, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766167) was revised to correct erroneous data for some 2020 growth rates. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Share Analysis: Content Services, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766448) was revised to correct erroneous data for some 2020 growth rates. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 September 2022
Inquiry Analytics Statistics: Topic and Vendor Mind Share for Software, 2Q22 (G00777132) contained the following error: In the Excel attachment, the geographic areas were incorrectly tagged for around 37% of the dataset. These were tagged as blanks, while they should have been tagged with geographic areas (North America, Latin America, Japan, Western Europe, etc.). The report has been corrected and is now available on

Market Guide for Product Information Management Solutions (G00737318) has been republished. Information about Acquia was added to the third column of Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Integrated Workplace Management Systems (G00760864) has been republished to correct an error in the column header to Figure 2, which incorrectly read, “Building Mgmt.” This has been corrected to “Building Maintenance,” and the updated version is now available on

20 September 2022
7 Technology Disruptions Affecting Sales Through 2027 (G00768484) has been republished. Slide 3 of the attached PowerPoint has been updated to reflect the correct data point, which is that 70% (not 68%) of sales organizations plan to increase their tech spend. The revised document is now available on

In Forecast Alert: Cloud’s Impact on Software Markets (G00773739), we have updated the data for the security segment in all three figures. Table 1 has been revised overall. An updated version of this document is now available on

16 September 2022
Market Guide for Multicountry Payroll Solutions (756861) has been republished to correct the profiles for EY and Zalaris. Zalaris was also erroneously omitted from Table 6 (“Payroll BPO and Aggregation”) on first publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Supply Chain Planning Solutions System Integrators (G00739180) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. We corrected the vendor name “Chainalytics, an NTT DATA company” in multiple instances throughout the document. We also modified two data points for the vendor Cognizant, adding a full circle for Kinaxis in Table 1 and a full circle for Industrial Process in Table 2. An updated version of the document is now available on

Tool: Vendor Selection for Multicountry Payroll Solutions, 2022 (765832) has been republished to include an additional product from Zalaris that was erroneously omitted on initial publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 September 2022
Align Your 2022 Holiday Marketing With Consumer Insights (G00773434) has been revised to correct n counts and dates of data collection for all Gartner Consumer Community citations and figures. The revised document is now available on

Hype Cycle for Digital Advertising, 2022 (G00770045) has been updated to provide additional marketing context for the Generative AI technology and as a result the position of this technology has moved slightly on the Hype Cycle. The revised document is now available on

14 September 2022
Hype Cycle for Open-Source Software, 2022 (G00771218) has been updated to add the previously excluded “Open-Source Program Office” innovation profile. The revised document is now available on

Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Data and Analytics (G00725588) has been updated. Among the “sample vendors” in the Augmented Consumer section, we have updated a vendor’s name (from CodeZ to DataGenie). A new version of this document is now available on

In Market Share Analysis: Application Development Software, Worldwide, 2021 (G00761769), the 2021 revenue listed for Microsoft in Table 1 was incorrect. The corrected report is now available on

Tradeshow Strategies to Fuel Demand Generation Success (G00774312) was revised to correct a citation. Two bullets in the key findings were switched, rendering the phrase “in the same study” erroneous. The bulletshave been updated with the correct survey titles. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 September 2022
In Market Opportunity Map: Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services, Worldwide (G00763208), the market size number and CAGR for “AIM-Related PaaS” in Figure 1 and Table 1 were incorrect. The corrected report is now available on

12 September 2022
Market Share: PCs, Tablets and Mobile Phones, All Countries, 2Q22 Update (G00773502) has been republished to correct the display issue with regard to "rest of Eastern Europe" data. An updated version of this document is now available on

Toolkit: A Guide for Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshops in Times of Disruption (G00755964) has been republished with several updates. The links to the following PowerPoint presentations were updated to make them accessible to clients: “A Guide for Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshops in Times of Disruption (Toolkit Guide),” “Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshop Template (Customer),” “Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshop Template (Value Proposition),” “Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshop Template (Business Capabilities),” and “Business Model Ideation and Innovation Workshop Template (Financial Models).” An updated version of this document is now available on

9 September 2022
Marketing Score for Customer Experience (G00735325) has been republished to update Figure 1 to accurately reflect what the current CX score covers. The revised document is now available on

Tech Buying: Key Jobs and Challenges in the Healthcare Buying Process, 2022
(G00770589) has been republished to replace Figure 3 in the Data Insights section, because an incorrect figure was inadvertently published. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 September 2022
Forecast: Hard-Disk Drives, Worldwide, 2020-2026, 2Q22 Update (G00773628) has been republished to correct data entry in Table 1.2 in the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

In Tool: Sustainability Assessment for Product Leaders (G00774341), the scorecard graphic lacked the necessary labels and had inconsistent and nonintuitive coloring. The corrected report is now available on

7 September 2022
R&D Budget and Efficiency: Vitality Index Benchmarking Report (G00769487) has been republished due to a sample size error. We have removed an anecdotal bullet point that does not bear any influence on the outcome of the rest of the document and sample. Also, Figure 2 has been updated to include additional information on the sample used in the figure breakouts. The revised document is now available on

Financial Services: Compare States of Technology Investment for Commercial Banking Competitiveness (G00767494) has been republished to correct the sample size and description in Figure 7 in the Data Insights section. An updated version of this document is now available on

Europe Context: Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems (G00775629) has been republished to update vendor SAVOYE’s revenue information in the Notable Vendors section from “It has approximately 860 employees worldwide and approximately $178 million in revenue...” to read “It has approximately 860 employees worldwide and approximately $200 million in revenue...” An updated version of this document is now available on

6 September 2022
Toolkit: Balanced Vendor Performance Scorecard Template (G00383107) has been republished to update a formula in the spreadsheet. An updated version of the document is now available on

31 August 2022
Market Guide for Graph Database Management Systems (G00753429) has been revised to update the Native or Multimodel entry for ArangoDB in Table 1. The revised document is now available on

How to Meet the Total Rewards Preferences of a Diverse Workforce (G00763533) has been republished to include an updated Figure 8, to ensure the colors of the bar graph match the color legend. An updated version is now available on

30 August 2022
The State of Marketing Budget and Strategy in 2022 (G00761383) has been republished. The original document listed the percentage of CMOs that lack in-house resources to deliver on their strategy as 58%. The correct percentage is 61%.”

