Corrections 2019

A listing of corrections, errors and omissions.

Gartner strives to meet the highest standards for accuracy and thoroughness in our research and editorial coverage. When oversights occur, however, we will list them below.

31 December 2019
“Market Guide for ServiceNow ITSM Consulting, Implementation and Managed Services” (G00407689) has been republished to revise the ServiceNow Global Partnering Ecosystem Framework section to include the Premier partner category and remove the Registered partner category. Text has also been revised to change the “co-sell/co-deliver model”to the “co-sell/co-deliver framework.” An updated version of the document is now available on

30 December 2019
Market Guide for Clinical Communication and Collaboration (G00369030) has been republished to update PerfectServe product information in Tables 1 and 2 and in the vendor profile. An updated version of this document is available on

26 December 2019
“Forecast Analysis: Government Internet of Things Endpoint Electronics and Communications Revenue, Worldwide" (G00450871) has been republished to correct label “Smart City Asset Tracking” to “City Asset Tracking.” The year for the X axis was also changed from “2023” to “2028.” An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Endpoint Detection and Response Solutions” (G00380177) has been republished to revise OpenText’s product name to EnCase Endpoint Security in Table 8. The updated document is now available on

19 December 2019
"Solution Comparison for Delivering Cloud-Native Applications With Public Cloud Kubernetes Services" (G00371744) has been updated to adjust the Integrated Service Mesh rating for Google. That rating is now High. An updated document is now available on

"Solution Scorecard for Google Cloud Platform as a Public Cloud Application PaaS" (G00388443) has been corrected to remove the “beta” designation from Dynatrace. An updated version is now available on

“Market Guide for IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools” (G00450400) has been republished to correct the spelling of the product name “Centreon EMS” in Table 3 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on 

18 December 2019
“Kill Your RFP and Negotiate an Infrastructure Service Deal in 90 Days” (G00463590) has been revised to update Figure 1 with correct information. A corrected version is available on

"Competitive Landscape: Robotic Process Automation Service Providers" (G00431415) has been updated. In Figure 1, Wonderbotz was moved from RPA Managed Services to RPA Consulting and Implementation Services. The misspelled company name Zensar was corrected. Service providers were reorganized into alphabetical order. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Services” (G00381238) has been republished to correct the name of the vendor Booz Allen Hamilton’s “Incident Response Services” in Table 2 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Consent and Preference Management” (G00376080) has been republished to correct the spelling of the vendor MyLife Digital’s “Consentric” product name in Table 1 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Essential Capabilities That Your Data and Analytics Center of Excellence May Be Lacking” (G00463457) has been republished to update and correct various omissions throughout the document. What was formerly referred to as an “analytics center of excellence,” is now referred to as a “data and analytics center of excellence.” Note 1 has been added to the document to help add clarity on naming distinctions for centers of excellence. An updated version of this document is now available on

10 December 2019
“Market Guide for In-App Protection” (G00368169) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1 and the Vendor Profiles section, we changed the vendor name Inside Secure to Verimatrix to reflect the vendor’s rebranding on 1 July 2019. An updated version of this document is now available on

9 December 2019
“Competitive Landscape: Emotion AI Technologies, Worldwide" (G00389201) has been republished to update Figures 1 and 2. The figures have been updated to correctly align representative vendors with the emotion AI technology approaches they use. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Toolkit: Category Strategy Pitch Deck” has been republished to update the formatting and layout. The changes are designed to make it easier for readers to access the accompanying templates and guidance. The updated document is now available on

6 December 2019
“Critical Capabilities for CRM Lead Management” (G00375508) has been republished to include some accidentally omitted copy from the Acquia (Mautic) overview. This copy, which included the solution’s key distinctions, has been reinstated and an updated version is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems” (G00376881) has been republished to add the following category, which was inadvertently omitted from the original publication, to the list of excluded products in the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: “Products that ‘add a layer’ to, and require or embed, a complete or near-complete implementation of an open-source or other commercially marketed product such as MySQL, HBase or PostgreSQL.” The revised version of this document is now available to view on

5 December 2019
“Digital IQ Index: Beauty, U.S. 2019” (G00715239) has been updated to change “Instagram engagement rates” to “Instagram interactions” in the following sentence. “While color cosmetics brands retain the highest overall Instagram interactions, their average owned interactions declined 5% from April 2017 to June 2019.” The corrected document is now available on

3 December 2019
“Future of Supply Chain: Reshaping the Profession” (G00464362) has been updated to clarify wording related to Figure 15 and to adjust data appearing in Figure 1.13 of the Appendix. The updated document is now available on

"Talent Attraction and Retention in Quality" (G00710828) has been updated to include the correct fifth job attraction driver in Key Findings, and to clarify that “Location, vacation, respect, job stability and health benefits appear less often in quality employees’ top five drivers than they do for the average company employee.” The updated document is now available on

“Inquiry Analytics Statistics: Topic and Vendor Mind Share for IT Services, 3Q19” (G00383059),
“Inquiry Analytics Statistics: Topic and Vendor Mind Share for Communications, 3Q19” (G00464309),
“Inquiry Analytics Statistics: Topic and Vendor Mind Share for Software, 3Q19” (G00464310)
and “Inquiry Analytics Wizard: IT End-User Topic and Vendor Mind Share, 3Q19" (G00464311) have been updated. We have changed the vendor name “PTC Alliance” to “PTC.” Updated versions of these documents are now available on

28 November 2019
“Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020” (G00432920) has been republished to correct the Analysis section. In Figure 2, we reversed the positioning of the labels in the concentric circles. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 November 2019
"Magic Quadrant for IT Vendor Risk Management Tools" (G00391415) has been republished to correct the definition of MetricStream’s RAMP methodology, which is Readiness, Agility, Maturity, Plan. An updated version of this document is available on

“Market Guide for E-Discovery Solutions” (G00388272) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 2, we changed vendor name Mindseye to Reveal Data and product name Mindseye eDiscovery Platform to eDiscovery and Investigations Platform to reflect the acquisition of Mindseye Solutions by Reveal Data on 5 June 2019. The updated document is now available on

28 November 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems” (G00376881) has been republished to remove an error from the second Caution in the section on Microsoft. This Caution originally referred mistakenly to concerns about there being “no ability to buy reserved instances.” The revised version of this document, from which these words have been excised, is now available to view on

25 November 2019
“Peer Lessons Learned: Implementing Amazon Web Services” (G00447996) has been republished to remove part of a peer review on AWS that was not relevant to the content of the document. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Vulnerability Assessment” (G00367737) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. We removed the vendor ReliaQuest from Table 2 because its product,Threatcare, no longer meets the inclusion criteria for this research.An updated version of this document is now available on

22 November 2019
“How to Select Your Optimal SAP HANA Systems Vendor” (G00388940) has been republished to add an Evidence section that explains the model used for this research. This model is based on numbers published by SAP in April 2019. An updated version of this document is now available on

“How to Select SAP HANA Cloud Systems” (G00388942) has been republished to add an Evidence section that explains the model used for this research. This model is based on numbers published by SAP in April 2019. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast Analysis: Semiconductor Devices Manufactured With Chiplet Technologies, Worldwide” (G00450830) has been revised. In Table 2, the data for 2022, 2023 and CAGR 2018-2023 has been corrected. The Table 2 caption has also been revised to “Forecast: Semiconductor Chiplet Device Revenue for the 20 Highest Incremental Growth Opportunities (Memory Revenue Removed), Worldwide, 2018-2023 (Millions of U.S. Dollars).” An updated version of the document is now available on

20 November 2019
"CPO Risk Anatomy Tool" (G00386221) has been retracted and replaced with a new tool, the Supplier Risk Prioritization Tool. You can find the updated tool here.

"Tool: Supplier Risk Prioritization” (G00714792) has been republished to correct a minor error in the tool. An updated version is now available on

19 November 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways” (G00380121) has been republished to correct the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. In the fourth Strengths bullet of the iboss vendor profile, we removed Menlo Security from the list of iboss’ technology partnerships. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Insight: Build a Featured Hardware Portfolio With Ecosystem Partners to Drive Greater Success in the Global Smart Home Market" (G00388535) has been republished to change “smartphone” to “smart home” in the sentence, “To support various apps/services on diversified embedded systems, product managers of smart home platform providers should ensure interoperability of their platforms.” The corrected report is now available on

“Asia/Pacific Context: ‘Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls’” (G00407368) has been republished to correct the Notable Vendors section. In the H3C vendor profile, we clarified the location and number of H3C’s technical support centers. In the Qi An Xin Group vendor profile, we corrected the name of the vendor’s firewall product and clarified the functionality of the Netentsec Behavior Management system and the Skyeye product. An updated version of this document is now available on

12 November 2019
“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been republished to correct a discrepancy. The “Environment Learning Capabilities” criterion for TrapX Security is now rated as High in Table 6 and Figure 1. This error has also been corrected in the downloadable Excel tool and graphics attachment. The updated document is now available on

11 November 2018
"An I&O Leader’s Framework for Product Management" (G00441404) Figure 2, Value to Business column, has been updated to reflect the correct “high” and “low” values (1 = low and 5 = high). This updated document is now available on

8 November 2019
“Market Guide for Desktop as a Service” (G00368228) has been republished to correct the Market Analysis section. In the last paragraph of the Geographic Coverage section, we clarified that the vendor Diso focuses on companies in the DACH region. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 November 2019
“ Critical Capabilities for Content Services Platforms” (G00377279) has been republished to amend the name of the vendor SER Group to SER in line with the companion “Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms” (G00377256), and in accordance with Gartner's style policy regarding company names. An updated version of the document is now available on

6 November 2019
“The 2020 CIO Agenda: Winning in the Turns” (G00407791) was revised 6 November 2019 to update “Who to talk to” recommendations. An updated version of the document is now available on

