Corrections 2014

A listing of corrections, errors and omissions.

Gartner strives to meet the highest standards for accuracy and thoroughness in our research and editorial coverage. When oversights occur, however, we will list them below.

29 December 2014
In “Magic Quadrant for Customer Management Contact Center BPO” (G00262224) has been revised to correct a vendor name from “West Communication Services” to “West” in Figure 1 and in a heading in the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. A corrected version is available on

26 December 2014
In “Best Practices for Healthcare Payer CIOs Supporting Private Exchange Distribution Channels” (G00271862) has been revised to remove a sentence from the end of the first paragraph in the Introduction section. That sentence contained data pertaining to a Cowen and Company article that no longer appears on the Internet. A corrected version is available on

22 December 2014
In “Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms (G00262733) has been republished to correct the name of the vendor Stormshield in the Magic Quadrant graphic and in three places in the text. An updated version of the document is now available on

22 December 2014
In In “Market Guide for Voice-of-Customer in Digital Marketing” (G00265983), we have revised the description of Crimson Hexagon’s strengths for accuracy. An updated version of this document is available on

22 December 2014
In “Market Guide for Voice-of-Customer in Digital Marketing” (G00265983) we have revised the description of Crimson Hexagon’s strengths for accuracy. An updated version of this document is available on

19 December 2014
“Market Insight: Manufacturing and Natural Resources Industry Primer, 2014” (G00260739) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in Figure 4 missing its column headings. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 December 2014
“Forecast: Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 4Q14 Update (G00271033) has been republished to correct an error in the Middle East and African mobile phone data. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: PCs, Ultramobiles and Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 4Q14 Update” (G00271034) has been republished to correct an error in the Middle East and African mobile phone data and to correct the growth percentages in the Summary to 2.1% in 2014 and 4.9% in 2015. The original CSV files also had an error and have now been replaced; the main Excel file was correct and remains unchanged. An updated version of this document is now available on

“IT Leaders Supporting Sales Should Take a Closer Look at Oracle Sales Cloud” (G00272053) has been republished to clarify the third recommendation in the executive summary and replace the term ‘template’ with the term ‘application’ in the recommendation starting with “Without live validation points…”. An updated version of this research is available on

16 December 2014
“Forecast: PCs, Ultramobiles and Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 4Q14 Update” (G00271034) has been republished to correct the growth percentages in the Summary to 2.1% in 2014 and 4.9% in 2015. The original CSV files also had an error and have now been replaced; the main Excel file was correct and remains unchanged. An updated version of this document is now available on

12 December 2014
“Technology Overview for Threat Intelligence Platforms” (G00263854) has been revised to change two instances of “Checkpoint” to the correct vendor name, “Check Point.” An updated version is now available on

11 December 2014
“Toolkit: Calculating Revenue from CSP Activity in the Data and Analytics Value Chain” (G00260671) has been republished to correct the data behind the second pivot table on the Summary Sheet tab. An incorrect formula hidden in the sheet has been amended and the pivot table now shows a new view of the data. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: Endpoint Detection and Response Tools, 2014” (G00270443) has been republished to correct FireEye’s profile to reflect Gartner’s revised revenue estimates for 2013. An updated version of this document is available on

10 December 2014
“Market Trends: U.S. Healthcare Payer Trends in an Affordable Care World” (G00259052) has been updated to correct a company’s founding date and amend its profile. HighRoads was founded in 1999 and is a provider of platform-as-a-service-based ECM software. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Web Analytics” (G00259469) has been updated to correct Figures 1 and 2 and their respective footnotes. In Figure 1, a reference (c) footnote has been added to the “Standard” column under “Google Analytics.” In Figure 2, the Standard and Premium columns under Google Analytics are now marked “X.” Footnote (b) has been amended to read “Custom dimensions and metrics have a combined limit of 20 (Standard) and 200 (Premium).” An updated version of this document is available on

8 December 2014
“Market Guide for Augmented Reality” (G00268639) has been revised to update the Representative Vendors section. The Challenges section for the vendor Blippar was revised to delete the first two sentences and revise the third sentence as follows: “The company is focused more on providing experiences, rather than licensing the SDK (the technology is licensed via Blippbuilder).” An updated version of this document is available on

5 December 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Single-Instance ERP for Product-Centric Midmarket Companies” (G00262018) has been republished to clarify that Oracle Cloud Applications includes Oracle Fusion Applications, in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne section. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 December 2014
“Market Guide for Unified Price, Promotion and Markdown Optimization Applications” (G00262132) has been republished to update the heading name, table captions and text from “McKinsey & Co.” to “Periscope, a McKinsey Solution.” An updated version is available on

“Magic Quadrant for Business Operations Consulting Services, Worldwide” (G00263297) has been revised to update Accenture’s profile, adding “automotive, industrial equipment, infrastructure and transportation” as sector value chains that are also dominant in its portfolio. A corrected version is available on

“Market Guide for Rapid Mobile App Development Tools” (G00269380) has been updated to include a reference and a link to SAP in the Representative Vendors section. An updated version of this document is now available on

3 December 2014
“Market Guide for Social Commerce” (G00262816) has been republished. In Table 1, we added “Yes” for Reevoo providing product and brand advocacy. We also added “social network selling via promotion, and product and brand advocacy” to the product categories listed in the Reevoo write-up. An updated version of this document is now available on

“The Excel attachment in “Toolkit: My Hype Cycle, 2014” (G00270606) has been revised to correct an error that prevented users from producing a Hype Cycle graphic when the list of technology profiles was filtered to one item. An updated version is available on

2 December 2014
“Magic Quadrant for User Authentication” (G00260746) has been republished to correct the deployment size number for HID Global. Up to the end of 2013, deployment sizes were typically between 100 and 10,000 end users, with a maximum of more than 1,000,000 end users. An updated version of the document is now available on

25 November 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways” (G00262738) has been revised. There were changes to the iboss write-up in the Vendor Strengths and Cautions section. One sentence in the introductory paragraph and one Cautions bullet were removed regarding iboss’ advanced threat detection/defense technology licensed from Lastline. Also, one Strengths bullet was removed regarding iboss’ integration of its SWG with the sandboxing service licensed from Lastline. It was replaced with a Cautions bullet with new information that highlights iboss’ internally developed sandboxing capability. This information has led to iboss being moved to the left in the Niche Players quadrant of the Magic Quadrant graphic. A corrected version is available on

“Critical Capabilities for IT Service Support Management Tools, 2014” (G00260505) has been republished to replace “Microsoft Service Manager 2012 R2” with “Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager” throughout the document. An updated version of this document is now available on 

21 November 2014
“Market Guide for Unified Price, Promotion and Markdown Optimization Applications” (G00262132) has been republished to change “IBM DemandTec Price Management” to “IBM DemandTec Price Optimization” in the “Regular” column of IBM’s table, and “Heartbeat” was updated to “PriceStrat” in the “Promotion” column of KSS Retail’s table. An updated version is available on

19 November 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Customer Engagement Center Workforce Optimization” (G00262609) has been republished to update draft text that was inadvertently used for the “Solution Availability” bullet and to add the “International Viability” bullet to the Cautions section for inContact. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: CSP B2C Multichannel Campaign Management, Worldwide, 2014” (G00266738) has been republished to remove the section about Pontis, as the market is not representative of what the company does. An updated version of the document is now available on

“What’s Changing and How to Respond to PCI v3.0” (G00260459) has been republished to correct the expansion of the acronym “HSM” to “hardware security module.” An updated version is available on

18 November 2014
“Gartner Invest Revenue Analysis: Western Digital, CY4Q14 Update” (G00271770) has been revised to correct the content in Table 1 and the corresponding tables (3-1 and 3-2) in the Excel file. Gartner’s conclusion that Western Digital is likely to exceed Street estimates is unchanged. An updated version of this document is available on