Quick Answer: How Do I Evaluate the Key Attributes of Sales Engagement Applications? (G00760015) has been republished to correct the source of a data point. An updated version of this document is now available on

3 Tips for Introducing New Intake and Triage Processes Through Employee-Centered Rollouts (G00775590) has been republished. We removed a recommendation that incorrectly advised clients to slowly phase out their older intake and triage processes and clarified the language for our other recommendations. An updated version of this document is now available on

29 August 2022
Market Guide for 4G and 5G Private Mobile Networks (G00773605) has been republished with several updates. The name of vendor NTT was corrected and Cellnex’s acquisition of Edzcom was clarified. In the table of Representative Vendors, the Vendor Type Details for Kyndryl were revised to System Integrator. The vendor write-up for Ericsson was updated to clarify that its Dedicated Networks division offers a pre-packaged automated cellular network solution and that its Enterprise Wireless division includes Wireless WAN provider Cradlepoint. Ericsson’s write-up was also updated to include that it provides PMN via Mission Critical Communications — a custom PMN delivered with CSPs. An updated version of this document is now available on

25 August 2022
Hype Cycle for Life Science Clinical Development, 2022 (G00769665) has been republished to update sample vendor names in three profiles: “” is changed to “Slope” in Clinical Trial Resource Management; “IBM Watson Health” is changed to “Merative” in two profiles: AI in Clinical Development and E-Clinical Platforms. An updated version of this document is now available on

24 August 2022
Tool: Digital Commerce Vendor Guide, 2022 (G00761934) has been republished to reflect the acquisition of Automat by Salesfloor in January 2022. The email address for AppDirect has also been corrected. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 August 2022
Magic Quadrant for Adaptive Project Management and Reporting (G00761816) was republished 23 August 2022. A pre-final iteration of the Magic Quadrant was inadvertently published, which has been replaced with the final version. The revised document is now available on

22 August 2022
Why Loyalty Program Participation Isn’t a True Indicator of Customer Loyalty – And What Is (G00770702) has been republished. Sources 3 through 5 have been added to the evidence section, along with their appropriate survey data and methodologies.

Quick Answer: What IT Leaders Should Do for Mainframe (766219) The document has been temporarily retracted in order to complete the necessary internal and external review processes.

19 August 2022
A New Tech Strategy to Energize the Front Line in Financial Services (G00773623) has been republished to clarify one data point. The statement that 40% of customer-facing employees say “technology requires more skills” has been updated to read “technology requires more difficult skills.”

17 August 2022
Tool: Turnover Cost Calculator (G00773805) has been republished to correct the target audience from “HR leaders” to “HR professionals.” An updated version is now available on

Emerging Tech: Adoption Growth Insights for Microsegmentation (G00764425) has been updated. We have corrected the company branding for Illumio. An updated version of this document is now available on

16 August 2022
Digital Finance Score for Public Sector Organizations (G00774778) has been republished to add a downloadable glossary of terms in the section titled, “What It Is.” An updated version of this document is now available on

15 August 2022
Digital Finance Score (G00768256) has been republished to add a downloadable glossary of terms in the section titled, “What It Is.” An updated version of this document is now available on

12 August 2022
Tool: Agile Readiness Scorecard for Financial Services (G00753874) has been republished to correct the functionality of the downloadable Excel file’s Agile Readiness Assessment sheet. An updated version of this document is now available on

10 August 2022
Webinar: Insurance Digital IQ 2022 (G00772748) has been republished due some Google Search results data from 2021 being inadvertently left out in the final Digital IQ scoring analysis, and some Index brands not receiving the correct attribution for their search performance. As a result, the 2022 Insurance Digital IQ scores across all Google Search subdimensions have been adjusted, resulting in an additional adjustment to the Digital Marketing dimension and overall ranking, reflected on slides 6 and 7. The revised document is now available on

9 August 2022
Forecast: IoT Enterprise Drones by Use Case, Worldwide 2021-2031 (G00741704) has been republished to correct the "Smart Buildings" sector in table 1-3, which was formatted incorrectly, with subtotal mistakenly shown. An updated version of this document is now available on

CSOs: Reduce Sales Cycles and Improve Customer Engagement Using AI (G00770208) has been revised to update a cited survey percentage in the Introduction. Almost half of CSOs rank increasing investments in AI to improve seller effectiveness as a high priority, not 67%. The revised document is now available on

5 August 2022
Competitive Landscape: IT Service Providers, Banking and Investment Services (G00742894) has been republished. In Table 1, the Midsize Providers column has been corrected to show the last column as “Between $500 and $900 Million,” rather than “Between $500 and $900 Billion.” An updated version of this document is now available on

4 August 2022
In R&D Budget and Efficiency: Vitality Index Benchmarking Report (G00769487), Figure 2 and its reference in text have been updated to switch the bar labels for Healthcare Manufacturing and Industrial Manufacturing. The revised document is now available on

Market Share Analysis: Digital Commerce, Worldwide, 2021 (G00771526) has been republished to reflect vendor names in the correct segments in the New Vendors Added section. Coveo and EasyAsk are new vendors included with revenue in search commerce. AppDirect, Mirakl and Marketplacer are vendors with marketplace operation application software revenue. An updated version of the document is now available on

Tool: Vendor Identification for Microsoft Product Support Services (G00773427) has been revised to clarify US Cloud’s Premier Support for Partners Agreement status in the spreadsheet tool. The revised document is now available on

3 August 2022
Go-to-Market Strategies for Vertical Markets — Presentation Materials (G00774035) has been republished. In the downloadable PowerPoint attachment, we added years to the x-axis in Slides 11 to 17, and we included the most recent versions of line-of-business charts in Slides 20, 21, 24 and 25. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 August 2022
Market Guide for 4G and 5G Private Mobile Networks (G00773605) has been republished to correct the name of vendor NTT and to clarify Cellnex’s acquisition of Edzcom. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Consumer Goods Trade Promotion Solutions (G00754294) has been republished. In the second bullet under the heading “Market Direction,” we changed the text to state that Salesforce acquired intellectual property associated with Accenture Cloud for Consumer Goods (ACCG), which was a re-platform or rebuild of the CAS product on the Salesforce C360 platform. We also changed the “Company Round 1” name to ACCG in Table 2,  and we changed the vendor name to Salesforce (ACCG) in Table 3 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

29 July 2022
Cost, Resilience and Sustainability Are Key Themes in the Regionalization of Global Supply Chains (G00775365) has been republished to correct the Data Insights section. Under the subheading “Supply Chain Redesign Is Underway”, we changed the percentage of survey respondents who have made changes to the size and number of locations in their global supply chain networks in the last two years to 74%. An updated version of this document is now available on

28 July 2022
Implement a Global Insourced Center to Access Scarce Talent Using this Design Framework (G00725119) has been republished to update the terminology relating to Gartner’s global insourced center (GIC) design framework, and to provide additional context about utilizing the framework. We also changed the title to “Use this Design Framework to Implement a Global Insourced Center” to better align with the content. An updated version of this document is now available on

GC Tools for Framing a Consistent Response to Divisive Social Issues (G00775185) has been republished to correct data points in Figure 1 for the bars labeled “An anti-abortion stance,” “A pro-gun stance,” “A stance that focusing on specific racial or ethnic groups at the expense of others is unfair or harmful,” and “Asserting their company’s religious and moral values …” The corrected data points do not change the trend outcome. An updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Multichannel Marketing Hubs (G00752607) has been republished to revise the introductory paragraph for Cheetah Digital. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 July 2022
Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program (G00763954) has been republished to replace the Representative Providers section text “Virtual Assistant (VA)” with  “Vulnerability Assessment (VA).