12 November 2019
“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been republished to correct a discrepancy. The “Environment Learning Capabilities” criterion for TrapX Security is now rated as High in Table 6 and Figure 1. This error has also been corrected in the downloadable Excel tool and graphics attachment. The updated document is now available on

5 November 2019
“Toolkit: Vendor Identification for Blockchain Consultancy Providers” (G00436095) has been republished to include additional blockchain consortia in which IBM participates. The updated document is now available on

“Critical Capabilities for Cloud Access Security Brokers” (G00377711) has been republished to correct the Vendors Added and Dropped section. In the entries for Cisco and Saviynt, we changed the reasons given for why these vendors were not includedin the Critical Capabilities research. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers” (G00377508) has been republished to correct the Vendors Added and Dropped section. In the entries for Cisco and Saviynt, we changed the reasons given for why these vendors were not included in the Magic Quadrant. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 November 2019
“The Evolving Customer Service Rep Role and Its Organizational Implications” (G00
712694) has been republished to correct the About This Research section. The data on which we based our insights came from a Customer Service Research Circle survey rather than a Gartner-managed panel of IT and IT-business professionals. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 October 2019
“Toolkit: Create Your Own Hype Cycle With Gartner’s Innovation Database” (G00451068) has been republished to fix a technical issue with the interactive tool that was affecting customization. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms” (G00377256) has been republished to amend the second and third Cautions bullets for Alfresco to read as follows: “Alfresco has no SaaS offering and has only recently released a PaaS offering in September 2019. Customers who want a managed service delivery model will be early adopters of the Alfresco PaaS or must select and work with Alfresco’s partners.” And “Alfresco’s reference customers reported that deploying the platform and integrating with line-of-business systems is more difficult than expected. Additionally, they stated that it took greater levels of technical resource than expected to realize the desired business value from the solution.” An updated version of the document is now available on

25 October 2019
“Critical Capabilities for Cloud Access Security Brokers” (G00377711) has been republished to correct the Vendors Added and Dropped section. In the Oracle entry, we changed the text to read: “Oracle failed to meet certain 2019 product configuration and product feature inclusion criteria.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers” (G00377508)has been republished to correct the Vendors Added and Dropped section. In the Oracle entry, we changed the text to read: “Oracle failed to meet certain 2019 product configuration and product feature inclusion criteria.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Critical Capabilities for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises” (G00373290) has been republished to amend the following phrase in the first paragraph of the Oracle write-up: “According to Gartner estimates, more than 2,400 customers had purchased Oracle’s Global HR module as of May 2019, and approximately implementations 1,700 are currently live.” This now correctly states that “Gartner estimates that more than 2,900 customers have purchased Oracle’s Global HR module as of May 2019 (more than 1,800 are estimated to be live).” An updated version of the document is now available on

24 October 2019
“Maximize the Success of Enterprise Agile: Utilize DevOps as the Accelerator” (G00436040) has been republished to enhance the bulleted lists under the “Start by Automating Testing” section. An updated version of the document is now available on

23 October 2019
“A Research Guide to Building a Strong Supply Chain Analytics Competency” (G00432957) has been revised with correct information for Figure 1. A corrected version is available on

22 October 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers” (G00377508) has been republished to correct the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. In the Symantec vendor profile, we changed the first sentence of the paragraph above the “Strengths” bullets to: “In 2019, Symantec announced its intention to sell its enterprise security software products to Broadcom, a chip manufacturer with no history of software product investment or integration.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast Analysis: Enterprise Managed Communications Services Growth Trends, Worldwide" (G00385104) has been republished to correct the title of Table 1 and the text in Figure 2 (“constant” was removed in both cases). We also added a link to the actual forecast in the Notable Changes section and in the recommended reading section. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 October 2019
“Magic Quadrant for P&C Insurance Core Platforms, North America,”
(376112) was republished to clarify why CodeObjects was not included in this research. The Dropped section was amended to read: “Three vendors included in last year’s report were not able to meet the inclusion criteria for this Magic Quadrant: CodeObjects continues to support and market its core system for policy, billing and claims, and no longer supports the wider platform capabilities required for inclusion in this report, DXC did not secure the required number of new wins, and Instec does not support the end-to-end core capabilities required to be eligible for inclusion.”

“The Structured Components of the Logical Data Warehouse: Enterprise Warehouse, Mart, Hub and ODS” (G00383909) has been republished to correct a minor error in Figure 3. The bottom-middle red box has been changed to read “Fragmented Analysis.” An updated version of the document is now available on

“Vendor Rating: Informatica” (G00370461) has been republished to clarify that, although many organizations use Informatica iPaaS to support API scenarios, prospective customers typically do not initially consider Informatica iPaaS for API-centric use cases. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Toolkit: Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services Price Range” (G00441741) has been republished to ensure the downloadable Excel file is functioning properly. An updated version of this document is now available on

“The Structured Components of the Logical Data Warehouse: Enterprise Warehouse, Mart, Hub and ODS” (G00383909) has been republished. The previous version did not include all of the vendors mentioned within the document in the Evidence field. Missing vendors have been added, and the vendor list has been alphabetized. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: AI Startups in China" (G00405235) has been republished to correct the name for 4Paradigm’s PaaS solution to “Sage.” An updated version of this document is now available on

18 October 2019
"Semiconductor Forecast Database, Worldwide, 3Q19 Update" (G00450860) has been updated to correct a calculation error in the semiconductor device units for Wired Communications (all interface functions and controllers). An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Contact Center as a Service, Western Europe” (G00376615) has been republished to correct a mistake in the fourth bullet point in the section titled “Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.” As originally published, this bullet point incorrectly indicated that vendors qualifying for inclusion had to: “Offer services on multitenant platforms (i.e., the provider operates a single software instance on which all customers are supported) or multi-instance (i.e., the provider uses separate server software instances for each customer but supports them on shared system server hardware).” In the corrected version, which is now available on, this statement has been revised to read: “Offer services on multitenant platforms (i.e., the provider operates a single software instance on which multiple customers can be supported).”

17 October 2019
“Take a CARTA Approach to Building a Successful Payment Fraud Detection Strategy for Digital B2C Channels” (G00385812) has been republished to amend the Analysis section. In Table 1, we added NuData Security to the list of sample vendors in the bot detection and device telemetry categories. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 October 2019
"Solution Comparison for Enterprise DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI) Solutions" (G00370200) has been updated to correct the spelling of TCPWave in Figure 1. The updated document is now available on

10 October 2019
"Critical Capabilities for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions” (G00380834) has been republished to correct the Vendors section. In the Virtual Machines subcategory of the IBM Spectrum Protect profile, we replaced one instance of the product name “Spectrum Protect Suite” with “Spectrum Protect Plus.” An updated version of this document is now available on

"Competitive Landscape: Customer Management BPO, Worldwide" (G00388262) has been updated to accurately reflect the revenue of Comdata in Figure 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

“NetOps 2.0: Embrace Network Automation and Analytics to Win in the Era of ContinuousNext” (G00390284) has been republished to remove Note 1 (Sample Vendors). An updated version of this document is now available on

7 October 2019
“Market Guide for Identity Proofing and Corroboration” (G00351277) was revised to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we changed the product name for the vendor Experian from Consumer Onboarding to CrossCore. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Scenarios for the Cloud Marketplace, 2019" (G00439880) has been updated to correct a IBM’s revenue total on slide 7 of the PowerPoint file, “Top Five IaaS Providers.” An updated version of this document is now available on

"Five Steps CEOs Must Take to Get the Most out of Their Advisory Board or Board of Directors” (G00450581) has been republished to correct Step 4 to “Advisement and Execution” in Figure 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

2 October 2019
“Market Guide for Edge Computing Solutions for Industrial IoT” (G00369579) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 3, in the “Key Product Lines" column, we amended the HPE entry to correct the names for HPE Edgeline Converged Edge Systems and Aruba Networking and to add HPE IoT Gateway Series. We also added Lenovo to the Scale Computing entry in the “Representative List of Technology Partners” column. In Table 7, we changed the vendor name ScaleMatrix-Instant Data Centers to ScaleMatrix-DDC Cabinet Technology. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Gartner Market Databook, 3Q19 Update" (G00382556) has been updated to correct some regional totals in Table 2-1. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 September 2019
“Forecast Analysis: Enterprise Managed Communications Services Growth Trends, Worldwide" (G00385104) has been republished to correct the managed LAN/WLAN segment size in Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2 (in terms of totals and compound annual growth rates). An updated version of the document is now available on

27 September 2019
“Market Guide for Transportation Mobility Technology” (G00370205) has been revised. Draft versions of Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 were inadvertently included in the published document. These figures have been updated and a corrected version is available on

26 September 2019
“Mapping Your Future Value Proposition: Banking Industry Scenarios in 2030" (G00411238) has been republished to fix the first sentence in the summary. Banking and investment services leaders agree that the industry’s status quo is unsustainable. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Emergency/Mass Notification Services” (G00349070) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 3 and in the F24 vendor profile, we changed the vendor’s product names from F24 to FACT24. An updated version of this document is now available on