“Gartner Invest Revenue Analysis: Seagate, CY4Q14 Update” (G00271771) has been revised to correct the label in the fourth row in Table 1 to “Difference (%)” from “Difference (Year-Over-Year Change),” as well as in the corresponding tables (3-1 and 3-2) of the Excel file. There was no change to the numbers or conclusion. An updated version of this document is available on

12 November 2014
“Magic Quadrant for CRM Service Providers, Worldwide” (G00261873) has been republished to better reflect providers’ capabilities. The vendors’ positioning has not changed, but all of the vendor profiles were updated. The changes are specific to input from providers during the external review process that we inadvertently did not include. An updated version of the document is now available on

11 November 2014
“Three Steps to Successfully Implementing Bimodal-Aware IT Governance” (G00260166) was republished to change a reference from “Mode 1” to “Mode 2.” The passage now correctly reads, “Mode 2 people are, to quote one case example, ‘a bunch of irresponsible cowboys, who break all the project execution rules and get away with it.’“ The updated document is now available on

10 November 2014
“Market Share: Disk Storage Systems, All Countries, 2Q14 Update” (G00261188) has been republished to correct our 2Q14 revenue estimates for the HP XP, StoreAll stand-alone, StoreAll Gateway and VTL products. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Share: Disk Storage Systems, All Regions, 2Q14 Update” (G00261189) has been republished to correct our 2Q14 revenue estimates for the HP XP, StoreAll stand-alone, StoreAll Gateway and VTL products. An updated version of this document is now available on

5 November 2014
“Hype Cycle for Mobile Device Technologies, 2014” (G00263132) has been republished to make a correction to the handwriting recognition part of the documents. Vision Objects officially changed its name to MyScript in May 2014. These documents have been updated to correct any naming discrepancies. Updated versions of these documents are now available on

“Hype Cycle for Human-Computer Interaction, 2014” (G00264133) has been republished to make a correction to the handwriting recognition part of the documents. Vision Objects officially changed its name to MyScript in May 2014. These documents have been updated to correct any naming discrepancies. Updated versions of these documents are now available on

4 November 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management” (G00262057) has been republished to update Note 1, “Vendors Not in the Magic Quadrant That May Meet Your Needs” to reflect the acquisition of Clickability by Upland Software from Limelight Networks. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide: Social Analytics for IT Applications Leaders” (G00262785) has been republished to correct the average deal size stated in the final bullet point of the Key Facts section for Linkfluence from €60 to €60,000 and €100 to €100,000, respectively. An updated version of the document is now available on

3 November 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems” (G00261659) has been republished to rename SAP Sybase IQ as SAP IQ throughout, and to correct factual errors in the second paragraph of the SAP entry in the Vendors section. The paragraph now reads: “Customers of SAP use one or a combination of both as their DW solution. SAP reference customer deployments are very diverse in size: SAP IQ deployments can be large (in the 100 TB range) while SAP Hana deployments that provided references were predominantly smaller (even though SAP states that the technology supports larger data warehouses).” An updated version of the document is now available on

31 October 2014
“The first paragraph of “Improve Your Quality Assurance When Using SaaS” (G00270085) has been updated to emphasize the importance of previewing releases before their upgrade date in order to avoid potential surprises. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: DDoS Mitigation Solutions” (G00261259) has been republished to update the Arbor Networks profile. We have corrected references to the Atlas Intelligence Feed and the Arbor Security Engineering and Response Team and added a reference to the recent acquisition announcement between NetScout Systems and Danaher. An updated version of this document is now available on

27 October 2014
“Emerging Market Analysis: Data Center Security IT Strategy and Monetization in Midsize Organizations, Emerging Asia/Pacific “ (G00269526) has been updated to add Figure 3 to the document. An updated version of this document is now available on

24 October 2014
“Market Trends: Semiconductor Vendors Need Robust Middleware Ecosystems to Succeed With IT-OT Integration and IoT Solutions” (G00263616) has been republished to include a paragraph on HyperCat, correct a company name in Table 2 “Key Vendors of Embedded Software/Middleware Components and Platform Solutions” (it now refers to L&T Technology Services, not Larsen & Toubro), and make minor improvements to Figure 2 “BYOD Enables a Migration Path for IT-OT Integration.” The corrected version of this document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: FPGA Vendors Closing in on ASICs, ASSPs, the IoT and Security as Chip Costs Rise, 2014” (G00263185) has been republished to correct Figure 2 to show the vertical axis indicates that revenue is measured in millions of dollars. An updated version of the document is now available on

The “Magic Quadrant for Operations Support Systems” (G00260370) was republished because we inadvertently used draft text for the Oracle section. The updated document is now available on

23 October 2014
“Critical Capabilities for SAP Application Management Service Providers, Worldwide” (G00261618) has been updated. We have added a fourth recommendation on Page 1 and changed all instances of “service provider” to “vendor.” An updated version of this document is now available on

22 October 2014
“Competitive Landscape: DCIM Tools, Worldwide” (G00259436) has been revised to change the name of the product “Trellis” to the “Trellis platform” throughout. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: IoT Endpoints — Sensing, Processing and Communications Semiconductors, Worldwide, 2013-2020, 2014 Update” (G0026952) has been republished with a new title. The updated title better reflects the content of the Forecast document. There were no changes to the data in the Excel file. An updated version of the document is now available on

21 October 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers” (G00263252) has been revised. Updates were made to the Radware section to provide improved clarity and context. The updated document is now available on

“Critical Elements to Include in a Desktop Virtualization RFP” (270337) has been updated to change the wording of the eighth bullet point in the section Service-Level Agreement from “Citrix server management” to “Server management”. An updated version of this document is available on

17 October 2014
“Forecast: External Controller-Based Storage, Worldwide, All Countries, 2014-2018, 3Q14 Update” (G00261263) was republished to correct our Latin America estimates as well as our Euro and Yen exchange rates. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise Software Markets, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 3Q14 Update” (G00260914) has been updated. In the summary, we changed “with growth of 6.9% over 2014” to “with growth of 6.9% over 2013.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for IT Asset Management Repository” (G00263004) has been republished to correct the EasyVista section. We removed the reference to the company’s selling proposition and we updated the text to more accurately explain Click2Get. We also revised text to explain that Unix discovery comes from other tools; Unix itself is not a discovery option. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 October 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Multichannel Campaign Management” (G00260015) has been revised. We have corrected product ratings for the following vendors: Experian (content marketing and ad management), Pitney Bowes (campaign workflow), and (social marketing). These corrections altered the calculation of product scores elsewhere in the document. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 October 2014
“Market Share Alert: Preliminary PC Market Results, Worldwide, 3Q14” (G00270987) was republished to correct a sentence regarding Toshiba in the Top-Line Analysis. The statement was changed in order to clarify the nature of Toshiba’s recent announcement regarding its PC division. An updated version of the document is now available on

10 October 2014
“Market Guide for Label and Artwork Management Software Vendors” (G00258486) has been republished to correct a statement published in the Trace One vendor profile. It is incorrect that Trace One is better-known in Europe for its order and logistics management capabilities. The company sells and is known for its supply chain management applications in this market, so the reference to the order and logistics management functionality has been removed.