Create a Legal Work Strategy to Manage Through Disruption (G00775528) has been republished to adjust the presenter notes in the downloadable presentation. An updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Personalization Engines (G00756267) has been revised to correct a product name in the Adobe vendor section. The suite of products that sits on top of the Adobe Experience Platform is called the Adobe Experience Cloud, not the Adobe Experience Platform. The revised document is now available on

25 July 2022
Hype Cycle for Cloud Platform Services, 2022 (G00770821) has been republished to account for the inclusion of two additional profiles - Cloud Portability and Superapps - and the removal of the profile Platform Ops. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Share Analysis: Application Infrastructure and Middleware Software, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766441), has been republished to add the fact that full life cycle API management (FLAPIM) was the eighth-fastest-growing segment. The revised report is now available on

Forecast Analysis: IoT Enterprise Drones, Worldwide (G00741702), has been republished to correct the note at the bottom of Figure 1. The corrected note says the sizes of the bubbles represent shipments. The revised report is now available on

22 July 2022
Supply Chain Budget & Efficiency Benchmark (G00772706) has been republished. The downloadable file “Supply Chain Budget and Efficiency Data Gathering Template” has been updated to improve the validation functionality. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 July 2022
Market Guide for Cloud Extended Planning and Analysis Solutions (G00765782) has been republished to correct the names of companies using Wolters Kluwer CCH Tagetik solution. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Data Loss Prevention (G00755250) was republished 21 July 2022. In the representative vendors’ table, Laminar Cloud Data Security Platform and Proofpoint Information Protection were added to Laminar’s and Proofpoint’s listings, respectively. The revised document is now available on

20 July 2022
Tool: Digital Commerce Vendor Guide, 2022 (G00761934) has been republished to reflect the correct HQ location for Comerzzia, and to update the URL for vendor, Tenovos. An updated version of this document is now available on

Quick Answer: What Are the Highest and Lowest Risk Markets for RPA Sales Success for Tech CEOs? (G00759078) has been republished to update Figure 2 to correct a typo in the number for “Banking, Finance and Insurance 20%”.  An updated version of the document is now available on

18 July 2022
Tech Buying: Engagement Approaches That Buyers Are Embracing in Business Applications, 2022 (G00769024) has been republished to correct an error in Figure 1. The figure has been corrected to say that the sum of 46% and 29% is 75%. The corrected report is now available on

In Forecast Analysis: Sustainability Consulting Services, Worldwide (G00763736), the summary incorrectly said the market for sustainability consulting services is forecast to grow to $46 billion in 2026. The correct forecast amount is $50 billion. The corrected report is now available on

15 July 2022
2Q22 Emerging Risk Report (G00774615) has been republished to correct the “2Q22 Risk Meteors” graphic on Slide 4. While the values in the table were correct, the “meteors,” which depict the top five emerging risks, appeared in an incorrect order. The meteors have been rearranged to accurately rank the top five emerging risks by time to impact.

Market Guide for Web. Product and Digital Experience Analytics (G00758809) has been revised to correct the vendor Decibel’s analytics use case coverage. The revised document is now available on

12 July 2022
Market Share: IT Operations Management Software, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766451) has been republished to correct the category level of the Health & Performance Analysis submarket no additional revenue was added to this submarket, only product functionality was realigned to the correct tool category in the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

06 July 2022
Semiconductors and Electronics Forecast Database, Worldwide, 2Q22 Update (G00765107) has been republished to correct the format of tables 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, in “Summary Tables” tab. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for PLM Software in Discrete Manufacturing Industries (G00756324) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 3, we corrected the headquarters location for Siemens Digital Industries Software, and in the Siemens Digital Industries Software vendor profile, we corrected the previous name of its Xcelerator product. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 June 2022
Sales Enablement Benchmark Report 2022 (G00767148) has been revised to update data callouts in Figure 3, clarify six-week duration of sales onboarding and to more clearly identify surveys used in the figures. The revised document is now available on

Infographic: Financial Services Business Priority Tracker 2Q22 (G00769787) has been republished to include a downloadable PowerPoint attachment containing additional contextual information. An updated version of this document is now available on

27 June 2022
Vendor Rating: Dell Technologies (G00755872) has been republished to change HPE to HP Inc. in the Product/Service section. Text now reads “Dell has a No. 1 position in business PCs in North America with a 29% market share, and in 4Q21, it passed HP Inc. for the No. 2 position in global business PCs at just under 24% (up from less than 20% share a year earlier).” An updated version of the document is now available on

Improve CapEx Business Case Evaluation (G00416327) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

23 June 2022
Product Managers Must Prepare for Key Competitive Scenarios in the Data Management Software Market (G00769175) has been republished to fix the text within Level 2: Stand-Alone DM Products, in Figure 2. An updated version of the document is now available on

Legal Business Alignment Tool (BAT) (G00710709) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

22 June 2022
Infographic: Tech Priorities of Business Leds in 2022 (G00765357) has been republished to more accurately reflect insights in the infographic. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 June 2022
Technologies That Drive Product-Led Growth (G00768915) was revised to clarify the capabilities of Demostack and add Reprise in a bullet point within the Interactive Demonstrations. An updated version of this document is now available on

20 June 2022
Competitive Landscape: CSP Customer Management and Experience Solutions (G00764849) was revised to correct Figure 2. The figure title has been updated to reflect that the image shows how different BSS vendors view the competitive landscape based on survey responses. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 June 2022
Market Guide for AI Software, China (G00758647) has been updated to remediate the market growth forecast in the Market Analysis section, fix a typo in Figure 5 and revise a vendor name (旷视科技) in Table 2. The revised document is now available on

15 June 2022
Use a 5-Phase Approach for Salesforce Contract Renewals (G00744852) has been revised to clarify information about customized ELA options on Slide 18 of the PowerPoint attachment. The revised document is now available on

Market Share Analysis: Database Management Systems, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766382), has beenupdated to expand Google’s list of offerings in the open-source and proprietary DBMS space. An updated version of this document is now available on

How Gartner Estimates Market Share (G00764686) has been updated. We have revised the countries/markets listed in the “Rest of …” column in Table 2, which lists the countries/markets included in our geographic coverage. An updated version of this document is now available on

How Gartner Forecasts a Market (G00764685) has been updated. We have revised the countries/markets listed in the “Rest of …” column in Table 3, which lists the countries/markets included in our geographic coverage. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 June 2022
Forecast: IoT Market Opportunity by Technology Segment, 2020-2025 has been republished to correct figures in the summary text in the wrapper and the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Multipersona Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms (G00765831) has been republished. has been added to the Vendors table. The revised document is now available on

10 June 2022
Monthly Supply Chain Alert: April 2022 (G00766950) has been republished to correctly frame the context of increasing and decreasing strain in the heat map found on Slide 4 of the downloadable attachment.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Monthly Supply Chain Alert: May 2022 (G00770222) has been republished to correctly frame the context of increasing and decreasing strain in the heat map found on Slide 4 of the downloadable attachment. An updated version of this document is now available on

9 June 2022
In Optimize B2B Websites for Digital Commerce Success (G00749803), Figure 1 was updated to reflect that the increase in likelihood of a customer completing a high-quality, low-regret deal between Average Decision Confidence and High Decision Confidence is 928%. The revised document is now available on

The State of Information Governance in 2022: Key Findings (G00764620) has been republished to correct mislabeled data in the Information Governance Resourcing Model by Enterprise Size graph. The leftmost set of bars initially read “Functions Resource Activities They Own” and has been changed to “No Structured Resourcing Model (ad hoc funding for individual activities).” An updated version is now available on