24 September 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises” (G00373032) has been republished to change the name of Oracle’s product from Cloud HCM to HCM Cloud in the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Treat Wearable Investments as Tactical, Not Strategic” (G00367073) has been republished to amend the Analysis section. In the paragraph under Figure 4 in the “Socialize Wearable Deployments Across the Organization” section, we clarified that respondents to Gartner’s 2018 Exploring Applications of Wearables in the Enterprise survey identified security as an important concern. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 September 2019
"Exploit Indoor Location Services to Differentiate IoT Solution Value" (G00374045) has been updated. This document was republished as the name of a vendor (AiRISTA Flow) was misspelled. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 September 2019
“Market Guide for Corporate Legal Matter Management” (G00376895) has been republished to remove the duplicate of Figure 2 and insert the correct Figure 3: Percentage of Deployments for Each Deployment Option (Summary View). An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Trends: Edge Computing Creates New Equipment Design Challenges" (G00447998) has been republished to specify HPE’s products in Table 3: Examples of Edge Gateway Vendors. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Ad Tech” (GOO376328) has been republished to add context to vendor Amobee’s caution statements. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 September 2019
“Conversational UI Adoption Growth Insights for Software Product Managers" (G00441543) has been republished to correct the mind share and adoption data. Figures and text have been updated to reflect these updated values. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Magic Quadrant for Business Continuity Management Program Solutions, Worldwide" (G00385437) has been republished to change the vendor name Grey Wall Software to Grey Wall Software (Veoci) in the Magic Quadrant graphic (Figure 1) and the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 September 2019
“Comparing Leading Cloud-Native Application Platforms: Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Red Hat OpenShift” (G00370391) has been republished. We updated the third sub-bullet in the What’s Changed in PCF Since June 2017 section; the Preferred Application Model and Open-Source Model rows in Table 1; the first bullet in the Key Differences section; the third paragraph in the PCF’s Approach to Containers section; the fourth paragraph in the Price Model section; and the third paragraph in the Plan to Self-Manage Cloud-Native Software Platforms in the Short Term to Midterm Only; Go Fully Managed Over the Long Term section. The revised document is now available on

“Comparing Leading Cloud-Native Application Platforms: Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Red Hat OpenShift” (G00370391) has been republished. We updated the third sub-bullet in the What’s Changed in PCF Since June 2017 section; the Preferred Application Model and Open-Source Model rows in Table 1; the first bullet in the Key Differences section; the third paragraph in the PCF’s Approach to Containers section; the fourth paragraph in the Price Model section; and the third paragraph in the Plan to Self-Manage Cloud-Native Software Platforms in the Short Term to Midterm Only; Go Fully Managed Over the Long Term section. The revised document is now available on

12 September 2019
"Market Guide for Independent Third-Party Maintenance for IBM, Oracle and SAP Software” (G00383030) has been republished to update Table 2. We have now presented the revenue figure for Rimini Street as a single total, rather than broken out across three years. The updated document is now available on

“Market Guide for Digital Experience Monitoring” (G00384300) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In the Market Introduction section above Table 2, we added “APM-Centric” to the list of vendor categories. In Table 2, we corrected the product name for the vendor ThousandEyes. An updated version of this document is now available on

10 September 2019
"Private Cloud: Divide to Conquer" (G00407157) has been updated. In Figure 2, in the Virtual Private Cloud row, we have changed “No” to “Partial” in the “Private Cloud?” column. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Merlin (Automated Supplier Scorecard Platform)" (G00123456) has been updated. Since publication, this survey tool has been enhanced to give clients access to two (formerly one) annual deployments. An updated version of this document is now available on

6 September 2019
“Forecast Analysis: Social Software and Collaboration in the Workplace, Worldwide” (G00248728) has been updated to replace "frontline” with “knowledge” in both text and in Figure 3. An updated version of this document is now available on

5 September 2019
“Developing a Differentiated Application Strategy for CRM Customer Service and Support” (G00436363) has been republished to replace two missing boxes in Figure 2 under Systems of Differentiation. The missing boxes were Touch IVR/Visual IVR, PROV7 and Software Usage Analytics, PROV9. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Share: Enterprise Platform as a Service, Worldwide, 2018" (G00414520) has been updated due to an update in the estimates for AIM-related PaaS  for all vendors and all years. This change would reflect in the Total PaaS Market Share data. An updated version of the document is now available on

4 September 2019
“Market Guide for Sales Engagement Platforms” (G00376533) has been republished to correct Table 14, which omitted to indicate that Highspot supports the medical device and pharmaceuticals industries. This error has been corrected in the revised version, which is now available to view on

29 August 2019
“Personalize Account-Based Marketing Experiences With Enterprise Technology Adoption Profiles" (G00388510) has been republished to replace the label for the second set of column charts in Figure 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

“The Top Skills HR Leaders Want” has been retracted due to content quality issues. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. We apologize for the inconvenience.

27 August 2019
"Solution Comparison for SD-WAN" (G00377370) has been republished to remove an item from the Weaknesses section for the Cisco SD-WAN solution. The updated document is now available on

23 August 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms” (G00352135) has been republished to correct the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section and the Evaluation Criteria section.

In the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section, in the Bitdefender vendor profile, we changed the name of the EPP and EDR platform from GravityZone Business Security to GravityZone Ultra.

In the Carbon Black vendor profile, we revised the sentence about the vendor’s offerings for clarity, and corrected misspellings of its CB Response and CB Protection products.

In the Cisco vendor profile, we corrected the Cisco strengths to reflect that its managed services do not include managed detection and response.

In the SentinelOne vendor profile, we corrected the vendor’s strengths to reflect that its vulnerability scanning supports discovery of IoT-type devices.

In Table 2 in the Evaluation Criteria section, we changed the weighting of the Marketing Strategy criterion from Medium to Low to reflect the correct weighting.

An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Event Stream Processing” (G00367575) has been republished to include two additional vendors in “Table 2: Representative Vendors in Event Stream Processing.”  Both Hazelcast and SAS have unique capabilities in the ESP market and should have featured in the original publication. An updated version is now available on

“Infographic: Supporting a Midsize Digital Enterprise at Scale” has been republished to amend the summary text at the top of the page. It previously referred to “three categories of activity,” but we share the benefits of four categories. The language has been updated in the version now available on

22 August 2019
“Procurement’s Preparedness for the Next Economic Downturn” has been republished to correct the labels in a bar graph. Figure 2 previously showed “When the Economic Decline Occurs” at 30%, “No Current Plan” at 28%, “Within the Next Year” at 14% and “Currently” at 12%. The order of the labels has now been reversed to show “When the Economic Decline Occurs” at 12%, “No Current Plan” at 14%, “Within the Next Year” at 28% and “Currently” at 30%. An updated version is now available on

“Planning for Any Type of Negotiation” has been republished to amend the Overview section, which contained an internal calculation error. We previously stated, “the average organizational spend on purchasing was recorded at $989 million, up by 40% from the previous year,” but the increase of 40% may be skewed by differences between the survey populations year over year. An updated version is now available on

21 August 2019
“Toolkit: Communicating Gartner’s Five-Stage Maturity Model for Logistics Excellence” (G00384361) has been updated to include the downloadable toolkit attachment. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 August 2019
“Market Guide for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems” (G00385800) has been republished to correct the Market Direction section. Under the heading “Stand-Alone Threat Intelligence Solutions“ in the Alternatives to IDPS section, we changed the vendor name Bandura Systems to Bandura Cyber. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Hype Cycle for Blockchain Business, 2019” (G00390391) has been updated to include the Blockchain in Life Sciences technology. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 August 2019
“Market Insight: MDR Vendors Must Capitalize on Emerging Gaps in the Market and Extend Beyond the Endpoint” (G00386459) has been republished to revise two incorrect market numbers. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Cloud Financial Planning and Analysis Solutions” (G00386508) was updated to clarify that two vendors have been 100% recommended by customer references. They are Host Analytics and OneStream Software. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 August 2019
"Magic Quadrant for Access Management" (G00433910) has been republished to correct the Honorable Mentions section. We removed the vendor JumpCloud from the list of CIAM-only vendors because it was inadvertently included in the original draft. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 August 2019
"Supplier Risk Questionnaire" (G00710699) has been republished to update the Overview section. The original text in this section was intended for a different procurement tool and has been replaced. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Accessible Information Security Policy for Decision Makers (Raytheon)” (G00711004) has been temporarily retracted due to the need for additional review. We will republish the document once the additional review is completed.

09 August 2019
"Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, Worldwide" (G00354149) has been republished to amend the statement that Google plans to have Google Voice in 44 country markets by 4Q19 to read “more [markets] planned for 2H19.” The corrected report is now available on

08 August 2019
“In-Depth Assessment of Microsoft Azure Application PaaS” (G00377436) has been revised. The “Spend limits” Preferred criterion (under Govern and Manage Service Levels: Platform Governance) was updated from a “No” to a “Yes” rating. The comments text and links for that criterion were also updated.

As a result, the overall Preferred score rose from 84% to 85%, and the Preferred score for Govern and Manage Service Levels rose from 63% to 68%.

“In-Depth Assessment of Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security/Intune, May 2019” (G00378228) has been revised. Several formulas on the Scoring worksheet were not including the “Vendor and Licensing Support” category in their totals. The update fixes that error, with the following results:

  • All individual category scores remained the same.
  • The overall Preferred score remained at 48%, although the base numbers went from 58/121 criteria to 61/127 criteria.
  • The overall Optional score dropped from 25% (7/28) to 24% (7/29).

In addition to fixing the above formulas in the Excel tool, the overall Optional score was adjusted throughout the document, and Figure 1 has been updated to reflect the new overall Optional score.

“Evaluation Criteria for Unified Endpoint Management Systems” (G00354011) has been updated. The Excel tool that accompanies this document had several incorrect formulas that would cause the final category (Vendor Licensing and Support) to not be included in the overall scores for the Preferred and Optional categories. Those formulas have been corrected.

07 August 2019
"Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT Platforms" (G00363999) has been republished to correct the statement that SAP no longer offers IoT Device Management as part of its product catalog for cloud, as well as on-premises, deployments. The corrected version states that SAP no longer offers IoT Device Management as part of its product catalog for on-premises deployments. The corrected report is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Procure-to-Pay Suites” (G00382721) has been republished to change the presentation of one of the featured vendor’s names from SynerTrade to Synertrade. The revised version of this document is now available for viewing on

05 August 2019
“Solution Scorecard for Google Cloud Platform IaaS, July 2019” (G00377491) has been republished to fix an error in the Preferred criteria for the Compute category. The “Compute performance benchline” criteria was incorrectly rated as a “No.” It has been corrected to a “Yes.” The comment text was updated to read as follows: “GCP meets the requirements of this criterion. It provides performance baselines for Linux and Windows VMs on request.”