6 October 2014
“Market Guide for In-Memory Computing Technologies” (G00263056) has been updated. Table 1 has been revised to show SAP’s correct IMC offerings. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Energy and Utilities Enterprise Asset Management Software” (G00263205) has been updated to revise the revenue information for Infor (EAM) and Infor (Public Sector). The revenue information for Infor now reads “approximately $3 billion.” An updated version of the document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Secure Email Gateways” (G00259855) has been republished to correct the third Caution in the Microsoft section, regarding the vendor’s DLP capability. An updated version of the document is now available on

2 October 2014
“RFP Toolkit: Social Media Engagement Applications for CRM Marketing or Customer Service” (G00263781) has been republished to correct the Weighted Average columns on the Vendor Summary tab, as the cells weren’t coded properly. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Energy and Utilities Enterprise Asset Management Software” (G00263205) has been updated to revise the fourth Caution statement for IBM. It now reads, “Mobile strategy has been evolving over the past several years, with the current offering largely unproven in production.” An updated version of the document is now available on

29 September 2014
“IT Market Clock for Server Technology and SDx, 2014” (G00262843) has been updated to replace the Recommendation Tables (Tables 3-6), because we inadvertently included the draft versions of these tables in the document. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 September 2014
“How CIOs Need to Think About Digital Business Technologies” (G00260066) was updated to correct our forecasted productivity improvements and revenue streams due to the Internet of Things by 2020 to $1.9 trillion. An updated version of the document is now available on

25 September 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Mobile Data Protection Solutions” (G00262736) has been updated to point to the correct document in which Digital Guardian appears as a leader: “Magic Quadrant for Content-Aware Data Loss Prevention.” An updated version is now available on

24 September 2014
“Market Guide for In-Memory Computing Technologies” (G00263056) has been updated. Projected IMC revenue for 2018 was incorrectly stated in the original document. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools” (G00259286) has been republished because we inadvertently used draft text for the Strengths and Cautions listed in the FNT section. The updated document is now available on

19 September 2014
“Forecast: PCs, Ultramobiles and Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 3Q14 Update” (G00270336) has been republished to correct the figures for device market growth, in the Summary only, to 3.2% in 2014 and 5.2% in 2015; the data in the Excel file remains correct. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 September 2014
“IT Market Clock for Higher Education, 2014” (G00264145) has been republished to include axis labels in Figure 1, IT Market Clock for Higher Education, 2014. An updated version of this document is available on

16 September 2014
“Market Share: Enterprise Network Equipment by Market Segment, Worldwide, 2Q14” (G00261165) was revised to add WAN optimization controller definitions. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Know the I&O Automation Tool Categories to Drive Efficiency Across Your Data Center and Cloud” (265223) has been revised to change the number of subcategories from two to four under “Server-Centric Automation.” Patch Management and Configuration Auditing, which were previously listed separately, are now subcategories of “Server-Centric Automation.” An updated version of this document is available on

12 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure” (G00262673) was corrected to include a retired feature and remove a deprecated feature in the Citrix profile. An updated version of the document is now available on

10 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms” (G00261830) has been republished. The vendor profile for Pegasystems was revised to remove a factual inaccuracy regarding early indicators of market adoption. Note 2 (“Vendors and Packages Considered”) was corrected to add one vendor: Alpha Software. An updated version of the document is now available on

9 September 2014
“Toolkit: Board-Ready Slides for Powering Sustainable Business Innovation” (G00260611) has been republished to remove the company names from the figure and slide titled “Innovation Creates Business Value.” An updated version is now available on

4 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, Multiregional” (G00262516) has been republished to adjust the definition of PCI in 8x8’s profile. The correct term in this report is Payment Card Industry. Also, the location of Sprint’s headquarters was corrected. Sprint is based in Overland Park, Kansas. An updated version of the document is now available on

3 September 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Merchandise Assortment Management Applications” (G00262557) has been revised. In Galleria’s Cautions section, under the first bullet, the second and third sub-bullets were revised to provide greater clarity regarding Galleria’s solution. A corrected version is available on

“Market Insight: Healthcare Provider Industry Primer, 2014” (G00260962) has been corrected to replace data used in two figures. Figures 2 and 4 now show U.S. data instead of global data. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms” (G00261830) has been republished to correct a product name in Adobe’s section. The company’s commercial MADP offering is Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Apps, which includes both PhoneGap Enterprise and Digital Publishing Suite. An updated version of the document is now available on

2 September 2014
In the Asia/Pacific Context portion (G00263111) of “Magic Quadrant for Global MSSPs” (G00247003), text changes were implemented in the section on Network Box that clarify details of the vendor’s business model. An updated version of the document is now available on

“A Banker’s Guide to Asian Core Banking Solutions” (G00262806) has been republished to correct the spelling of Nelito in Figure 1. An updated version of this document is available on

28 August 2014
“Market Share: IT Services, 2013” (G00261478) has been updated to correct distribution of revenue for “Other Services Vendors” by vertical market for years 2012 and 2013. An updated version of this document is now available on

27 August 2014
“Forecast Analysis: Communications Service Provider Operational Technology, Worldwide, 2Q14 Update” (G00260994) has been republished to correct the following tables:

  • Table 1 – the figures in the rows “2G,” “LTE and 4G,” “DSL Broadband Access,” “Fiber Broadband Access,” “Optical,” and “SPRS.”
  • Table 2 – the figures in the rows “CSP-OT Application Software” and “CSP-OT Infrastructure Software.”
  • Table 3 – the figures in the rows “CSP-OT Software – Design,” “CSP-OT Software – Build,” “CSP-OT Software Services – Design,” and “CSP-OT Software Services — Build.”

An updated version is available to download from

“Market Insight: India-Heritage Providers Show Growth Momentum in IT Services, Continental Europe, 2014” (G00265341) has been updated to add two countries into the main countries/subregions targeted column in Table 2. Tata Consultancy Services targets Sweden and Denmark in addition to other markets. An updated version of this document is now available on

“The Digital Marketer’s First 100 Days” (G00264774) has been updated. We have deleted a sentence referring to a resource that is not yet available to clients. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Critical Capabilities for IT Service Support Management Tools, 2014” (G00260505) was republished to remove the word “desk” from the “CA Service Management” listings and to replace the scores for ServiceNow in Table 3. An updated version of this document is now available on

26 August 2014
“Industrial Analytics Revolutionizes Big Data in the Digital Business” (G00264728) has been revised so that Figure 3 reflects the latest version of the Gartner Information Capabilities Framework. An updated version is available on

“IT Market Clock for Master Data Management, 2014” (G00261666) has been republished to insert the correct Figure 4, IT Market Clock Recommendation Summary (Part 2). An updated version of this document is available on

21 August 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Managed Mobility Services” (G00262357) has been revised. In the Dropped subsection of Vendors Added and Dropped, the specific inclusion criteria that the dropped vendors did not meet have been identified. A corrected version is available on

“Critical Capabilities for IT Service Support Management Tools, 2014” (G00260505) has been updated to correct some numerical errors in the product rating tables, make some minor editorial changes to the product descriptions and update the Recommendations section. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 August 2014
“Market Guide for Email Marketing” (G00255373) has been updated to add sample customers for the provider Experian. An updated version of this document is now available on

15 August 2014
“Market Share Analysis: Data Center Hardware Integrated Systems, Worldwide, 2013” (G00265437) has been revised to correct the yearly totals in three tables. In Table 1, the 2013 VCE total is $1 billion. In Table 5, the 2012 grant total is $4,161,080,767, and the 2013 grand total is $6,538,015,628. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for B2B Gateway Software: Application Infrastructure Specialists” (G00263500) was republished to modify the Software AG description and pricing information. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 August 2014
“Competitive Landscape: Chromebooks, Worldwide” (G00263274) has been republished to correct the definition of a Chromebook. It now correctly states that all applications are accessed or downloaded from the Google Chrome Web Store (not the Google Play Store, as originally indicated). The updated document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Infrastructure Utility Services, North America” (G00260188) has been republished to correct financial information about HCL Technologies. The profile of this vendor now correctly records that in 2013 “its DCO revenue grew by 34% in North America, to $703 million, from 135 clients.” These figures for revenue and clients are substantially higher than those we originally published in error. The corrected version is now available on

13 August 2014
“Judging Vendors Willingness to Disrupt Their Own Business Models to Drive DC Modernization Forward” (G00263166) has been republished to remove the reference to SDN in the HP section under the Mainstream Global Vendors heading. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Latest Delay Increases ICD-10 Complexity for U.S. HDOs” (G00264272) has been revised. A sentence in the third paragraph of the Analysis section, regarding the state of California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation, needed clarification. Also, in Figure 1, the second Impact statement had the word “proposed” removed before “new compliance date.” A corrected version is available on