How CMOs Can Shift to Recurring Revenue and Subscription Models (G00766938) has been republished. Figure 2 was updated to include the sample size of the 2020 Gartner Consumer Values and Lifestyle Survey. The number of consumers using subscription services was revised to 12% in the text, and the evidence section was updated to comply with our current Gartner Consumer Community citation guidelines. The revised document is now available on

8 June 2022
Market Share: Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, GNSS and NFC Semiconductors, Worldwide, 2021 (G00765274) has been republished to correct a data production error in the NFC market share data for year 2021 in the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 June 2022
Market Guide for Analytics Query Accelerators (G00741458) was republished 2 June 2022. Figure 3 was updated to properly reflect the data sources for Dremio support. The revised document is now available on

Solution Comparison for Cloud Access Security Brokers (G00746806) has been revised to correctly reflect the list of cloud apps Netskope does not support in API mode. The revised document is now available on

Solution Scorecard for Netskope CASB (G00741327) has been revised to correctly reflect the list of cloud apps Netskope does not support in API mode. The revised document is now available on

1 June 2022
In Critical Capabilities for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms (G00754452), we updated the vendor description of FourKites to note that it scored as the top vendor in Levels 4 and 5 use cases and tied for top vendor in Level 3 and was in the top 2 for Levels 1 and 2. The revised document is now available on

The New Operating Model for Democratized Digital Delivery — Presentation Materials (G00763555) has been republished to change the title so that it more accurately reflects the content of the document. The new title is "A New Design for Democratized Digital Delivery — Presentation Materials." An updated version of this document is now available on

Tool: AI Use Cases for Banking and Investment Services (G00764869) has been republished to correct the functionality of thedownloadable Excel tool. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 May 2022
Market Share: Enterprise Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766742) has been republished to correct “Other Vendors” in the IaaS tab, resulting in slightly different 2020 and 2021 total IaaS market sizes.  An updated version of this document is now available on

27 May 2022
Market Guide for Contact Center Workforce Engagement Management (G00770657) has been republished to correct the entry for OpenText in Table 1. The entry now accurately reflects that OpenText receives a “Yes” for Assistance and Task Management, rather than Time Management. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 May 2022
Quick Answer: Which U.S. Telecom and WAN Providers Can Best Serve Midsize Enterprise Clients? (G00730331) has been republished to correct the company name for Spectrum Enterprise and to update the company’s Ethernet data in Table 1. In addition, the service credit information for Zayo on DIA SLA credits and Ethernet SLA credits has been updated in Table 3. An updated version of this document is now available on

25 May 2022
Tech Buying: Engagement Approaches Buyers Are Embracing, 2022 (G00766110) has been updated. The word “medium” was revised to “median” in Tables 1, 2 and 3. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 May 2022
Magic Quadrant for Supply Chain Planning Solutions (G00746920) has been republished to correctly reflect Gartner’s insight on Anaplan’s supply chain planning offering. Marketing and IT were added as domains supported by the Anaplan platform, and supplier and customer collaboration were added as areas of platform expansion. The offering (product) strategy, business model and overall viability sections of Anaplan’s profile were updated as well. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 May 2022
Routes to the Future for CSPs — Technology Strategy (G00741823) was revised. The graphic on Slide 17 in the PowerPoint attachment was replaced with a redesigned graphic. An updated version of the document is now available on

16 May 2022
Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Ad Tech (G00769083) has been updated to reflect a change in the vendor name from “Edgecast” to “Yahoo.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Market Guide for Analytics Query Accelerators (G00741458) was republished 16 May 2022. Figure 3 was updated to properly reflect the data sources for Ahana and Denodo support. The revised document is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (G00751442) has been updated to clarify details about the capabilities of Enalean’s EAP tool, Tuleap. An updated version is now available on

13 May 2022
Solution Scorecard for Microsoft Azure SQL Database (G00758016) has been republished. Non-data rows in the attached spreadsheet tool were initially included in the score calculations, causing some of the scores to be slightly off. An updated version of this document is now available on

12 May 2022
Market Share: External Storage Systems, All Countries, 4Q21 Update  (G00764557) has been republished to correct 4Q20 revenue for Dell Technologies in the downloadable Excel attachment. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 May 2022
Market Share: PCs Semiconductors, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766801) has been republished to fix the errors in cell formula in Tables 1-1, 3-1 and 7-1. An updated version of this document is now available on

10 May 2022
Magic Quadrant for Managed Network Services (G00740124) has been updated to correct the placement of the vendor name labels for Telefonica and Lumen in the Magic Quadrant graphic. The two vendor names were inadvertently reversed in the graphic. An updated version of this document is now available on

9 May 2022
Forecast: Communications Service Provider Operational Technology, Worldwide, 2020-2026, 1Q22 Update (G00764039) has been updated to revise the mislabeled data for tables containing regional data in the downloadable Excel Attachment. An updated version of this document is now available on

Evolving Capabilities of Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms (G00761942) has been updated to reflect the name change of vendor OmniSci to its new name HEAVY.AI in the Geospatial Analytics section. The revised document is now available on”

5 May 2022
Market Guide for Web, Product and Digital Experience Analytics (G00758809) has been updated to correct the name of Contentsquare’s product. An updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Multipersona Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms  (G00765831) has been republished. The links to ALEIA and Peak were updated in Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

3 May 2022
Market Guide for DSML Engineering Platforms (G00763493) has been republished. Microsoft was listed out of alphabetical order in the table of vendors. An updated version of this document is now available on

29 April 2022
ADNOC Builds Agility and Resilience by Executing an Enterprise Digital Strategy (G00746380) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Case Study: How to Lead an Industry by Accelerating Open Innovation (DCP Midstream) (G00750274) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (G00751442) has been revised to clarify details about’s capabilities under the three use cases. An updated version is now available on

Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2021 (G00766149) has been republished to show improved market share estimates for twenty eight vendors: Adobe, Alex Solutions, Amazon, DataStreams, Denodo, GEP, HashiCorp, Huawei, IFS, Inspur Genersoft, Isolved, Kingdee, Koerber Supply Chain (previously HighJump), Microsoft, Newfold Digital, OMP, PeopleStrong, Profisee, Quinyx, Reltio, Rocket Software, Sensedia, Sovos, Syniti, TOTVS, Trend Micro, UKG, and Vonage. Adjustments have mainly been made that change the allocations of revenue between markets and subsegments and between regions and countries. In the case of 8 vendors, namely, Quinyx, Alex Solutions, DataStreams, HashiCorp, Inspur Genersoft, Newfold Digital, Sensedia, and Vonage we changed their eligible software revenue estimates. An updated version of this document is now available on

28 April 2022
ICT Supply Chain Risk Management Is Mission-Critical, but Best Practices Are Just Emerging (G00750091) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Board Briefing: Protection Against Cyber Extortion and Ransomware (G00754947) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