As a result of this change:

  • The Preferred score for the Compute category changed from 64% (7/11) to 74% (8/11).
  • The overall Preferred score for GCP changed from 44% (34/78) to 45% (35/78).
  • The Overall Weighted Score for GCP remains at 49%.

01 August 2019
"The State of RPA Implementation" (G00711120) has been updated. Due to a rounding error, Figure 8 listed the wrong percentages for IT and non-IT respondents. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been republished to update Figure 1 and Table 2. In both places, the Deception Credibility and Authenticity category has been marked High for Attivo Networks. We also updated Table 7 to adjust the row for Deception Credibility and Authenticity. An updated version of this document is now available on

31 July 2019
"Competitive Landscape: Customer Management BPO, Worldwide" (G00388262) has been updated has been updated to reflect the latest (2019) data and information of the key service providers Alorica and Sitel. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Forecast: Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 2Q19 Update" (G00386870) has been updated to correct some data errors in the document. One of the data sets (pertaining to unit sales in Eurasia) was erroneous due to technical issues during the publication process. These errors have been corrected. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 July 2019
“Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services” (G00367208) has been republished to revise the service name for LMNTRIX from Managed Detection and Response to Adaptive Threat Response in Table 1 and for Binary Defense from SOC as a Service to Managed Detection and Response (MDR) in Table 2, as well as to update the headquarters location in Table 1 for LMNTRIX. The updated document is now available

29 July 2019
“Market Guide for Data and Analytics Service Providers” (G00367665) has been republished to account for the following late submissions from the vendor Absolutdata:

• Table 1: Regional presence: India included
• Table 4: Vendors/platforms supported: Horton Works and MapR included
• Table 5: Top 5 vendors/platforms supported: Salesforce, Tableau, Microsoft, SAP, Oracle
• Table 6: Data Migration and Data Quality included

These changes have now been made and an updated version is available on

“Solution Scorecard for Amazon Web Services IaaS, July 2019” (G00386951) has been republished. An error was discovered in a formula in the companion Excel toolkit. The Software Infrastructure Services worksheet incorrectly tabulated AWS’s score for the required criteria in that category as 0 out of 5. This reduced AWS’s scores in the Scoring worksheet as follows:

  • The required criteria score for Software Infrastructure Services was listed as 0/5 (0%).
  • The Total Required Score was listed as 109/117 (93%).
  • The Overall Weighted Score was listed as 86/100.

The error has been corrected, and the scores in the Scoring worksheet are now 5/5 (100%),  114/117 (97%) and 88/100, respectively. None of the scores in the main document were incorrect. An updated version of this document is now available on

“How to Successfully Design and Implement a Data-Centric Security Architecture” (G00390767) has been revised to update information on Micro Focus in Figure 14. The revised document is now available on

“Forecast Analysis: Wired Interface Semiconductors, Worldwide” (G00383995) has been republished to add three citations to the Evidence section. The updated document is now available on

“Broadcom Acquisition of CA Technologies Brings Significant Changes to Product and Service Strategy” (G00389502) has been republished to correct the Impacts and Recommendations section. Under the subheading “Layer7 Security and Integration,” we clarified that Broadcom does not have an application infrastructure and middleware (AIM) offering, and we changed a product name from Layer7 API Developer Portal to Layer7 Identity Portal. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Assessing Application and Infrastructure Monitoring for Containers” (G00385720) has been revised to make updates to the Datadog and Splunk sections. In addition, we revised Figure 5. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 July 2019
“Video Analytics Functionality Spectrum: Competitive Advantage Lies in Basic Performance and Unique Feature” (G00436023) has been republished to convert Figure 1 from a table into a graphical format. An updated version of this document is now available on

"From Conflict to Confidence — Smoothing the Path to Winning Good Business and Bigger Deals" (G00404298) has been republished to revise Key Finding 3 to 50% (from 60%) and Figure 7 column heading to “Conflicting Objectives Within the Team” (from “Collecting Objectives Within the Team”).  An updated version of this document is now available on

24 July 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training” (G00378818) has been republished to correct the Market Definition/Description section. In the second paragraph under the heading “Market Dynamics and Growth,” we changed the market growth percentage from 32% to 47%. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Ignition Guide to Creating a Lead-Generation Campaign" (G00340793) has been retracted, as it was published inadvertently and created a duplicate of existing content. You can find the correct Ignition Guide on this topic here.

23 July 2019
“Ditch Labels in Marketing Messaging to Avoid Alienating Millennials” (G00388751) has been updated to change five statistics: “Millennials might seem detached from major social issues, given that a minority call themselves feminists (29%) [previously 25%] or environmentalists (43%) [previously 45%]. But take the labels out of the equation, and a whopping 92% [previously 90%] of Millennials say they support gender equality, and a similarly robust 88%  [previously 89%] support sustainability.” … “Forty-four percent [previously 47%] of Millennials say the things they buy or own show the world who they are.” The corrected document is now available on

“IAM Leaders’ Guide to Privileged Access Management” (G00389808)  has been revised to change the company name “Centrif” to “Centrify.” An updated version of this document is now available on

22 July 2019
“In-Depth Assessment of Microsoft Azure Application PaaS” (G00377436) has been republished. A spreadsheet formula was incorrect and caused the percentage for the required “Govern and Manage” criterion to be incorrectly calculated as 100% instead of 90%. This cascaded to the scoring sheet and Figures 1 and 2 in the document itself. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Toolkit: Product Managers in Manufacturing Can Differentiate Offerings in IT Infrastructure, IaaS and Cloud Services With Effective SLAs” (G00387638) has been revised. In the Toolkit Excel file under the Manufacturing tab, the description of Units Manufactured has been changed. An updated version of the document is now available on

"2019 IT Skills Roadmap" (G00710282) has been updated to include a statement about and link to the methodology used to create the roadmap. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Prepare for AI’s New Adaptive Learning Impacts on K-12 Education” (G00404403) has been revised to remove a sentence stating that Instructure Canvas had acquired Cerego’s adaptive learning platform. An updated version is available on

19 July 2019
“Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services” (G00367208) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we changed the service name listed for the vendor Arctic Wolf Networks to Managed Detection and Response. An updated version of the document is now available on July 2019

“Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide” (G00365830) has been republished to add the following text to the IBM vendor profile in the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section: “Disclaimer: IBM did not respond to requests for supplemental information or for a review of the draft contents of this research. Therefore, Gartner analysis is based on other credible sources, including public information.” An updated version of the document is now available on

“Scenarios for the IT Services Marketplace, 2019" (G00414485) has been republished to replace Dimension Data with NTT DATA under the traditional system integrators category on Slide 14: The Digital Implementation Service Competitive Landscape Will Intensify During the Next 12 Months. An updated version of the document is now available on

17 July 2019
“Critical Capabilities for Data Center Networking” (G00382825) has been republished to correct the vendor name “New H3C Group” to “H3C” in all graphics, tables, and body text. The updated document is now available

“Magic Quadrant for Data Center Networking” (G00368926) has been republished to correct the vendor name “New H3C Group” to “H3C” in all graphics, tables, and body text. The updated document is now available on

16 July 2019
"Labor Market Competition Report: Quality Managers and Directors" (G00708105) has been updated. The n values for Figure 3 and Figure 4 were incorrectly listed as 2,853 and 2,852 respectively. The n value for both figures has been corrected to 746. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise Infrastructure Software, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 2Q19 Update" (G00385588) has been republished to correct the data within the application infrastructure and middleware market. The overall revenue forecast remains the same, including the revenue forecast for each market.An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Share Analysis: Supply Chain Management Software, Worldwide, 2018” (G00389430) has been republished to illustrate cloud share and growth rate of the top 10 supply chain management vendors in Figure 4 and 5, respectively, rather than together in Figure 4. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 July 2019
“Market Guide for Data and Analytics Service Providers” (G00367665) has been republished to account for the following omissions:

Table 1. Regional Presence and Company Size – A geographic presence in India has been added for McKinsey Digital.

Table 6. Data Supported – Coverage for “Data Strategy, Roadmap” has been added for Slalom.