12 August 2014
“How to Choose a Provider for Data Visualization and Dashboards” (G00259772) has been revised to correct the price range quoted for the Klipfolio software-as-a-service-only subscription. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 August 2014
“Toolkit: Self-Assessment of Supply-Planning Maturity for Supply Chain Leaders” (G00263680) has been republished to clarify that the Toolkit is designed for use by supply-planning organizations, not demand-planning organizations. An updated version is available on

8 August 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Unified Communication” (G00262527) was republished to clarify the capacity range for Unify’s OpenScape Enterprise. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service” (G00259331) was republished to remove the “Automatic SLA Notification” criterion under the Preferred criteria for Support and Service Levels because it was not used in the corresponding In-Depth Assessment documents. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 August 2014
“Supply Chain Management Vendor Guide, 2014” (G00259425) has been republished to make the following changes. Reply had the representation of its product names updated to “Click Reply” and “SideUp Reply” in several sections. Also, some vendors were added to various sections: Manhattan Associates to SaaS/Cloud WMS Suite and SaaS TMS; Eyefreight to TMS Suite and SaaS TMS; MP Objects to TMS Suite, SaaS TMS, Global Logistics and Global Visibility; BestTransport to SaaS TMS; Oracle to SaaS TMS; Transporeon to SaaS TMS; and GenSight to PPM Software. An updated version is available on

6 August 2014
“Hype Cycle for CRM Customer Service and Customer Engagement, 2014” (G00262934) has been updated to change the spelling of a vendor in two Sample Vendor lists (for Virtual Customer Assistants and Mobile Customer Service Applications) from “24/7 to [24]/7.” An updated version of this document is now available on

5 August 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications” (G00262527) was republished to delete a duplicate Caution bullet in the Huawei section. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Insight: The Internet of Things Demands Investment in Legacy Semiconductor Equipment and Facilities” (G00263691) has been republished to correct a number of data errors. The numbers used in the previous publication were mislabelled as annual requirements for the Internet of Things in 2020. There were also calculation errors in Tables 1 and 2 that affected many of the numbers throughout the document. A new table (Table 3) has also been added to reflect the number of cumulative wafers required by the Internet of Things in 2020. An updated version of this document is now available on

1 August 2014
“Hype Cycle for Business Process Management, 2014” (G00258623) has been republished to change Efektif Technology to Effektif in the Cloud Business Rule Services and bpmPaaS technology profiles. In addition, USoft Technologies was changed to USoft in the Business Rule Management Systems technology profile. An updated version of this document is available on

“Critical Capabilities for Configuration Management Database” (G00258266) has been updated to correct the spelling of Axios’ product from “assist” to “assyst” in the Use Case graphics. An updated version of this document is now available on

30 July 2014
“Forecast: Refurbished Phone Sales, Worldwide, 2012-2017” (G00262277) has been updated to correct an error in Table 5. The cell on bottom row of the first column now reads “Total” instead of “North America.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for On-Premises Application Integration Suites” (G00266699) was republished to add an “Honorable Mention” heading under the “Dropped” category. We wanted to make it clear that those vendors were not dropped, but rather included as honorable mentions. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for European Non-Life Insurance Policy Administration Systems” (G00262604) has been republished to correct the names of two products. Flextera is the product offered by Diasoft; PASS_Insurance is the product offered by RGI Group. An updated version of this document is available on

29 July 2014
“Market Guide for Content Marketing” (G00259630) has been republished to correct some factual errors within the Categories, Profile and Strengths sections for Taboola. An updated version of the document is now available on

28 July 2014
“The Gartner CRM Vendor Guide, 2014” (G00261534) was republished to add Reply to the list of providers in the “CRM Service Providers With Capabilities in EMEA” section. An updated version of this document is now available on

22 July 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Corporate Performance Management Suites” (G00259888) has been updated to change the general availability date for Board International’s Hybrid Bitwise Memory Pattern (HBMP) in-memory capability from June 2014 to September 2014. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 July 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Endpoint Backup” (G00255640) has been republished to add Table 3 (Product Score), which was inadvertently omitted. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 July 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Talent Management Suites” (G00260027) has been revised to correct the presentation of Talentia Software in the list of other vendors to consider in the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria section. An updated version of this document is now available on

16 July 2014
“Market Trends: Internet of Things Driving Security Opportunities” (G00261411) has been revised to clarify and include some additional information in the Axway entry under Vendors to Watch. An updated version of this document is available on

15 July 2014
“Cool Vendors in Security Infrastructure Protection, 2014” (G00255752) was updated to correct Seculert’s headquarters location to Santa Clara, California. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Critical Capabilities for Configuration Management Database” (G00258266) has been updated to add software version identifications (including release numbers) to the vendor headings and the graphics. An updated version of this document is now available on

14 July 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing” (G00261766) has been revised. In the Box vendor description, losses and spending in FY14 have been updated with correct numbers. In the AirWatch vendor description, the acronym MDM has been corrected from “master data management” to “mobile device management.” In the Vendors Added and Dropped/Noticeable Absences section, we have added Varonis to the list of other vendors that offer EFSS products. The updated document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: Network Forensic Tools” (G00263758) has been revised to correct an error in Table 1. The table now shows that FireEye (nPulse Technologies) has the capability for Threat Intelligence Feeds. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 July 2014
“Market Guide for CRM in Tier 1 Retail” (G00262118) had Figures 2 to 6 reformatted for easier readability to provide a better client experience. An updated version of the document is now available on

10 July 2014
“Critical Capabilities for Configuration Management Database” (G00258266) has been republished to delete a sentence from the HP vendor section to clarify the capabilities of its Service Manager. An updated version of this document is available on

8 July 2014
“2014 CIO Agenda: An India Perspective” (G00262264) was updated to replace a duplicate graphic for Figure 5 (Attitudes Toward Public Cloud: India vs. Global). An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Trends: Managed Security Services, Asia/Pacific, 2014” (G00261257) has been revised to change the placement of a company name in Table 3. NTT is in the Global Telecom Providers section. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 July 2014
“Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” (G00260461) has been revised. In Table 2 for NuData Security, X’s were added in the columns “Gestures” and “Self-Learning Models.” A corrected version is available on

3 July 2014
The “Market Guide for Enterprise SBC” (G00262496) was republished to insert text in the Comments section of the Security attribute in Table 6. An updated version of this document is now available on

1 July 2014
“Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection” (G00260461) has been revised. Imperva was removed from Tables 1 and 2, as well as from the bullet list of representative OFD vendors. In Table 2, more X’s were added to the chart for three vendors: for CyberSource, in “Managed Fraud Detection Service”; for Nice Actimize, in “Call Center” and “Voice”; and for RSA, in “Self-Learning Models” and “Managed Fraud Detection Service.” A corrected version is available on

“Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management” (G00261641) has been republished to update the first two sentences of NetIQ’s overview section to indicate that the vendor’s SIEM offering is not NetIQ Security Manager, but NetIQ Sentinel. An updated version of the document is now available on

27 June 2014
“Market Share: IT Services, 2013” (G00261478) has been updated to correct distribution of revenue by vertical market for Fujitsu and distribution of revenue by country, segment and vertical market for CGI. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Supercharge Your Social Commerce with These Three Techniques” (G00262780)has been revised to correct its description of the social shopping site Wanelo. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Integrated Systems” (G00252466) has been revised to change the reference from “sequential multiprocessing (SMP)” to “symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)” in the Hitachi Data Systems vendor description section. The updated document is now available on

26 June 2014
“Market Guide for CRM in Tier 1 Retail” (G00262118) has been republished to correct the name of FICO’s “CRM Application Solution” and list of “Product Modules” in Table 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