6 Best Practices to Create a Cloud Management Services Offering in the World of Multicloud and Hybrid Cloud (G00734992) has been republished. We have updated the first Key Finding to clarify that engaging an MCMS provider has already occurred rather than something that will occur by the end of 2020. An updated version of this document is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Managed Network Services (G00740124) has been updated to correct a technical glitch that caused the interactive Magic Quadrant to cross link the vendor writeups for Telefonica and Lumen. An updated version of this document is now available on

Toolkit: Communications Skills Assessment (G00742373) has been revised to update a calculation in the Communications Skills Assessment spreadsheet. The revised document is now available on

27 April 2022
How to Protect Your Clouds With CSPM, CWPP, CNAPP and CASB (G00736028) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Cybersecurity Job Descriptions Library (G00738330) has been revised to move the Business Information Security Officer (BISO) job description to the Security and Risk Management Leaders section, and to update the alternative titles for that role. An updated version is now available on

Tech Providers 2025: Product Leaders Must Strategize to Win in the Evolving Robotaxi Ecosystem (G00736626) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, November 2021 Update (G00753908) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Share: Semiconductor Wafer Fab Equipment, Worldwide, 2021 (G00765288) was revised to resolve an error in assigning revenue for Screen Semiconductor Solutions to the wrong segment in the downloadable Excel attachment. In addition, the names of Hitachi High-Tech and Nova were changed per company request.

Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, June 2020 Update (G00732474) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, July 2020 Update (G00734293) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

26 April 2022
Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Hyperautomation (G00744739) has been republished to correct a vendor’s name. The company is Paradox, which appears under the VxAs bullet point within the Sample Providers and/or Products in the Advanced Virtual Assistants section. An updated version of the document is now available on

Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence, 2021 (G00749000) has been republished to correct a vendor’s name. The company is Paradox, which appears under the VxA bullet point within the Sample Providers and/or Products in the Advanced Virtual Assistants section. An updated version of the document is now available on

25 April 2022
Market Guide for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (G00725997) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing (G00753626) has been updated in the vendor writeup section to clarify that Invicti’s products are IAST and DAST, and the company does not produce SAST offerings An updated version of this document is now available on

23 April 2022
Emerging Technologies Tool: Model Customer Revenue to Optimize Digital Twin Product and Sales Decisions (G00765803), has been republished to correct errors in the downloadable spreadsheet. In the originally published report, some links were cut, some graphs did not include all the data in their tables, and some formulas contained mistakes. The corrected report is now available on

22 April 2022
Cool Vendors in Network Automation (G00766515) has been updated to correct the employee count for Gluware in the “Where Are They Now?” section, modifying the number from “25-50 employees” to “over 50 employees.” The revised document is now available on

21 April 2022
How to Cut Software and Cloud Costs and Quickly Improve Cash Flow in Times of Crisis (G00767758) has been revised to clarify that the subsection, now titled “Evaluate the Secondary Software Market,” focuses on the European Union, not the European Economic Area. An updated version is now available on

Cut Costs and Create Cash Flow With the European Secondary Software License Market (G00735699) has been revised to clarify information given in the subsection “Geographic Scope,” as the focus is on the European Union, not the European Economic Area. An updated version is now available on

20 April 2022
Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, January 2022 Update (G00764741) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions (G00731299) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 2, we changed the product name associated with the vendor Intellect Design Arena to Intellect Contextual Banking Experience (Intellect CBX). An updated version of this document is now available on

Quick Answer: Why Should CSP CIOs Care About the AI Capabilities Announced at the Enterprise Connect Event? (G00768696) has been republished to correct the solution for Oracle to “Communications Security Shield (OCSS).” An updated version of this document is now available on

19 April 2022
In Market Guide for Brand Consultancies (G00762195) the description of SYLVAIN was updated to reflect that it is a certified B Corporation. The revised document is now available on

Market Guide for Life Science Regulatory Information Management Solutions (G00741755) has been republished to correct the solution for Rockwell Automation (Kalypso) to “Accel for RIM” in both Tables 1 and 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 April 2022
Invest Implications: Market Share Alert: Preliminary, PCs, Worldwide, 1Q22 (G00770010) has been republished. We have made adjustments to 1Q22 and 1Q21 shipment data and to year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter growth rates. All four tables have been affected, with adjustments to data for Dell, Lenovo, HP and Apple, as well as “Others.” An updated version of this document is now available on

13 April 2022
Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, April 2021 Update (G00753564) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Security Awareness Computer-Based Training (G00762482) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Software Market View, 2020-2021 (G00754588) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00759294) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Security Awareness Computer-Based Training (G00762482) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms (G00748700) has been updated to correct the name of Omilia’s platform. An updated version is now available on

Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00752483) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, February 2021 Update (G00749229) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

"Tool: Global Inclusion Week Template" (G00753583) has been temporarily retracted while we complete the external review process

"Market Share Alert: Preliminary, PCs, Worldwide, 1Q22" (G00768429) has been updated. We have made adjustments to 1Q22 and 1Q21 shipment data and to year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter growth rates. All four tables have been affected, with adjustments to data for Dell, Lenovo HP and Apple, as well as “Other Vendors.” An updated version of this document is now available on

12 April 2022
Hype Cycle for ICT in Russia, 2019 (G00370253) included Russian companies, and because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove this research from This is a permanent retraction.

Update: Gartner to Revise Its PCs and Phones Segmentation (G00760621) has been revised to correct a label transposition error in the definitions section between the large clamshell and small clamshell definitions, as well as correct the two definitions themselves. An updated version of this document is now available on

Tool: Vendor Identification for Email Security (G00757186) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

How to Build an Effective Email Security Architecture (G00465253) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

11 April 2022
Tool: Competitive Evaluation for Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00751509) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tool: Vendor Identification for Blockchain Service Providers (G00731497) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Invest Implications: Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, January 2021 Update (G00745515) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tool: Invest Implications: Hype Cycle for Endpoint Security, 2020 (G00733016) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tool: Sample Risk Universe Catalog (G00764673) has been updated to repair a macro in the downloadable Excel tool. An updated version is now available on

7 April 2022
Market Guide for Mobile Threat Defense (G00736793) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

The 2022 Strategic Supply Chain Technology Themes (G00759007) has been republished. In the Analytics Everywhere section, reference to a sample vendor has been corrected from “American Educational Research Association (AERA)” to “Aera Technology.” An updated version of this document is now available on

6 April 2022
Forecast: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2020-2026, 1Q22 Update (G00766577) has been republished to correct a data production error in the Security Software forecast for the year 202 in the downloadable Excel file. An updated version of this document is now available on

The CIO’s Guide to Working With Startups (G00441643) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Privacy Issues (3Q21) (G00757541) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Tech Innovators in AI in Attack Detection — Supply Side (G00756782) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Trends: Software-Defined Vehicles Will Disrupt the Automotive Supply Chain (G00717047) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

2020 Audit Plan Hot Spots 2Q Follow-Up: COVID-19 and Remote Work (G00730939) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Email Security (G00735200) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Tech Innovators in AI in Attack Detection — Product and Business (G00743789) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Venture Capital Growth Insights for Cloud Security (G00725194) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Critical Insights for Operational Technology Security (G00749801) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Network Detection and Response (G00718877) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Toolkit: Selecting IAM Professional Services (G00720790) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Security (G00749800) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Adoption Growth Insights for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (G00741482) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services (G00729072) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Digital Workplace Infrastructure and Operations, 2021 (G00747538) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Methods to Ensure Continuous Risk Identification in Your Organization (G00740812) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Operational Technology Security (G00737759) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