These changes have now been made and an updated version is available on

"Top Emerging Trends in Cloud-Native Infrastructure” (G00385619) has been republished to correct the Analysis section. In the “Trend 7: Support for Stateful Applications” section, we changed the vendor name Robin Systems to An updated version of this document is now available on

10 July 2019
“Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service” (G00376473) has been republished to correct the spelling of the vendor name for Tenable. An updated version of the document is now available on

July 2019
"Market Guide for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms” (G00356240) has been republished to correct the Market Analysis section. In the “CWPP Controls, Layer by Layer” section, we changed the vendor name from (Nessus) to Tenable (Nessus). An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for CDN Services” (G00386502) has been republished. Due to a production error, the version of this document that was originally published did not incorporate the most up to date vendor information. We have updated the information for several vendors in this Market Guide with the most current information available. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 July 2019
"Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation Software" (G00379618) has been republished to correct Figure 1 (the Magic Quadrant graphic), because an erroneous version was inadvertently published with an incorrect date and incorrect placement of the dots. An updated version of this document was uploaded and is now available

“Best Practices for Marketing to Millennials” (G00388774) has been updated to change three statistics: 44% (down from “nearly half”) of Millennials believe the things they buy or own show the world who they are; 43% (down from 45%) will only buy from companies that align with their values; 43% (down from “almost half”) indicate they often feel overwhelmed by social media and want to take a break from it. The corrected document is now available on

4 July 2019
"How to Choose Your Best-Fit Vendor for Test Management" (G00387971) has been republished to update Table 2. QA Symphony (qTest Manager) has been amended to Tricentis (qTest) as a result of vendor rebranding. An updated version of this document is now available on

3 July 2019
“Market Guide for Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems” (G00385800) has been republished to revise the Representative Vendors section. In Table 1, we  changed AhnLab’s product name to TrusGuard IPX. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions” (G00389446) has been republished. In the Representative Vendors section, we corrected the Rapid7 vendor profile, because a draft version was inadvertently published. An updated version of the document is now available on

2 July 2019
“Market Guide for Natural Language Generation Platforms” (G00375983) has been republished to correct the percentages for the distribution of deployment approaches by Yseop in Table 5. This table now shows that 20% of Yseop’s deployments are public cloud deployments, 40% are private cloud deployments and 40% are on-premises deployments. The corrected version of this document is now available on

28 June 2019
“Competitive Landscape: SAP S/4HANA Service Providers” (G00384290) has been republished to correct the bar chart and numbers in Figure 1. SAP S/4HANA Adoption Trend.  An updated version of the document is now available on

"Digital IQ Index: Beauty, France 2019" (G00390708) has been updated to change methodology rating from 40% to 20% on page 17. The document is now available on

"Digital IQ Index: FMCG, Germany 2019" (G00389408) has been updated to transpose the charts to correspond to the correct company name labels for Philips and Schwarzkopf on page 10. The document is now available on

"Market Share Analysis: Integration Platform as a Service, Worldwide, 2018" (G00385831) has been republished to correct one of two references of the year Okta acquired Azuqua. The acquisition was in 2019. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions” (G00389446) has been republished. In the Market Analysis section, we revised the forecast market growth for the five-year (2018-2023) time frame from $275 million to $550 million. In the Representative Vendors section, in Table 2 we changed the product name for vendor ThreatQuotient from “ThreatQ Investigations” to “ThreatQ.”  We also corrected the EclecticIQ vendor profile, because a draft version was inadvertently published. An updated version of the document is now available on

27 June 2019
"Market Share Analysis: Managed Security Services, Worldwide, 2018" (G00411230) has been updated to correct the growth rate for the vendor Optiv in Table 1. The growth rate for ‘Other Providers’ has also been amended. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 June 2019
“Market Guide for Information Stewardship Applications” (G00365680) has been republished to reflect, in Table 1, the rebranding of BackOffice Associates as Syniti, which was announced on 8 May 2019. The revised version of the document is now available on

22 June 2019
“Toolkit: Improving Your Clinical Value Analysis Program Starts by Assessing Your Current State” (G00336170) has been revised. On the spreadsheet used to conduct assessments of our clients’ Clinical Value Analysis program maturity, there was a material calculation error in two of the formulas in the spreadsheet. These formula errors result in generating an incorrect spider diagram that does not line up with the assessment results selected as well as misaligned recommendations. A corrected version is available on

20 June 2019
"Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2018" (G00385615) has been updated to correct data for one vendor. In the Security market, the data for Bitdefender has been adjusted for 2018, including the overall vendor revenue. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Share: Enterprise Infrastructure Software Markets, Worldwide, 2018" (G00390278) has been updated to correct data for one vendor. In the Security market, the data for Bitdefender has been adjusted for 2018, including the overall vendor revenue. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 June 2019
“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been temporarily retracted because there were some discrepancies between the text descriptions and the scores, as well as some rating discrepancies between the tables and the figure. We will republish the document once these discrepancies are resolved.

18 June 2019
“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been republished to correct the spelling of the vendor Attivo in Figure 1 and in the accompanying downloads. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Solution Comparison for Six Threat Deception Platforms” (G00373459) has been republished to correct a factual mistake in Table 4 and the accompanying downloads. The following sentence was removed from the end of the comments column for the “Endpoint Lures” criterion in Table 4 for Illusive Networks: “Automatic lure refresh is not supported, so lure refresh requires analyst attention.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“How to Decide If You Can Choose Office 365 E1 Over Office 365 E3 to Optimize License Costs” (G00368358) has been republished to correct a product designation error in Figure 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

14 June 2019
"Market Share Analysis: Business Process Outsourcing, Worldwide, 2018" (G00383069) has been updated to amendPaychex’s profile on its go-to-market strategy. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 June 2019
We believe that you recently viewed a Gartner research document entitled: “Customer-Focused Improvements of Internal PMO Services (Progressive)” ((G00704153, published 11 June 2019). This case study has been temporarily retracted while we complete the external review process. If you have downloaded this case study, please discard it. We will notify you when the document has been corrected and republished.  We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have questions related to this notification, please contact

11 June 2019
"Market Share: IT Services, 2018" (G00383033) has been updated to correct Fujitsu’s IT services revenue numbers for the United States and Canada for both 2017 and 2018. Fujitsu’s Canadian revenue was inadvertently listed for the U.S., and vice versa. This error has been corrected, and the document republished. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 June 2019
“In-Depth Assessment of Qlik Sense, May 2019” (G00377819) has been revised to clarify the first Recommendation bullet on the opening page. The updated document is now available on

6 June 2019
“Doubling Down on Amazon Prime Users” (G00389329) was updated to reflect the following changes:

  • Page 2. Replaced “Gen We” with “Gen Z” in the graphic and changed the key finding that states “Eighty-two percent of Prime subscribers identify free two-day shipping as the most valuable” to state that it is “most used.”
  • Page 3. Changed the key finding that says “82% percent of Prime subscribers identify free two-day shipping as the most valuable” to state that is “most trusted.” 
  • Page 4. Added a citation to Gartner Cultural Attitudes and Behavior Survey.
  • Page 5. Corrected “77 percent of Prime subscribers” to “77% of survey respondents”
  • Page 6. Corrected “57 percent of Non-Prime shoppers” to “52% of Non-Prime shoppers” and replaced the “In Amazon Choice We Trust” chart with a new “Amazon Helps Me Make Smarter and Better Shopping Decisions” chart.
  • Page 7. Corrected “Nearly 88% of Prime subscribers say they prefer smaller brands to bigger ones” to show that they “trust smaller brands.”

An updated version of this document is now available on

5 June 2018
“Negotiate a Favorable Contract for Security Event Monitoring Technologies by Analyzing Licensing Models” (G00343970) has been republished to correct the Analysis section. In Table 1, we changed the Example/Metric for both the device-based and action-based types of licensing model. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Assessing Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Mixed Workloads” (G00386512) has been revised to change the term “in-kernel” to “hypervisor-native” and to clarify CVM and hypervisor-native strengths and weaknesses in the Impact of HCI Architecture on Mixed Workloadssection. An updated version of this document is now available on

"How Organizations Can Survive and Thrive Using Architecture at the Edge of Chaos" (G00336580) has been revised. In the section "Use a High-Reliability Organization Perspective to Learn and Adjust," next to the bullet "Reluctance to simplify," the word "discourage" has been changed to "encourage." A corrected version is available on

3 June 2019
“Market Guide for Employee Communications Applications”
(G00384080) has been republished to account for the following changes to individual vendor profiles:

  • Table 4: SocialChorus: “Yes” inserted for Yammer Integration
  • Table 6: Dynamic Signal: “Yes” inserted for Automatic Language Translation
  • Table 13: Apprise Mobile: URL changed to and Total Number of Active Paid Users changed to “679,750”
  • Table 24: Unily: Total Number of Paid Users changed to “2 million”
  • Table 25: Workplace by Facebook: URL changed to and detail on “number of customers with over 100k users” removed

An updated version is now available on

31 May 2019
“When and Where to Use Robotic Process Automation in Finance and Accounting” (G00377790) has been republished to reclassify Case Study vendor HighRadius from BPaaS to SaaS. An updated version of the document is now available on

30 May 2019
“Critical Capabilities for Oracle Cloud Application Services, Worldwide” (G00367269) has been republished to clarify Oracle’s selling of on-premises application software in the What You Need to Know section. An updated version of the document is now available on

29 May 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools” (363493) and “Critical Capabilities for Data Quality Tools” (363494) have been republished to amend the listing of the vendor Syncsort’s data quality tool products. These changes have been made and an updated version of each document is now available on

“In-Depth Assessment of Qlik Sense, May 2019” (G00377819) has been revised to:

  • Ensure the Excel spreadsheet is aligned to the main document. The correction caused Qlik Sense’s score for preferred criteria to marginally drop from 69% to 68%. Figures 1 through 3 have been revised accordingly.
  • Reflect support for bullet charts in the Qlik Sense Visualization bundle.
  • Fix a typo in one reference to the optional criteria score.