20 June 2014
“Market Guide for Enterprise SBC” (G00262496) was republished to correct the comments entries for Scale, H.323 and Ease of Configuration in Table 6 for Oracle. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 June 2014
“Make Migration From Windows Server 2003 a Priority, Before Support Ends in July 2015” (G00263819) has been republished to amend instances where “Windows Server 2003” incorrectly appeared as “Windows Server 2013.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“SWOT: IO, Modular Data Center Solutions” (G00261773) was revised to change United Laboratories to Underwriters Laboratories. An updated version of this document is now available on

17 June 2014
“Top 30 Communications Service Provider Rankings, Worldwide, 2013” (G00260666) has been republished to correct the figures in the final column, “2013 Market Share (%)” in Table 1, and to correct the company name from NTT Communications to NTT. An updated version of the document is now available on

16 June 2014
“Cool Vendors in Cloud Management, 2014” (G00262564) was revised to correct the hyperlink to CloudBolt Software. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 June 2014
“Market Share Analysis: SSDs and Solid-State Arrays, Worldwide, 2013” (G00258537) has been revised to correct the vendor rankings, by revenue, in Table 11. SanDisk is now noted in the No. 2 position in the mainstream PC SSD category, and Micron is now No. 3 in the enterprise SSD SATA category. An updated version of the document is now available on

12 June 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Structured Data Archiving and Application Retirement” (G00262007) was republished to replace “Dolphin Software” with “Dolphin Enterprise Solutions (aka Dolphin)” in the PBS Software section. An updated version of this document is now available on

6 June 2014
“How to Choose a Provider for Data Visualization and Dashboards” (G00259772) has been updated to reclassified the vendor Klipfolio as a Leading provider of data visualization and dashboard solutions. An updated version of this document is available on

5 June 2014
“A Technique Money-Making CIOs Can Use to Improve a Specific Quarter’s Earnings Result” (G00264089) was originally published with a draft version of its title. An updated version of the document is now available on

4 June 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Mobility Management Suite” (G00261703) was republished because we inadvertently included the draft text for Soti. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Competitive Landscape: The IoT, Subsystems and Acquisitions Redefining the Semiconductor Design IP Market, Worldwide” (G00261404) has been updated to correct an error in Figure 2. In the “Cadence” column, the dark blue dots in the first two vertical cells have been changed to light blue. This changes the meaning from “Core Strength” to “Also Available,” as indicated in the Figure 2 footnote. An updated version of this document is available on

3 June 2014
“Market Share Analysis: Information Security Consulting, Worldwide, 2013” (G00259708) has been revised to remove the prefix “cyber-” from terminology used throughout the document. An updated version of this document is now available on 

“Market Share: Security Software, Worldwide, 2013” (G00261254) was revised to adjust vendor revenue between regions to correct for a distortion of vendor growth in dollar terms driven by the sharp depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar as well as against other currencies in the Mature Asia/Pacific region. Minor changes were also made to certain product segments based on our review of the previously published numbers. An updated version of this document is now available on 

“Market Share: Devices, All Countries, 1Q14 Update” (G00263663) has been updated to correct discrepancies in historical ultramobile and phone shipment data. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 June 2014
“SWOT: HP, Application Development Life Cycle Management, Worldwide” (G00229856) was revised to adjust the highlighted category in Figure 4. An updated version of the document is now available on 

“Market Share: Vertical-Specific Software, 2013” (G00260953) has been updated to adjust vendor revenue between regions to correct for a distortion of vendor growth in dollar terms driven by the sharp depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar as well as against other currencies in the Mature Asia/Pacific region. All vendor revenue totals and market totals remain the same worldwide. An updated version of this document is now available on

29 May 2014 
“Market Share: Storage Management Software, Worldwide, 2013” (G00260492) was revised to adjust vendor revenue between regions to correct for a distortion of vendor growth in dollar terms driven by the sharp depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar as well as against other currencies in the Mature Asia/Pacific region. Because of this change, there are slight changes in market share by region. All vendor revenue totals and market totals remain the same worldwide. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Guide for Endpoint Detection and Response Solutions” (G00259856) has been republished to add ForeScout to the list of representative EDR vendors. An updated version of the document is now available on

23 May 2014 
“Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2013” (G00260918) was revised to adjust vendor revenue between regions to correct for a distortion of vendor growth in dollar terms driven by the sharp depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar as well as against other currencies in the Mature Asia/Pacific region. All vendor revenue totals and market totals remain the same worldwide. An updated version of this document is now available on

22 May 2014 
“Market Insight: Service Providers Must Align Strategies and Capabilities With Adaptive Sourcing Requirements to Succeed in a Digital World” (G00263376) was revised to correct vendor name Mobiquity. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Top 10 Technology Trends Impacting the Oil & Gas Industry in 2014” (G00261697) has been republished to correct and clarify some information in the Smart Machines section about the use of autonomous trucks. An updated version of the document is now available on

19 May 2014 
“MarketScope for IT Project and Portfolio Management Software Applications” (G00260411) has been republished to replace “Flipboard comment” with “Flipboard content” in the Vendor Analysis section for CA Technologies. An updated version is now available on

“Toolkit: Self-Assess Your Capabilities With the Five-Stage Logistics Maturity Model” (G00259518) has been republished to update the Excel file. On the “Team Graphic” tab, the formula in cell C18 (Composite Score) now includes all 10 dimensions in the average (rather than only the first seven). In addition, on the “Performance Measures” tab, option E (row 16) now shows the appropriate characteristics. An updated version is now available on

16 May 2014 
“What a 37% Increase in Mobile Advertising Spending Means for Digital Marketers” (G00255414) was revised to correct a reference to dollars that should have been units. An updated version of the document is now available on

15 May 2014 
“Market Share: Communications Service Provider Operational Technology, Worldwide, 2013” (G00260988) has been republished to correct the data for the “Others” category in Tables 1.1, 3.1, 4.2 and 4.3. A footnote relating to Table 2.1 has been removed and included in Table 2.5, which is new. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems” (G00258086) has been revised to indicate that the information for analysis was collected as of October 2013. In addition, the Magic Quadrant “as of” date has been changed to October 2013. An updated version of this document is available on

14 May 2014 
“Samsung Knox — Bringing Android Under Enterprise Management” (G00256955) has been republished to correct the definition of SE, in the paragraph following Figure 3, to “Security Enhancement.” An updated version of this document is available on

“Cool Vendors in China, 2014” (G00262471) was revised to correctly describe the Recommendation for vendor Centec Networks. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Tech Go-to-Market Toolkit: SMB Providers’ Maturity Toolkit” (G00260213) has been updated to include a revised calculation method for retained customer count. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 May 2014 
“Market Guide for DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management” (G00262756) has been republished to clarify which DNS services Infoblox supports. The updated document is now available on

“Cool Vendors in Security Infrastructure Protection, 2014” (G00255752) has been revised. In the Seculert section under “Challenges,” in the first paragraph, Gartner updated the penultimate sentence from “no out-of-the-box integration” to “no preconfigured integration.” Also, the final sentence was updated to reflect that customers will receive support from Seculert. In the second paragraph, Gartner removed the first sentence on the use of traffic proxies. The entire third paragraph, regarding automated blocking and the need for a security analyst to interpret findings and develop the response strategy, was removed. A corrected version is available on

12 May 2014 
“Market Guide for User Personalization Management” (G00262523) was republished to state that Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity, and not Immidio Flex+, is in beta for both types of Workspace Management in Table 1. In Table 2, we updated the offerings for Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity, and deleted the column titled Non-Windows OS, as there were no entries in it. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Does File Analysis Have a Role in Your Data Management Strategy” (G00261688) has been republished to replace Content Hub with Galaxy as a product name for Litera in Table 1. The updated document is now available on