How CIOs Can Drive the Pace of Innovation (G00764892) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Competitive Landscape: Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00734048) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services (G00734630) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Venture Capital Growth Insights for Cloud Security (G00755225) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Use Case Adoption Patterns in AI in Attack Detection (G00743779) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Tech Innovators in AI in Attack Detection — Demand Side (G00757906) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Cloud Security, 2021 (G00747401) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Security Operations, 2021 (G00747546) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

7 Compelling Growth Opportunities in Computing (G00759192) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Ransomware Payments: How to Assess Emerging U.S. Legal Risks (G00756607) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Adoption Growth Insights for AI in Security Attack Detection (G00749359) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: AI in Security Attack Detection Adoption Patterns Driving Business Values (G00743777) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Patterns in How Providers Position AI for Security Attack Detection (G00743786) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Services (G00727873) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

5 April 2022
Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00450741) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00464336) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. It was again republished to restore the vendor updates for CrowdStrike, FireEye and Sophos that had been made to the research since its initial publication. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

4 April 2022
Top ESG Trends in Banks From 2021 (G00758693) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tech CEOs: Take a Programmatic Approach to Demand Generation in 6 Steps (G00763318) was updated to include a corrected graphic for Figure 2 with new data. An updated version of this document is now available on

Employees Are Ready for a Hybrid Future; Are Employers? (G00763675) has been republished to correct the mislabeling of data points in Figure 2. The figure has now been updated to accurately align each label with its respective data point.

Use Digital Business Key Performance Indicators to Gain Control of Retail Transformation (741858) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Practical Considerations for Bank CIOs Pursuing Indirect Data Monetization in Digital Ecosystems (729300) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Predicts 2022: Mastery of Inventory Is Critical to Drive Customer Trust for the Future of Retail (757531) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Identify Must-Have Capabilities for Implementing Unified Retail Commerce in Today’s Environment (G00757072) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

1 April 2022
Technology Assessment: Urban Mobility, 2030 (G00747110) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Choosing a Java Runtime (G00764522) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Forecast Analysis: Autonomous Vehicle Net Additions, Internet of Things, Worldwide (G00716754) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tool: Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for Banking and Investment Services (G00735395) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Trends: Europe Aims to Achieve Digital Sovereignty With GAIA-X (G00721669) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

3 Key Actions to Manage Exposure for Oracle Java SE Licensing (G00764201) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Core Administrative Processing Solutions (G00734427) has been republished to correctly reflect NASCO’s offerings. Table 2 was amended to add dental, vision and TPA to NASCO’s CAPS additional business lines supported. Table 5 was amended to reflect NASCO’s CAPS capabilities supported (enrollment and billing) as third party for CMS integrated enrollment. Table 6 was amended to reflect NASCO’s CAPS capabilities supported (claims payment and pricing) as integrated only for claims payment, claims pricing and claims repricing, and as third party for bundled payment. Table 7 was amended to reflect NASCO’s value-add capabilities supported as integrated or stand-alone for benefits management and as third party for utilization management. An updated version is now available on

31 March 2022
Market Trends: GAIA-X — A European Sovereign Digital Ecosystem for the Future (G00743428) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for DBMS, China (G00760677) has been revised to adjust the English translations of two vendor names to Borrui and Beijing Kingbase Information Technology. The revised document is now available on

Emerging Technologies: Conversational UI Adoption Patterns Delivering Real Business Value (G00733336) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

2021 Priority for Telecom BSS Suppliers: Competitive Ground (G00742687) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

30 March 2022
Future-Proof Your Content With a Unified Approach to Search Engine Optimization and Answer Engine Optimization (G00743216) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Prepare Your Cloud Connectivity Services for More-Demanding Requirements (G00761642) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

How to Design Your Web Browser Strategy (G00733784) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Drones and Mobile Robots (G00742675) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Emerging Technologies and Trends Impact Radar: Artificial Intelligence, 2021 (G00749000) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Maverick* Predicts 2022: The Future According to Gartner’s Unconventional Thinking (G00757914) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Vendor Rating: Intel (G00717281) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Enterprise Legal Management Solutions (G00720113) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

29 March 2022
Market Guide for CSP Business Support System Solutions (G00730915) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

How and Where Composable Businesses Invest (G00766397) has been republished to correct the Data Insights section. Under the subheading “Observation 2: Composable Businesses Invest Systematically, Not Sporadically,” we corrected the percentages in the paragraph preceding Figure 3 because the discussion referred to percentages from a different dataset. An updated version of this document is now available on

Case Study: Business Model Innovation in Product Management (TenValue*) (G00732110) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for CSP Revenue Management and Monetization Solutions (G00755717) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Cool Vendors in Graph Technologies (G00731821) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Case Study: Shared OKRs for Efficient Resource Reallocation (Cooperators Group) (G00751779) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

HCM Technology Strategy for EMEA-Headquartered Organizations: Key Considerations When Investing (730650) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Compose New Payment Strategies to Succeed With Digital Acceleration (G00744998) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Maverick* Research: World Order 2.0: The Birth of Virtual Nations (G00748515) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Tool: Digital Commerce Vendor (G00753465) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Agile Transformation Roadmap (G00755196) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant Vendor Participation Report Tool, February 2022 Update (G00764744) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Cristian Citu, World Economic Forum, ARCRB & ERCRB Presentation 30 September and 1 October 2020 (G00470951) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Building Product Management Teams in IT and Beyond, Part 3: Mindset and Culture Change (G00727062) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms (G00725524 ) has been revised to update Dun & Bradstreet's product name to Rev.Up ABX and Zeotap's product name to Zeotap CDP in the Representative Vendors table. The revised document is now available on

Market Guide for Digital Experience Monitoring (G00734549) has been updated to add Palo Alto Networks to Tables 2 and 4 as a representative vendor of Real User Monitoring Technologies and Synthetic Transaction Monitoring Technologies, as well as of Endpoint Monitoring Technologies. The revised document is now available on

The 2022 Strategic Supply Chain Technology Themes (G00759007) has been republished. In the Sustainability Tools section, reference to a sample vendor has been corrected from “Abaco Systems” to “ABACO.” An updated version of this document is now available on

28 March 2022
Innovation Insight for SBOMs (761079) has been republished to correct the use of “Argon” in Table 3 to “Aqua Security (Argon).” An updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Digital Banking Transformation, 2021 (G00747426) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Web Application and API Protection (G00738149) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Digital Life and P&C Insurance, 2021 (G00747584) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Natural Language Technologies, 2021 (G00748656) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Digital Commerce, 2021 (G00746805) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Hype Cycle for Public Safety and Law Enforcement, 2021 (G00746619) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Magic Quadrant for Meeting Solutions (G00738150) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

Critical Capabilities for Meeting Solutions (G00738196) has been updated to remove references to a Russian company. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove Russian companies from its active research. The rest of the document is unchanged, and an updated version is now available on

25 March 2022
Competitive Landscape: Retail Store-Based Microfulfillment Center Providers for Tier 1 Multichannel Retailers  (G00736513) has been republished. In the Analysis and Competitive Profiles sections, we corrected references to the vendor AutoStore’s functionality and partner relationships. An updated version of this document is now available on

24 March 2022
“Essential Skills for QA Engineers” (G00759284) has been updated reflect a change in the vendor name from “Katalon Studios” to “Katalon.”An updated version of this document is now available on

23 March 2022
“Market Guide for Intranet Packaged Solutions” (G00736463) has been republished to amend the LumApps product name in Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Case Study: Verizon’s Cyber Risk Quantification Program” (G00760138) has been reissued to update the figure in the Results section for the number of users now employing CRQ from 75% to 98%.An updated version of this document is now available on

“Case Study: Two-Layer Governance Structure to Accelerate Automation Implementation” (G00762974) has been temporarily retracted while we complete the external review process. If you have downloaded this case study, please discard it. We will notify readers when the document has been corrected and republished.