The revised document is now available on

28 May 2019
"Digitization of Transportation Networks Provides an Option for Companies to Tackle Transportation Capacity" (G00376334) has been republished to change a reference in Figure 4 to Konexial, rather than its product, Goload. An updated version of this document is available on

“Defining the Digital Experience Platform” (G00407238) has been republished with the correct version of Figure 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: Endpoint Protection Platforms, Worldwide, 2019” (G00386421) has been revised to add three additional companies (Bitdefender, Check Point Software and Palo Alto Networks) to the sampling of EPP providers. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for MES/MOM Implementation Providers” (G00356563) was republished 21 May 2019 to add to Table 4 that HCL Technologies also partners with Dassault Systèmes. The vendor’s profile was updated to reference its ExPAND 4.0 umbrella, and that a portion of its business is based on custom tools. The updated document is now available on

23 May 2019
“How to Decide If You Can Choose Office 365 E1 Over Office 365 E3 to Optimize License Costs” (G00368358) has been republished to replace Table 2. The updated document is now available on

22 May 2019
“The Cloud Strategy Cookbook, 2019” (G00385759) has been republished to amend the Analysis section. In Figure 3, we changed “Principles” to “Service Strategy.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Cool Vendors in Digital Commerce” (G00387647) has been republished. In the first paragraph of the Commerce section for the vendor Oro, we incorrectly stated that “Oro’s commerce solution does not accommodate B2C commerce.” This has now been corrected to read “Although some of Oro’s customers leverage the platform for B2C use cases, OroCommerce is purpose built for B2B, which may represent a barrier for some prospects that desire one technology solution for both B2B and larger-scale B2C commerce.” An updated version of this document is now available on

16 May 2019
“Critical Capabilities for Data Management Solutions for Analytics” (G00355667) has been republished to correct an internal calculations error. All scores for Pivotal (Pivotal Greenplum) have been updated, affecting its positioning in all four use cases and ratings for all critical capabilities. The following have been updated to reflect this: the product scores graphics for all four use cases in the Interactive version (Figures 1 through 4 in the Full Document version, also summarized in Table 2), and Pivotal’s critical capabilities ratings table (Table 3 in the Full Document). An updated version is now available on

15 May 2019
“8 KPIs That Demonstrate How Self-Service Initiatives Advance Your IT Service Desk” (G00316090) has been republished to correct the Analysis section. In Figures 1 and 3, and on three occasions in the related text, we changed “fulfillment speed” to “fulfillment time”. Additionally, in Figure 3, we changed the desired trend for Consumer and Customer Satisfaction from “Down or Stable” to “Up or Stable.” An updated version of this document is now available on

14 May 2019
“What SAP C/4HANA Means for Your CRM, CX and ERP Strategies” (G00382277) has been republished to amend the phrase “It is the market leader with SAP Commerce Cloud, and has gradually been gaining market share since it acquired hybris in 2013.” This now states that “It is one of the market leaders with SAP Commerce Cloud, and has gradually been gaining market share since it acquired hybris in 2013.” An updated version of the document is now available on

13 May 2019
"The Hierarchy of Manufacturing Metrics: Frequently Asked Questions" (G00378582) has been revised. In Figure 5, in the bullet list pointing to the "Inventory" metric, we changed the first bullet from "Expiry/obsolescence" to "Expiry/write-off" for better clarity. A corrected version is available on

"Magic Quadrant for Warehouse Management Systems" (G00362696) was republished on 10 May 2019. Manhattan Associates’ profile in the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section was updated to reflect the vendor has a modest number of deployed cloud WMS customers. An updated version of this document is available on

“Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” (G00352548) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 2, we changed the solution name listed for the vendor Bottomline Technologies from Intellinx to Cyber Fraud and Risk Management (CFRM). An updated version of this document is now available on

9 May 2019
“Evaluate Promising and Maturing Blockchain Use Cases in Government” (G00385460) was revised to update and clarify the SecureKey and Verified.Me sections under Identity Fabrics. The Verified.Me capability has been released. An updated version of this document is now available

“Maverick* Insights Reveal Agility as the Prime Source of Power: A Gartner Trend Insight Report” (G00361547) has been republished to include an additional document in its list of related research in the section entitled “People and Technology: Changing Relationships”: “Maverick* Research: Envision a Workforce of Gamers That Makes Digital Business ‘Game On’” (G00369645). An updated version of the document is now available on

“Vendor Rating: Amazon” (G00376038) has been updated to more accurately describe the nature of AWS’s presence in China. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” (G00352548) has been republished to correct the spelling of the vendor Jscrambler in Table 2 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 May 2019
"Market Share: Enterprise Infrastructure Software Markets, Worldwide, 2018" (G00390278) has been updated to correct the data for two vendors. The updates are in the Storage market, where the data for Dell EMC has been adjusted for both 2017 and 2018, although the overall vendor revenue is the same; and the Security market, where the data for CrowdStrike has been adjusted for 2017 and 2018 including the overall vendor revenue. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Finance and Accounting Business Process Outsourcing Service Providers” (G00355632) has been updated to correct Table 1's data points for FTEs for Conduent, HCL Technologies and NTT DATA, and correct Table 2, which had old data in the table vertical industry coverage strengths and weaknesses. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Share: Analytics and Business Intelligence, Worldwide, 2018" (G00379004) has been updated to include the vendor Totvs for both 2017 and 2018. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Share: Enterprise Application Software, Worldwide, 2018" (G00390013) has been updated. Within the Analytics and Business Intelligence market, data has been updated for Totvs for both 2017 and 2018. The vendor total revenue has not changed. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 May 2019
“2019 CIO Agenda: Italy Perspective” (G00385724) has been republished to add a missing label to the graphic on Slide 7, “Transformation and Optimization Are Business Priorities,” so that the second 10% bubble on the right-hand side is now labelled “New products and services.” An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” (G00352548) has been republished to correct the Representative Vendors section. In Table 2, we changed the solution name listed for the vendor Group-IB from Threat Intelligence to Secure Bank/Secure Portal. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Mitigating the Risk of Phishing When Technical Security Controls Fail” (G00381085) has been republished. The in-graphic title of Figure 3 was updated from “Recipient-Focused Phishing Detection and Response” to “Security-Operations-Focused Phishing Detection and Response.” An updated version is now available on

6 May 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Oracle Cloud Applications Services, Worldwide” (G00367268) has been republished to correct the Magic Quadrant graphic (Figure 1), because the labels for the Cognizant and KPIT-Birlasoft dots had been inadvertently switched. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2018" (G00385615) has been republished. Within the Analytics and Business Intelligence market, data has been updated for Totvs for both 2017 and 2018. The vendor total revenue has not changed.  In the Storage market, the data for Dell EMC has been adjusted for both 2017 and 2018. The vendor total revenue has not changed.  In the Security market, the data for CrowdStrike has been adjusted for 2017 and 2018, and the vendor total revenue has changed. An updated version of the document is now available on”

“The Future of Software-Defined Storage in Data Center, Edge and Hybrid Cloud” (G00354839) has been republished to change the vendor name Robin Systems to in the Analysis section and in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

1 May 2019
"Market Guide for Resource Scheduling Applications for the Workplace" (G00348370) has been republished. Table 1 was updated to include that NFS Technology Group (Rendezvous) does have ability to set the meeting room or desk to “free” automatically in case of “no-show,” and Accruent (EMS Software)’s application is developed using responsive design. Table 2 was updated to show that NFS Technology Group (Rendezvous)'s solution supports pricing models based on per resource (room and workstation) and offers an enterprise license for unlimited users. In Table 3, geographic presence information is provided for Accruent (EMS Software) and NFS Technology Group (Rendevous). In Table 5, Accruent (EMS Software) provided profile information, and the profile information for NFS Technology Group (Rendevous), regarding number of employees and percentage of SaaS Deployments, was corrected. NFS Technology Group (Rendevous) also provided information pertaining to deployment time for SaaS. An updated version is now available on

30 April 2019
“How Enterprise Architects Can Help Leadership Teams Respond to Disruptions Like Brexit” (G00383837) has been republished. In the Analysis section, we amended Figure 2 because we had inadvertently published a draft version of this graphic. An updated version of the document is now available on

29 April 2019
“Forecast: Information Security and Risk Management, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 1Q19 Update” (G00385344) has been republished due to an error in our estimates for ‘Network Security Equipment.’ These errors have been corrected, and the document republished. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 April 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools” (G00361074) has been republished to correct the line “Consider TCS if: you already use its MasterCraft product, or if you work with TCS as a service provider” to “Consider TCS if: you are considering adopting agile and want a low-cost SaaS solution, or if you work with TCS as a service provider.” An updated version of the document is now available on

25 April 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools” (G00363493) has been republished to update the first and third Cautions bullets for RedPoint Global to more accurately reflect this vendor’s position. An updated version of the document is now available on

23 April 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Field Service Management” (G00343550) has been republished to expand the third Caution in the section on Praxedo. This Caution now qualifies the statement that Praxedo’s self-funded nature limits its ability to invest by adding that Praxedo “is profitable and has continued to invest in order to grow its organization quickly.” The revised version of the document is now available on

"Market Share: Analytics and Business Intelligence, Worldwide, 2018" (G00379004) has been republished. Due to a production error, we inadvertently published an incorrect version of this document. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Predicts 2019: Midsize Enterprise CIOs Lead, Adapt and Evolve Digital Transformation” (G00351590) has been republished. In the Marketing Implications section of the fifth Strategic Planning Assumption, we stated that “the cost per transaction of running a service desk falls from $8.52 per transaction in manual scenarios to $0.38 per transaction when AI is incorporated into the process.” We could not confirm the traceability of the supporting evidence for the statement, and have therefore withdrawn the statement as unsubstantiated. An updated version of the document is now available on

"Market Share: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, Distribution Channel and Customer Type, All Regions, 2018" (G00383884) has been updated to correct the shipment and end user spending of HP Inc. for 2018. As a result of this correction, the total shipments and end user spending totals also changed. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Share: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, Distribution Channel and Customer Type, All Countries, 2018" (G00383885) has been updated to correct the shipment and end user spending of HP Inc. for 2018. As a result of this correction, the total shipments and end user spending totals also changed. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 April 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools” (G00361074) has been republished to change “CA Technologies” to “Broadcom (CA Technologies)” in the Magic Quadrant graphic and vendor write-up. This revision reflects the acquisition of CA Technologies by Broadcom. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Customer Management BPO Service Providers" (G00353816) has been republished to update a company name. The updated company name is IGT Solutions. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 April 2019
“Solution Comparison for Four Hyperconverged and Software-Defined Infrastructure Solutions” (G00372775) has been republished. This version contains updates to the document Summary, Key Findings, and Solution Comparison sections of the document, along with a minor edit to the caption of Table 1. These changes help to emphasize the relationship between HCI and SDI. No changes were made to any of the criteria or the ratings of any of the vendors evaluated in the document. An updated version is available on