“Cool Vendors in Information Governance and MDM, 2014” (G00261695) has been republished to clarify that SIS is Acaveo’s flagship product. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Adometry Acquisition Will Differentiate Google Analytics Premium” (G00264350) has been republished to correct the year in which Google Analytics Premium was launched. It launched in 2011. An updated version of the document is now available on

8 May 2014 
“Toolkit: Leadership Competency Assessment — Planning for the Role of CSCO” (G00263989) has been republished to update the Excel attachment. The spider chart now maps the participant’s self-assessed ability instead of the relative priority of each competency. An updated version is available on

“Market Share Analysis: Storage Management Software, Worldwide, 2013” (G00260493) has been updated to correct the vendor rankings in Table 1. As the corrected table now shows, IBM and Symantec retained their 2012 rankings in 2013. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 May 2014 
In “The 90% Club: Winning the Game Before the Team Takes the Field” (G00264096), Figure 1 has been updated to show that the IT portfolio percentage devoted to growing the business is 22% for Leaders. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Guide for Social Marketing Management” (G00260419) has been republished to correct Spredfast’s employee count. Spredfast has more than 350 employees. An updated version of the document is now available on

5 May 2014 
“Cool Vendors in Security Intelligence, 2014” (G00262509) has been updated to remove the sentence in the Challenges section that depicted Shape Security’s ShapeShifter product as breaking Web application firewalls (WAF) and to adjust the statement on ShapeShifter’s inability to work with Java, Flash and Flex. Gartner has removed part of the sentence on JavaScript and the requirement of testing to make sure the application does not break. In the Challenges section of CounterTack, Gartner has removed the sentence that referred to CounterTack as not having a planned on-premises cloud offering. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Data Center Networking” (G00262141) has been revised. Updates were made to the Alcatel-Lucent section to provide improved clarity and context. The updated document is now available on

“Cool Vendors in Application and Endpoint Security, 2014” (G00262509) has been updated to correct factual inaccuracies in the Shape Security and CounterTrack write-ups. We removed a sentence in Shape Security’s Challenges section that depicted the ShapeShifter product as breaking Web application firewalls, and we adjusted the statement on ShapeShifter’s inability to work with Java, Flash and Flex. In the CounterTrack section, we removed part of the sentence on JavaScript and the requirement of testing to make sure the application does not break. We also removed a sentence in CounterTrack’s Challenges section that referred to CounterTack as not having a planned on-premises cloud offering. An updated version of this document is now available on

1 May 2014 
“Magic Quadrant for Intelligent Business Process Management Suites” (G00255421) has been republished to reflect changes in the Cautions section for the vendor PNMsoft. We have revised the information on the capabilities of the company’s Sequence product and its evolving HTML5 approach to mobile. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Designing an Adaptive Security Architecture for Protection From Advanced Attacks” (G00259490) has been revised to update Note 3, to reflect the proper name of Vectra Networks (formerly TraceVector), which had changed shortly before the document was published. A corrected version is available on

30 April 2014 
“Cool Vendors in Embedded Software and Systems, 2014” (G00261106) has been republished to remove the phrase “and have had sales of over 10 billion units,” in the second bullet point in the Recommendations section. An updated version of the document is available on

“Market Guide for Social Analytics” (G00259878) has been republished to correct an omission. Adobe also offers Klout Score, as shown in Table 1. An updated version of the document is now available on

29 April 2014
“Cool Vendors for Managing OT in a Digital Business” (G00262721), has been republished to change the names of three products in the entry for the Machine-to-Machine Intelligence: M2Mi Intelligence is now M2M Intelligence, M2Mi Automation is now M2M Automation, and M2Mi Cyber Security is now M2M Cyber Security. An updated version of the document is now available on 

“Optimizing Application Development and Maintenance Can Cut Costs by 50% or More” (G00259905) has been republished to clarify that the SLA and KPI examples in Tables 1, 2 and 3 are from real contract cases that telecom clients reported as case studies, and to correct Table 2 by changing “defect” to “incidents” in Row 2 and changing “4 to 8 hours” to “Not applicable” in Row 3. An updated version of the document is now available on 

In “Market Guide for Cloud Management Platforms From Large Software and Emerging Vendors” (G00247836), we have replaced the product name IBM Cloud Orchestrator (ICO) with the correct name, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator (SCO). An updated version of this document is now available on 

In “Market Guide for Integrated Infrastructure Systems Cloud Management Platforms” (G00262840), we have replaced the product name IBM Cloud Orchestrator (ICO) with the correct name, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator (SCO). An updated version of this document is now available on 

In “Market Guide for Open-Source Software Cloud Management Platforms” (G00262869), we have replaced the product name IBM Cloud Orchestrator (ICO) with the correct name, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator (SCO). An updated version of this document is now available on

28 April
“Market Share Analysis: Insurance Vertical Specific Software, 2013” (G00259652) has been retracted to correct the 2012 revenue estimate and 2013 growth rate for the vendor Vertafore. And updated version of this document will be republished once we fix this issue. 

25 April 2014
“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Government and Education Markets, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00261004) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Insurance Market, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00260648) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Communications, Media and Services Market, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00260639) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Transportation Market, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00263615) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Manufacturing and Natural Resources Market, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00260737) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Quarterly Statistics: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, All Regions, 4Q13 Update” (G00261201) has been revised to correct Epson shipments in North America and Latin America. The revision affects overall end-user spending data. An updated version of this document is now available on

24 April 2014
“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending for the Healthcare Provider Market, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00260960) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

23 April 2014
“Gartner Assessment of Enterprise Architecture Tool Capabilities, 2014” (G00247547) has been republished to correct the information on the last page regarding the date when the point-in-time research was completed, the description of use cases, and the publication year of the cited Magic Quadrant. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Trends: BYOD Opportunities for Midsize Resellers in 2014” (G00258588) was revised to correct the number mobile phones in use in 2014 to 4.8 billion, 88% of which belong to consumers, not businesses. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Share Analysis: Servers, Worldwide, 4Q13 Update” (G00261067) was revised to correctly place the decimal point in column “3Q13-4Q13” of Table 1. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Toolkit: The Gartner CRM Maturity Model” (G00255876) has been republished to add some text on the Excel file’s Instructions tab, clarifying that users must click the “Update Charts” button on the Output tab to see their maturity level. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Forecast: Enterprise IT Spending by Vertical Industry Market, Worldwide, 1Q14 Update” (G00259615) has been updated to correct a production error that resulted in vertical splits that were not consistent with the previous forecast data. The issue has been corrected and data has been rerun from Gartner’s database. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 April 2014
“Market Share: Semiconductor Assembly and Test Services, Worldwide, 2013” (G00258686) has been updated to correct the 2012 and 2013 revenue numbers for ASE. These changes resulted in adjustments to the totals in some tables. An updated version of the file is now available on

16 April 2014
The following Research documents are no longer available on To request print versions of these documents, please contact your Executive Programs Service Delivery Team.

“2013 US Mercer Benchmark Database: Mercer/Gartner Information Technology Compensation Survey,” G00259211, “2013 Canada Mercer Benchmark Database: Mercer/Gartner Information Technology Compensation Survey,” G00259210, “2013 Mercer Gartner IT Workforce Practices Survey,” G00258768, “2012 Mercer Gartner IT Workforce Practices Survey Report,” G00245512, “2012 US Mercer Benchmark Database: Mercer/Gartner Information Technology Compensation Survey,” G00239846, “2012 Canada Mercer Benchmark Database: Mercer/Gartner Information Technology Compensation Survey,” G00239845, “2011 US Mercer Benchmark Database: Mercer/Gartner Information Technology Compensation Survey,” G00227464, “2011 Mercer Global IT Pay Summary,” G00227463 and “2011 US Mercer Gartner IT Workforce Practices Survey Report,” G00226285.