22 March 2022
"Quick Answer: What Are the Leading Blockchain Uses in Telecommunications Today?" (G00762356) has been republished to replace Figure 1, because an incorrect figure was inadvertently published. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 March 2022
"Sberbank: Implementing Lean in waves as part of the business strategy" (G00174710) included a Russian company, and because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove this research from This is a permanent retraction.

"Case Study: From Traditional IT to a Business-Oriented Software Organization (MTS [Russia])" (G00732542) included a Russian company, and because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove this research from This is a permanent retraction.

"Case Study: Scaling Digital Innovation for Efficiency and Agility (Gazprom Neft)" (G00746379) included a Russian company, and because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gartner has decided to remove this research from This is a permanent retraction.

17 March 2022
“Ignition Guide to Implementing a Privacy Impact Assessment Process” (G00757619) has been republished to correct a minor error in the tool for Task 5.1. In the Excel attachment titled “Privacy Sample Controls Matrix,” text has been added to clarify and differentiate the controls descriptions for the Accuracy and Quality section, apart from the PII Minimization Objectives section. An updated version of this tool is now available on

16 March 2022
“Market Guide for Analytics Query Accelerators” (G00741458) has been updated to correct Table 1 and Figure 3, which illustrate the data sources the vendors support. The revised document is now available on

10 March 2022
“Tool: Sample Risk Universe Catalog” (G00764673) has been revised to correct the definition of Customer Contract Compliance (Operations) in the downloadable tool. The revised document is now available on

“Market Guide for Energy Trade and Energy Risk Management Systems” (G00737905) has been republished with a new title, “Market Guide for Energy Trading and Risk Management Systems”, to reflect the correct terminology in the industry. An updated version is now available on

“Competitive Landscape — Energy Trade and Energy Risk Management Systems” (G00748346) has been republished with a new title, “Competitive Landscape — Energy Trading and Risk Management Systems”, to reflect the correct terminology in the industry. An updated version is now available on

3 March 2022
“Market Guide for U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Core Administrative Processing Solutions” (G00734427) has been republished to reflect Microsoft Azure as a cloud service for vendor Conduent (Health Solutions Plus) in Table 8. An updated version is now available on

2 March 2022
“2022 U.S. Consumer and Cultural Top Trends” (G00760388) has been revised to update slide 14 with the correct percentage pairs and labels. The revised document is now available on

“Market Guide for U.S. Healthcare Payers’ Core Administrative Processing Solutions” (G00734427) has been republished to reflect Microsoft Azure as a cloud service for vendor Conduent (Health Solutions Plus) in Table 8. An updated version is now available on

28 February 2022
“IoT Market View, 2020-2021” (G00759387) has been republished to fix the figure that was totaling data incorrectly in Slide 10: IoT Endpoint Shipments Worldwide, 2020-2030. An updated version of the document is now available on

25 February 2022
“Grab the Attention of the Entire Buying Team With Relevant Content" (G00748765) has been republished to correct Figure 3, so the data in-text and in the graphic align. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Digital IQ Index: Travel and Hospitality 2021” (G00740638) has been temporarily retracted to correct a data discrepancy that led to an inaccurate representation of brands’ path to purchase performance and thus the brands’ overall ranking. The document will be republished when the data is corrected and the document is updated.

“Customer Service Operations and Digital Efficiency Benchmark” (G00760946) has been republished, and the Gartner Benchmark is ready for use. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 February 2022
“Is Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ready for Use in Your Multicloud Strategy?” (G00757557) has been republished to revise details on Deutsche Bank’s migration to Oracle’s Exadata Cloud@Customer (ExaC@C) offering. An updated version of this document is now available on

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Robotic Process Automation (G00762481) has been retracted. A new document will be republished at a later time.

16 February 2022
"2022 CIO and Technology Executive Agenda: Product Strategy to Address Bank and Investment CIO Priorities" (G00759267) has been republished to replace Figures 1 and 4 in the Data Insights section, because draft figures containing incorrect data were inadvertently published. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 February 2022
"Quick Answer: How Do I Scale My Customer Advocacy Program?" (G00763276) has been updated. We have corrected the document to show that, in terms of purpose-built advocacy platforms, both Crowdvocate and Influitive enable customers to build a branded “advocate” portal and offer automation to prompt and facilitate the process of publishing online reviews. An updated version of this document is now available on

10 February 2022
“Magic Quadrant for Data and Analytics Service Providers” (G00746165) has been revised to correct the bullet about EXL in the Vendors Added and Dropped section. The revised document is now available on

“Infographic: Midsize Enterprise Cybersecurity Dashboard” (G00760193) has been republished to change the title of the document and infographic to more accurately reflect the content of the research. The new title is “Infographic: Midsize Enterprise Performance Benchmarks for Information Security.” An updated version of the document is now available on

9 February 2022
“Digital IQ Index: Retail Banking 2021” (G00744828) has been revised to correct the No. 2 Genius ranking. The No. 2 Genius brand is Chase Bank, not Wells Fargo. The rankings in three columns of Table 2: Top 10 Performers by Dimension have also been updated: Digital Marketing Score, Social Media Score and Path to Purchase Score. The revised document is now available on

8 February 2022
“Navigating the Digital Commerce Payment Market” (G00384276) has been republished to account for a company name change — First Data to Fiserv — since the original publication of this research. All instances in the Analysis section have been amended and an updated version of this document is now available on

“Emerging Technologies: Top Business Value Patterns in Advanced Virtual Assistant Adoption" (G00742653) has been republished to correct the spelling for “Genesys” in the Evidence section. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Emerging Technologies: Critical Insights on Decentralized Identity” (G00740101) has been republished to correct the name of a component in Figure 1 and within the document. The correct component is identity trust fabric. An updated version of the document is now available on

7 February 2022
“Market Guide for MES/MOM Implementation Providers” (G00741150) has been republished to correct the definition of terms for vendor Deloitte and to correct industries for Deloitte, RoviSys, Systema and Wipro in Table 3. An updated version is now available on

4 February 2022
Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions (G00731299) has been republished to add the vendors Blend, Liferay, nCino and Salesforce to Table 2 in the Representative Vendors section, because they were inadvertently omitted from the original publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

"3 Principles for Allocating Capital Across Enterprise Strategic Investments” (G00760617) has been republished to correct a typo. It previously stated that companies that demonstrate capital responsiveness to macroeconomic or market disruption can add 2.5 basis points more economic value than companies that don’t. That has been corrected to 250 basis points. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 February 2022
“Case Study: Attract and Retain Talent With Value-Driven Data Science (Asurion)” (G00750844) has been temporarily retracted. A revised document will be republished at a later time.