10 April 2019
"Forecast: Enterprise Network Equipment by Market Segment, Worldwide, 2016-2023, 1Q19 Update " (G00382287) has been republished due an error in the forecast for “Enterprise WLAN Equipment”. This error resulted in inaccurate estimates published for “Enterprise WLAN APs, 802.11ac” in Table 4-1, and inaccurate regional estimates for “Enterprise WLAN APs” in Table 4-2. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Three Ways Midsize Enterprises Can Maximize Value From DevOps” (G00376096) has been republished because a draft version was inadvertently uploaded at the time of publication. We have since concluded our reviews and the correct version of this document has now been posted to

8 April 2019
"Market Guide for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms” (G00356240) has been republished to include the vendor Virsec in Table 4 in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Share Analysis: Semiconductors, Worldwide, 2018" (G00383758) has been republished to correct the ST Microelectronics revenue for 2017 and 2018 in Table 1. This resulted in the Top 25 and Total Market numbers also changing, as well as the rankings for 2017.The corrected report is now available on

“Toolkit: A Model to Segment Technology Vendors to Determine Relationship Impact and Business Value” (G00381296) has been republished to correct the axis for the vendor dashboard. The corrected report is now available on

5 April 2019
"Prepare for AWS Outposts to Disrupt Your Hybrid Cloud Strategy" (G00382576) has been republished to clarify the third caution about extending VMware Cloud on AWS by deploying on-premises Outposts. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Forecast: Enterprise Infrastructure Software, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 1Q19 Update" (G00385586) has been republished after adding the forecast numbers for 2023 in the Security market, which were not available at the time of original publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Forecast: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, Worldwide, 2017-2023, 1Q19 Update" (G00383880) has been republished to correct an issue with the currency conversion macro. An updated version of this document is now available on

1 April 2019
“The Key Trends in PaaS and Platform Architecture, 2019” (G00378034) has been republished to update Figure 7, New Platforms Reflect New Business Priorities, to clarify Gartner’s research position. Under “Traditional Platform Priorities,” “Transactional Integrity” has been changed to “Distributed Transactions.” An updated version of the document is now available on

29 March 2019
“Amazon Performance Rank for Hair Care Brands” (G00389625) was updated to reflect Gartner’s position in the Maple Holistics section. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 March 2019
“Three Ways Midsize Enterprises Can Maximize Value From DevOps” (G00376096) has been temporarily retracted while we review some potential inaccuracies. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. We will notify you when the document has been republished.

"User Survey Analysis: Use the Digital Dexterity Index to Target Buyers Ready for New Ways of Work" (G00350381) has been updated to correct an error in the element definitions in Figure 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Guide for Finance and Accounting Business Process Outsourcing Service Providers" (G00355632) has been updated to correct revenue data for Genpact in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

25 March 2019
“Include Implementation Partners to Successfully Deploy Sales Performance Management Solutions” (G00380338) has been republished. We have corrected Table 2 to include OpenSymmetry and have also added “Education” under the options for “Vertical Expertise.” An updated version of the document is now available on

21 March  2019
"Market Guide for Customer Management BPO Service Providers" (G00353816) has been republished after updating vendor information for several vendors listed in Table 1. Due to some version control issues, we inadvertently published some older information for some vendors. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 March 2019
“Market Guide for Integrated HR Service Management Solutions” (G00379961) has been republished to correct three errors. In Table 2, we originally indicated that ServiceNow’s e-signature functionality was “provided by partner”; although ServiceNow does deliver e-signature functionality via partnership as an option, it also delivers its own native e-signature functionality. In Table 1, under “Content or Document Management Heritage Solutions,” we have changed “Ultimate Software” to “PeopleDoc by Ultimate Software.” In Table 2, we have changed “Ultimate Software” to “PeopleDoc by Ultimate Software” and reordered the columns accordingly. The revised version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services" (G00380381) has been republished to correct the Market Analysis section. In the Sample Vendors lists for the Social Media Monitoring, Brand Monitoring, and Rogue or Fake Mobile App Detection sections, we changed the vendor name BrandProtect to PhishLabs, because BrandProtect was acquired by PhishLabs and the BrandProtect name was no longer in use at the time of publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 March 2019
“How to Prepare for Windows Server 2008 End of Support" (G00384052) has been republished to correct the Analysis section. We changed the vendor referenced in the Upgrade section from Cloudbase Solutions to Cloudhouse. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 March 2019

“Toolkit: Identifying Supply Chain Planning Software Vendor Candidates” (G00368439) has been revised to correct several entries for Arkieva on the Vendor Data tab of the Excel spreadsheet. An updated version is now on

12 March 2019
"Forecast: Wearable Electronic Devices, Worldwide, 2018" (G00363143) was updated to correct the projected revenue number in Table 2 for smartwatches for 2020. This update does not impact any other data within the Forecast. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 March 2019
“Platform as a Service: Definition, Taxonomy and Vendor Landscape, 2019” (G00352196) has been republished to correct Table 20, so that South River Technologies Cornerstone Cloud is now shown as being available as software for private deployment. An updated version of the document is now available on

"Market Share: Enterprise Platform as a Service, Worldwide, 2017" (G00372848) has been updated. On the landing page, we have changed “infrastructure PaaS (iPaaS)” to “integration PaaS (iPaaS).” There were no changes to the Excel data file. An updated version of this document is now available on

6 March 2019
“Benchmark Worker Readiness for Digital Transformation Using the Digital Dexterity Index” (G00367034) has been updated to correct a reference to the wrong data series on the chart in Figure 4. An updated version of this document is now available on

“How to Succeed With Microservices Architecture Using DevOps Practices” (G00360897) has been revised. In Figure 10, we replaced a duplicated instance of the word “automation” with the word “telemetry.” The revised document is now available on

5 March 2019
“Market Insight: 3 Business Imperatives to Stay Relevant in the Data and Analytics Service Market” (G00379358) was revised to correct the hyperlink in Table 2 under Application/Software/Solution for Capgemini (SMART Solutions).  An updated version of this document is now available on

1 March 2019
“When and Where to Use Robotic Process Automation in Finance and Accounting” (G00377790) has been revised. The text of Case Study 2 was revised to clarify several points and correct some factual inaccuracies. The revised document is now available on

28 February 2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Mobile App Development Platforms” (G00377692) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. We also corrected the positioning of IBM in Figure 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Wired and Wireless LAN Access Infrastructure” (G00381336) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

27 February 2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Content Collaboration Platforms” (G00377690) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

“Four Steps to Adopt Open-Source Software as Part of the DevOps Toolchain” (G00378544) has been republished. We have corrected Table 1 to reflect that the Sonatype Nexus Platform provides both OSS License Compliance and OSS Security Compliance. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 February 2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Strategic Sourcing Application Suites” (G00381335) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. We also updated Figure 2 to show both of JAGGAER's positions in the Magic Quadrant. The missing SAP Ariba image has now been added to the document and we realigned SAP’s vendor image under the correct heading. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Endpoint Protection Platforms” (G00381331) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Sales Force Automation Market” (G00377693) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. We also corrected Infor’s rating from 4.1 to 4.0 in Figures 3 and 4. An updated version of this document is now available on

25 February 2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Solid-State Arrays” (G00381334) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

"Platform as a Service: Definition, Taxonomy and Vendor Landscape, 2019" (G00352196) has been republished to include the section “Cloud Robotic Process Automation Platform as a Service (rpaPaaS)” in the “Platform as a Service: Taxonomy of Capabilities, 2019” section. Table 25 has been revised to remove the vendor Elastic Path, which was incorrectly included. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Data Center Networking” (G00377691) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Unified Endpoint Management Tools” (G00377696) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Data Integration Tools” (G00381329 ) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. We also corrected Figure 1 to amend the positioning of Talend. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Unified Communications” (G00377694) has been republished to fix label and number issues in the vendor figures. The correct labels and numbers are now appearing in those figures, and an updated version of this document is now available on

22 February 2019
“Over-the-Top TV Advertising Opportunities” (G00363598) was updated to show that Figure 1 and related text does not represent “share of spend for digital video and TV advertising” but instead shows "all digital and TV advertising by major marketers.” An updated version of this document is now available on

21 February 2019
“Hyperscaling Streaming Analytics: Comparing Stream Analytics in the Cloud With Amazon, IBM and Microsoft” (G00365934) has been revised. In Table 1, some differences for Microsoft Azure have been updated. The revised document is now available on

“Ease Your Transition From Technologist to CIO in a Midsize Enterprise” (G00375221) has been republished with minor revisions. The revised version, which is now available on, refers in the body of the text to Gartner’s IT Key Metrics data for 2019, rather than 2018. Use of this 2019 data has also resulted in minor changes to two of the percentages in Figure 3 (MSEs’ IT Spending to Run, Grow and Transform the Business). An updated version of this document is now available on

20 February 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Configure, Price and Quote Application Suites" (G00300912) has been republished. Its publication, “as-of” and source dates have been revised to align with its closing research period and to correct the interactive display in subsequent iterations. There have been no changes to the analysis, findings or data points. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 February 2019
“Innovation Insight for Cloud Security Posture Management” (G00377795) has been republished to include the vendor Outpost24 in the Representative Providers section and in Note 3. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 February  2019
“Key Services Differences Between AWS, Azure and GCP: Availability and Network” (G00366739) has been republished. In the first paragraph after Figure 2, the phrase “these regions” was revised to “these AZs” in the first sentence and “these Zones” in the second sentence. In addition, the following sentence was removed from the end of the second paragraph of No. 1 in the numbered list below Figure 3: “Within the AZ construct on Azure, users can select the number of AZs to deploy VMs to as part of the VM provisioning process, which will automatically establish anti-affinity.” The updated document is now available on