15 April 2014
“Market Trends: Enterprise Digital Services Drive CSPs’ Diversification Strategy” (G00255059) has been updated to correct the name of NTT Docomo, which was incorrectly presented as just “Docomo” in the original document. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Toolkit: Self-Assess Your Capabilities With the Five-Stage Logistics Maturity Model” (G00259518) has been republished to fix a function in the Excel tool. The worksheet titled Individual Summary Graphic was not pulling in the selections from four of the worksheets (Goal and Culture, Process Focus, Performance Measures, and International Logistics). A corrected version of this document is now available on

14 April 2014
“Market Trends: Enterprise Digital Services Drive CSPs’ Diversification Strategy” (G00255059) has been updated to correct the name of NTT Docomo, which was incorrectly presented as just “Docomo” in the original document. An updated version of this document is now available on

11 April 2014
“Market Trends: Cloud Is a Critical Enabler for CSP Enterprise Digital Services” (G00262189) has been republished to correct all references to NTT Docomo. The following changes were made: “NTT Docomo” has been changed to “NTT” in the Introduction; “NTT Docomo” has been changed to “NTT Communications” in Table 2; and “NTT Docomo” has been changed to “NTT” in the Market Trend section. An updated version of the document is now available on

“Market Share: Semiconductor Applications, Worldwide, 2013” (G00258292) has been republished in a format that will allow all clients to access the data. Some clients experienced difficulty with the macro in the originally published file. There were no changes to the data in the document. An updated version of the file is now available on

“Magic Quadrant for Integration Brokerage” (G00247408) has been revised to reflect the fact that HighJump Software acquired Evenex, not LongJump. The updated document is now available on

10 April 2014
“Canadian Cellular Provider Subsidies Can Cut Costs of Updating Devices” (G00262183) has been updated to add a reference to BlackBerry in the second Key Finding in the Executive Summary. An updated version of this document is now available on

9 April 2014
For “Cool Vendors in CRM Marketing Applications, 2014” (G00262501) in the Adam Software section on “Who Should Care,” we have replaced Teradata with Adam Software at the end of the last sentence to read” ... should consider Adam Software.”

3 April 2014
“Office for iPad Represents a Giant Step for Microsoft, but Some Users May Not Be Swayed” (G00263350) has been updated to remove the phrase “pay commissions to other vendors” from the Availability impact section. An updated version of this document is now available on

2 April 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms” (G00257740) has been republished to correct an error in the first Strength in the section on MicroStrategy. The market average for the largest data volume accessed in data repositories is 4.2 terabytes (4.2TB), not 4.2 gigabytes (4.2GB) as we originally stated. A corrected version of this document is now available on

1 April 2014
“Leverage a Hybrid Approach to Corporate Performance Management” (G00258578) has been revised to remove the reference to Trintech being an SAP partner; it is not. The updated document is now available on

“IT Market Clock for Enterprise Mobility, 2013” (G00252106) has been republished to fix time frame discrepancies of two technology assets on the Market Clock. In Figure 3, Secure Corporate Email was changed from “Cost in 2 to 5 years” to “Choice in 2 to 5 years.” In Figure 4, Tablets was changed from “Choice in 0 to 2 years” to “Cost in 2 to 5 years.” The same changes were made in the corresponding text for each technology asset. An updated version of this research can be found on

“Samsung’s Bid for Enterprise-Grade Security Shows Promise, but Needs to Mature” (G00251814) has been republished. Text changes were implemented in the Selection Guidelines section that clarify functional details for Samsung Knox. An updated version of this document is available on

“Samsung Knox — Bringing Android Under Enterprise Management” (G00256955) has been republished. Text changes were implemented in the Benefits and Risks section to provide more precision to statements about risk. An updated version of this document is available on

26 March 2014
“IT Market Clock for Client Computing, 2013” (G00251180) was republished to revise Figure 3. We changed the text in the Next column for the Browser Client OS listing to “choice in 2 to 5 years.” A corrected version of the document is now available on

25 March 2014
“Critical Capabilities for General-Purpose, High-End Storage Arrays” (G00248908) has been republished to correct the last sentence in the paragraph devoted to HP XP P9500. An updated version is available on

24 March 2014
“Toolkit: S&OP Maturity Self-Assessment for Supply Chain Leaders” (G00253497) has been enhanced to work with Stages of Maturity on the Scores tab that are not entered as whole numbers. This was done to allow clients to consolidate multiple individual scores to calculate an average score. The revised version is available on

21 March 2014
“2014 CIO Agenda: A Healthcare Provider Perspective” (262271) was republished to correct the first Key Finding. It now correctly states that the global IT budget increased 0.2% (not the healthcare provider global IT budget). An updated version of the document is now available on

20 March 2014
“Forecast: IT Services, Worldwide, 2012-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00261479) has been republished to correctly enable currency conversation on the Pivot Table tab in the Excel worksheet. An updated version of this document is now available on

“Forecast: Servers, All Countries, 2011-2018, 1Q14 Update” (G00261209) was revised to correctly label Rest of Middle East and North Africa, as well as add the .CSV file to the .ZIP download. An updated version of this document is now available on

18 March 2014
“Critical Capabilities for IT Service Catalog Tools” (G00257924) has been republished because we inadvertently included the draft text for BMC. An updated version of this document is now available on

13 March 2014
“Best Practices for Accelerating Windows XP Migration” (G00255277) has been republished to update Table 4. An updated version of this document is available on

“MarketScope for Business Process Management Platform as a Service” (G00248339) has been republished to clarify that BizFlow (formerly known as Handysoft), Colosa and IBM were excluded because they had offerings introduced after 30 May 2013. Integrify, Metasonic, MicroPact, OpenWork, Perceptive Software, Rage Frameworks, Software AG, Whitestein, and XMPro were excluded for various other reasons.

“Mobile Wireless Performance Issues and Solutions” (G00262143) has been republished to change the required latency speeds for voice over IP (VoIP) from “one-way” to “round-trip.” An updated version of this document is available on

12 March 2014
“Does File Analysis Have a Role in Your Data Management Strategy” (G00261688) has been revised to update information about Imperva in Table 1. It is a publicly held, not privately held, vendor. The updated document is now available on

“Predicts 2014: New Landscape Demands New Business and IT Approaches for Healthcare Payers” (G00258118) has been republished to clarify who is affected by the first Strategic Planning Assumption (prediction). An updated version of this document is available on

11 March 2014
“Market Guide for Contact Center Speech Analytics” (G00261569) has been republished to correct the founding date for CallMiner from 2012 to 2002. An updated version of this document is available on

“Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems” (G00255860) has been revised to remove a reference to 10gen in MongoDB’s entry in the Other Vendors to Consider section. An updated version of the document is available on

“Critical Capabilities for General-Purpose, Midrange Storage Arrays” (G00248904) has been republished to correct the Fujitsu product name to Fujitsu Eternus DX500 S3 and DX600 S3 in all appropriate tables and figures, as well as in the Fujitsu information in the Vendors section. An updated version is available on

“Magic Quadrant for Identity Governance and Administration” (G00253758) has been updated to: (1) correct the title of Figure 1; (2) standardize the name of the NetWeaver product as “SAP NetWeaver Identity Management”; and (3) delete “or if read-only connectors are used elsewhere” and “For connecting other target systems, additional license costs apply” from the second paragraph on SAP. An updated version of the document is available on

6 March 2014
“Quarterly Statistics: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, All Regions, All Countries, 4Q13 Update” (G00261202) has been revised to correct end-user data for HP and Canon in the Baltics. This revision has also affected overall end-user spending data. An updated version of this document is now available on

5 March 2014
“Forecast Analysis: Mobile Connections by Technology, Worldwide, 2010-2017” (G00247533) has been republished to with corrections to the section, The Future of LTE: “General Services Administration” has been changed to “Global mobile Suppliers Association,” and “flexible disk-drive (FDD)-LTE” to “frequency division duplex (FDD)-LTE.” An updated version of this document is available on