“Customer Service Operations and Digital Efficiency Benchmark” (G00760946) has been temporarily retracted while we update the benchmark model.

In “Competitive Landscape: Smart Home Semiconductors” (G00741956), the summary and strategic planning assumptions have been corrected to say that the emerging smart home applications will create $49.4 billion, rather than $48.9 billion, in semiconductor demand by 2025. The corrected report is now available on

"Enterprise Risk Assessment Tool" (G00712041) has been retired because the service has been combined with "Enterprise Risk Assessment Tool" (G00711750).

31 January 2022
"Life Science CIOs: Use Computer Software Assurance to Modernize Your GxP Validation Practice” (G00761541) was revised to correct Figure 1. Both triangles have been inverted to more accurately represent the change in validation activities. An updated version of the document is now available on

28 January 2022
In “Build Trust With Executive Communications in High-Change Environments” (G00761843) edits were made to the Key Findings bullet points and the downloadable PPT attachment to clarify that the survey data reflects responses from employees who received messages regarding high levels of change. Slide 8 of the downloadable PPT file also reflects updated percentages based on more recent calculations. The revised document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: Smart Home Semiconductors” (G00741956) has been corrected to say that the demand for semiconductors used in smart home products will be $49.4 billion, rather than $48.9 billion, in 2025. A corrected version of the report is now available on

“Toolkit: Organizational Effectiveness Diagnostic” (G00758836) has been republished to correct a minor error in the Work Friction Risk Zones Audit tool. The column containing explanations of risks now properly defines role specialization. An updated version of this tool is now available on

27 January 2022
“Quality 360 Diagnostic” (G00710179) has been has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Quality Analytics Diagnostic” (G00710195) has been has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

"User Technology Adoption Readiness Index Helps Target Organizations Ready for Digital Transformation" (G00753386) has been updated. We have corrected a discrepancy between the text and what is shown in Figure 2; that is, as per the text, Figure 2 shows the degree to which the UTA Readiness Index varies from the average (a score of 118 out of 400). An updated version of this document is now available on

“Digital IQ Index: Aerospace and Defense 2022" (G00761147) the year in the title was changed to “2021” to reflect the name of the featured Digital IQ report and the year in which the data that is being analyzed was collected. The revised document is now available on

“Tool: Evaluation Criteria for IT Vendor Selection” (G00748545) has been revised to update the description on the cover page of the downloadable Excel tool. The revised document is now available on

26 January 2022
Midmarket Context: ‘Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud IT Transformation Services’ (G00758089) has been revised to update and add information for Cloudreach. The revised document is now available on

“Hype Cycle for Monitoring, Observability and Cloud Operations, 2021” (G00747551) has been republished to update the list of DEM Sample Vendors, which - due to issues with the research publishing platform - was incomplete. The revised document is now available on

24 January 2022
“Tool: Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for Insurance” (G00760445) has been updated to correct the geographical categories for some uses cases in the attachment, and to remove other use cases that are not relevant. An updated version of this document is now available on

20 January 2022
“Market Guide for Event Stream Processing” (G00741829) has been updated to change the name of a vendor platform from “KX Insights Analytics” to “KX Insights.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Digital IQ Index: Personal Care 2021” (G00740559) was retracted due to an identified data discrepancy that led to an inaccurate representation of brands’ Google Search performance and brands’ overall ranking. We will republish an updated version of this research as soon as the errors are corrected.

In “Personal Care Digital IQ 2021” we removed the attached presentation document and refrained from publishing the webinar replay due to an identified data discrepancy that led to an inaccurate representation of brands’ Google Search performance and brands’ overall ranking. We will repost the presentation as soon as the errors are corrected.

“Competitive Landscape: Integrated Risk Management" (G00744522) has been updated to change a vendor name. EXCUBE was changed to AugmentedCISO. An updated version of this document is now available on”

“Creating Business Value With Multidisciplinary Data and Analytics COEs (TopPlan*)” (G00709485) has been republished to change the company name (pseudonym) to one that carries no external affiliations. An updated version is now available on

19 January 2022
“How Leading Firms Effectively Measure Automation Success” (G00760149) has been republished to correct a data point in the Key Findings and Leading Firms Measure More Metrics More Often sections. The full, corrected text reads: “Leading firms, which have more formalized approaches to key constructs of automation, are on average 22% more likely to exceed their goals than lagging firms.” An updated version is now available on

18 January 2022
“Forecast Analysis: Electric Vehicle Shipments, Worldwide” (G00755396) has been republished to correct the percentage increase of the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for shipments of electric vehicles by 2030. An updated version is now available on

14 January 2022
“Exploring Lakehouse Architecture and Use Cases” (G00751615) has been revised to update Figure 2 with the proper HPE product nomenclature. The revised document is now available on

"Infographic: Peer Insights on 2022 Priorities" (G00760813) has been republished to correct the increase and decrease labels in the upper figure to accurately reflect percentage points. Survey questions and sources were also added below the figure to clarify. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 January 2022
“Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services” (G00737673) has been revised to correct the dollar amount of end-user spending in the IT product and service market. The revised document is now available on

"Market Guide for Utility Customer Systems" (G00740637) has been republished so that the title aligns to previously published Gartner research covering this market, and to more accurately reflect the content of the research. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Quality Management System Software” (G00739444) has been updated to correctly show in Figure 2 that 54% of QMS customers use cloud/SaaS deployments, 40% use on-premises deployments and 6% are on hosted cloud solutions; the text, being correct, remains unchanged. The revised document is now available on

11 January 2022
"Competitive Landscape: Emotion AI Technologies, Worldwide” (G00758218) has been republished to amend the name of a vendor. The Kamazooie Development Corporation had rebranded to, and this was not reflected in the document. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Competitive and Market Intelligence Tools for Technology and Service Providers” (G00758315) contained errors about Sentieo. Information in Table 1 regarding Sentieo has been corrected, as well as the profile of Sentieo. An updated version of this report is now available on

10 January 2022
"Market Guide for Global CDN" (G00731193) was revised to correct a reference to BaishanCloud’s Edge Cloud Infrastructure Services in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 January 2022
“Tool: IT Performance Dashboard Builder” (G00746641) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“AICPA-CPExpress Self-Study Training” (G00722560) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Accounting Close Benchmarks” (G00747229) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Tax Performance Benchmarks” (G00728893) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Forecasting Benchmarks” (G00728881) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Budgeting Benchmarks” (G00728857) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Cost and Space Benchmarking Resource Center” (G00727374) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Message Absorption Diagnostic” (G00710462) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Workplace Impact Assessment” (G00710225) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.

“Scope and Geographic Support Assessment” (G00710439) has been retired because the service described is no longer offered to Gartner clients. Please contact your account team for the latest materials related to this topic.