14 February  2019
“Working With Data in a Microservices Architecture” (G00370409) has been republished. In the Analysis section, the definition of “command query responsibility segregation” (CQRS) was amended to read "This pattern separates commands (writes) from queries (reads) to independently optimize the performance of each." The updated document is now available on

“Key Services Differences Between AWS, Azure and GCP: Availability and Network” (G00366739) has been republished. This update corrects Figure 1. The spelling of the Australian city “Canberra” is now correct, and the Microsoft logo has been added to the United Kingdom. The updated document is now available on

13 February  2019
"Make the Business Case for Supply Planning by Answering Five Questions" (G00366183) was republished. The key for Figure 5 was updated so the light-blue box now reads “Operational Planning” instead of “Midterm Planning.” An updated version of this document is now available on

Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Operational Database Management Systems Market (G00369040) was updated to correct in two instances the stated publication date of a Magic Quadrant from 2018 to 2017. An updated version of the document is now available on

12 February  2019
“Use Single-Socket Servers to Reduce Costs in the Data Center” (G00373722) has been republished. In the Analysis section, we corrected the model number of the AMD processor referenced in the footnote of Figure 1. In Note 2, we updated the model numbers and CPU types for the first two Dell entries and the last Lenovo entry in Table 2. An updated version of this document is now available on

8 February  2019
“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Data Management Solutions for Analytics Market” (G00369038), which had been temporarily retracted while we investigated a potential data integrity issue. That investigation is now complete, and we are delighted to inform you that there were no data integrity issues. Thedocument has now been republished to without modification.

“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Operational Database Management Systems Market” (G00369040), which had been temporarily retracted while we investigated a potential data integrity issue. That investigation is now complete, and we are delighted to inform you that there were no data integrity issues. Thedocument has now been republished to without modification.

“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Security Awareness Computer-Based Training Market” (G00369041), which had been temporarily retracted while we investigated a potential data integrity issue. That investigation is now complete, and we are delighted to inform you that there were no data integrity issues. The document has now been republished to without modification.

6 February  2019
"Emerging Technology Analysis: SOAR Solutions" (G00372967) was updated to add “CyberSponse” to the list of “Vendors of Interest.” An updated version of this document is now available on

"Market Guide for Yard Management" (G00335450) was republished. Table 7 was updated to reflect that PINC covers all four categories, and all Oracle product names in the tables were updated to “Oracle WMS Cloud.” An updated version of this document is now available on

5 February  2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Endpoint Protection Platforms Market” (G003381331) has been retracted temporarily while Gartner performs additional reviews. An updated version of this document will be available soon on

4 February  2019
"Select the Right Strategy for Securing Web Access” (G00377876) has been revised to correct the vendor Akamai’s product name from "Enterprise Threat Protect" to "Enterprise Threat Protector" in the Analysis section. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Security Awareness Computer-Based Training Market” (G00369041). This report has been temporarily retracted while we investigate a data integrity issue. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. The document will be republished when all issues have been resolved.

“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Operational Database Management Systems Market” (G00369040) has been temporarily retracted while we investigate a data integrity issue. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. The document will be republished when all issues have been resolved.

“Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Data Management Solutions for Analytics Market” (G00369038) has been temporarily retracted while we investigate a data integrity issue. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. The document will be republished when all issues have been resolved.

"Forecast: Servers, All Countries, 2015-2022, 4Q18 Update" (G00383652) has been updated to correct some erroneous data in the original publication. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Vendor Rating: Oracle”
(G00373457) has been republished to amend factual discrepancies regarding the vendor's security offerings. In the second paragraph of the Security section, we have revised the wording in relation to Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), Oracle Identity Governance (OIG), and the Oracle Access Manager (OAM) suite. The updated document is now available on

“Cool Vendors in Service Channel Enablement, 2018” (G00354568) has been updated to remove the language describing the exclusive nature of CloudCover’s solution. An updated version of this document is now available on”

1 February 2019
“Magic Quadrant for Indoor Location Services, Global” (G00351092) has been republished. The Ubisense vendor description has been revised to clarify some recent organizational changes. The Ubisense SmartSpace business unit will operate as a separate division within Investcorp Technology Partners. The updated version of this document is now available on

31 January 2019
“State of the Open-Source DBMS Market, 2018” (G00301457) has been republished to correct two figures for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition in Table 1, so that License per Server reads $570,000 (rather than $690,000) and Total Three-Year Cost reads $946,200 (rather than $1,066,200). The wording of the example directly below the table has also been adjusted accordingly. An updated version of the document is now available on

"Develop Colocation Services to Target Hyperscale Providers" (G00356719) was updated to correct the spelling of the vendor “vXchnge” in Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

25 January 2019
“In-Depth Assessment of VMware Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management 1810, December 2018” (G00373098) has been republished. The original version contained outdated product names. All products in the What Is VMware’s Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management? section were updated to reflect the names that were in place at the time of publication. In Table 1, “Apteligent by VMwware” was updated to “Workspace ONE Intelligence.” “NSX Data Center” was removed from the Does Gartner Recommend Workspace ONE UEM? section with no replacement. No changes were made to product scoring. The updated document is now available on

24 January 2019
“Competitive Landscape: Outdoor Mapping and Location Services” (G00374337) has been updated to correct an entry in Table 1 and in Figure 2 as both these were missing capabilities for TomTom. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 January 2019
“Microsoft Extends Support Policy, Improves Tools and Reinforces the Need for Windows Enterprise” (G00373962) has been republished to amend the text in Figure 2 in the Impacts and Recommendations section. An updated version of this document is now available on

22 January 2019
“Solution Comparison for Nine Secure Email Gateways” (G00353163) has been republished. A paragraph providing background information on the vendor Fortinet and the names of its email protection products was omitted in a previous version. This version reinstates that information. None of Fortinet’s comparison ratings were affected by this revision. An updated version of the document is now available on

21 January 2019
"Comparing Leading Cloud-Native Application Platforms: Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Red Hat OpenShift" (G00370391) has been republished to remove "GCP Service Broker" from the PKS Architecture figure (Figure 7). An updated version of this document is now available on

18 January 2019
"DevOps Success Requires Shift-Right Testing in Production " (G00374181) has been republished to correct “Serena Deployment” in Figure 2 to “Micro Focus Release Management.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Top Strategic Predictions for 2019 and Beyond: Practicality Exists Within Instability” (G00373439) has been revised to correct Figure 1. We updated theyears of some predictions in the graphic to match those in the corresponding Strategic Planning Assumptions. A corrected version is available on

"Managed Service Providers for Infrastructure and Applications Must Use Intelligent Automation to Drive Margin" (G00373769) has been updated to have the Table 1 reflect spend impact opportunity for Service Desk and Data Center. This data now matches the graphic which reflected spend. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 January 20129
"SWOT: Equinix, Worldwide" (G00372915) has been temporarily retracted while we investigate a potential process misstep prior to publication. If you have downloaded this report, please discard it. The document will be republished when all issues have been resolved.

16 January 2019
“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide Market” (G00376503) has been updated to show correct Willingness to Recommend ratings in Figure 4: Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” Cloud IaaS Vendor Comparison 1 of 2. The data has been recalculated to account for all responses. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Unified Threat Management Market” (G00376506) has been updated to show correct Willingness to Recommend ratings in Figure 4, Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” UTM Vendor Comparison 1 of 2. The data has been recalculated to account for all responses. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Enterprise High-Productivity Application Platform as a Service Market” (G00376507) has been updated to show correct Willingness to Recommend ratings in Figure 4, Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” Enterprise hpaPaaS Vendor Comparison 1 of 2. The data has been recalculated to account for all responses. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Access Management, Worldwide Market” (G00376508) has been updated to show correct ratings in all figures. The data in Figures 1 through 17 has been recalculated to account for all responses. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 January 2019
"Implement Agile Database Development to Achieve Continuous Delivery" (G00376330) has been updated to include two vendors, DOC xPress and LegiTest/SentryOne Test, inadvertently omitted from the Tools section.

14 January 2019
“Market Guide for Real-Time Visibility Providers” (G00352892) has been republished to include data that was initially omitted for Blume Global. We reflected its Appointment Scheduling functionality in Figure 2 and SAP TMS partnership in Figure 6. A corrected version is available on

10 January 2019
The title for “Comprehensive Guide to Gartner’s Market Research for Supply Chain” (G00380683) has been revised to “Guide to Gartner’s Signature Supply Chain Research” to better reflect the contents. A corrected version is available on

"SWOT: Google, Security, Worldwide" (G00368575) has been republished to correct an erroneous statement that said G Suite and Google Cloud are not met with contractual assurances that ensure that customers have control over their own data. We have also corrected an erroneous statement that said Cloud Identity does not support multiple browsers. The corrected report is now available on

9 January 2019
“Market Guide for Operational Technology Security” (G00341425) has been republished to amend the Representative Vendors section. In Table 3, we moved the vendor Cyberbit from the OT Endpoint Security category to the OT Network Monitoring and Visibility category. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 January 2019
“SWOT: Amazon Web Services, Worldwide" (G00358661) has been updated to reflect a more accurate estimate of the number of machine learning features AWS has released. During 2018, AWS shipped more than 200 major new features in the machine learning space. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 January 2019
"Market Guide for User Authentication" (G00347781) has been republished. In the Market Direction section, we rewrote the fourth paragraph of the Convergence With Access Management and OFD Products/Services section to clarify how some access management vendors offer discrete user authentication services. In Table 3 in the Representative Vendors section, we added two product names for the vendor Trusona. An updated version of this document is now available on

"Magic Quadrant for Hyperconverged Infrastructure " (G00353085) has been republished to correct the interactive display. There have been no changes to the analysis, findings or data points. An updated version of this document is now available on