“Exploit Cloud, Mobile, Data and Social Convergence for Disruptive Innovation” (G00259723) has been republished to expand the bullet list in the Lessons Learned section. An updated version of this document is available on

“Competitive Landscape: Multivendor Support, Asia/Pacific” (G00248797) has been updated with changes to HP’s profile to include additional vendors for which it provides support services. Changes were made to Tables 2 and 3 to include HP’s additional regional coverage and OEM brand support, respectively. An updated version of this document is now available on

4 March 2014
“Toolkit: Simple Functional Information Security Taxonomy” (G00260445) was republished to modify the title to better reflect the content, and to add a list of the four taxonomy sections in the When to Use section. An updated version is available on

“Market Guide for Supply Chain Visibility Software” (G00260131) has been republished to correct the name of HCL Technologies’ software referenced in Figure 6 to Global Visibility Platforms. An updated version is available on

3 March 2014
The title of “Revisit Ka VSAT for Satellite Data Communications” has been changed to “Ka Technology Compels Enterprises to Revisit Satellite Communications” to more clearly reflect its contents. An updated version of the document is available on

“Market Guide for Supply Chain Visibility Software” (G00260131) has been republished to correct the TraceLink entry in Figure 11 (changes were made to the text in the Supply Chain Visibility Offering column and the selections in the Implementation Style columns). The text in the Supply Chain Visibility Offering column for the GT Nexus entry in Figure 6 was also updated. An updated version is available on

28 February 2014
The title of “How CIOs Need to Prepare for the Industrialization of IT in the Digital Economy” has been changed to “How CIOs Need to Prepare for Farming and Optimizing IT in the Digital Economy” to more clearly reflect its contents and better align with other titles in a related research series. An updated version of the document is available on

“Quarterly Statistics: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, Distribution and Major Markets, EMEA, 4Q13 Update” (261200) has been revised to correct end-user spending data for HP and Canon in the Baltics. An updated version of this document is available on

“Samsung’s Bid for Enterprise-Grade Security Shows Promise, but Needs to Mature” (G00251814) has been republished. Text changes were implemented in the Technology Description section that clarify functional details for Samsung Knox. An updated version of this document is available on

“Samsung Knox — Bringing Android Under Enterprise Management” (G00256955) has been republished. Text changes were implemented in the Benefits and Risks section to provide more precision to statements about risk. An updated version of this document is available on

“Market Guide for Healthcare Payers’ Core Administrative Processing Systems” (G00255554) has been revised to correct the Challenges section in HealthEdge’s vendor profile, as a draft version of that text was inadvertently published. An updated version of this document is now available on

27 February 2014
“Market Share: Printers, Copiers and MFPs, EMEA, 2013 Update” (G00261191) has been revised to correct end-user data for HP and Canon in the Baltics. This revision has also affected overall end-user spending data. An updated version of this document is now available on

21 February 2014
We revised Acquia’s second Challenges bullet in “MarketScope for User Experience Platforms” (G00249149) to clarify that it’s Acquia’s UXP product that has a short track record in the market. An updated version of this document is now available on

19 February 2014
“Explore Alternatives to Branch Office Tape Backup” (G00261544) has been revised to update the Cloud Gateways bullet under “Consider Other Emerging Alternatives” to reflect that some cloud gateways can be deployed in a private cloud. The updated document is now available on

18 February 2014
“Designing an Adaptive Security Architecture for Protection From Advanced Attacks” (G00259490) has been revised to change the heading preceding Figure 4 from “Four Key Inputs Into the Adaptive Protection Architecture” to “Six Key Inputs Into the Adaptive Protection Architecture.” A corrected version is available on

12 February 2014
“Mature S&OP Characteristics Lead to Measurable Success” (G00259800) has been republished to swap the placement of Figures 2 and 3. An updated version of this document is available on

“Improve IT Organization Effectiveness With Business-Outcome-Driven EA” (G00252280) has been republished to correct Figure 2, which had incorrect percentages in the Small/Midsize and Large (Low End) pie charts. An updated version is available on

“Vendor Rating: IBM” (G00255341) has been republished to correct the release date of SmartCloud Orchestrator (under “IT Operations and Asset Management”) from May 2012 to May 2013. An updated version of this document is now available on

7 February 2014
“Optimizing Branch Use in Multichannel Banking” (G00252903) has been republished to correct the data in Table 2, Past Three-Month Channel Use by Activity in Emerging Markets (Percentages). An updated version of this document is available on

“Consider These Alternatives When SharePoint Workflow Isn’t Enough” (G00250304) has been republished to clarify the K2 entry in the Vendors Shortlist section. An updated version of this document is available on

“Learn the Taxonomy of Mobile and Endpoint Management Architectures” (G00257702) has been updated to add the word “Mobile” to the title and to simplify Figure 1 to make it easier to read. An updated version of this document is now available on

5 February 2014
“How ALAN Leveraged Supply Chain Relationships to Aid Recovery From Superstorm Sandy” (G00259910) has been republished to correct the source line for Figure 2 from ALAN to Competitive Insights. An updated version is available on

4 February 2014
“Toolkit: The Gartner CRM Maturity Model” (G00255876) has been republished to correct the “Update Charts” functionality on the Output tab in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. An updated version is available on 

“Selecting a Workforce Optimization Solution in a Market Driven by Contact Center Infrastructure” (G00255687) has been revised to change Knowlagent to the company’s new name, Intradiem, in Figure 1. The updated document is now available on 

“MarketScope for User Experience Platforms” (G00249149) has been updated to add Note 1, which lists the vendors that were evaluated for the MarketScope, but were not included. An updated version of this document is now available on 

“The Primary Use and Business Cases for SAP Hana Solutions” (G00259427) has been revised to add Virtual Computing Environment to the list of SAP-Certified Hardware Partners for SAP Hana in Note 1. The updated document is now available on

3 February 2014
“Improve IT Organization Effectiveness With Business-Outcome-Driven EA” (G00252280) has been republished to correct Figure 7, which was missing text in the color key. It has been corrected to include “No engagement: Despite our best efforts to focus on business integration and working with business leaders, they see no need to collaborate.” An updated version is available on

31 January 2014
“Top 10 Strategic Technologies — The Rise of Smart Machines” (G00260830) has been republished to update Figure 1 to include more of the statements from the Impact section of the Summary.” An updated version of this document is available on

24 January 2014
“Who’s Who for In-Memory DBMSs” (G00252683) has been updated with the following changes. In the section for Kognitio, the sentence “Kognitio Analytical Platform is a scale-out in-memory row-store MPP database that specializes in data warehousing and analytical use cases” has been changed to: “Kognitio Analytical Platform is a scale-out in-memory row-store MPP database first released in 1989 that specializes in data warehousing and analytical use cases.” In Table 1 “Informix Warehouse Accelerator” has been added to the “Analytical” column in relation to IBM. Additionally, in the IBM section, the sentence “the ability to combine row and column store in the same DBMS allows HADR considerations to be resolved by leveraging the existing capabilities in DB2 or Informix” has been updated to remove the words “or Informix.” In the Garantia Data section, the number of customers for the company has been updated from 600 to 1,000 throughout. An updated version of this document is available on

23 January 2014
“Survey Analysis: Customers Rate Their BI Platform Functionality” (G00249325) has been republished to amend the “SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0” label in the upper left part of Figure 6. The label now reads “SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 FP3.” An updated version is now available on

“ITOM Vendor Evolution Drives New Approaches to Vendor Selection and New Vendor Possibilities” (G00255256) has been revised to change the rating for HP’s network fault monitoring from “competitive” to “strong” in Figure 1 and to move the Network Performance Monitoring column in Figure 1. The updated document is now available on

22 January 2014
“Building a Modern APM Architecture for the World of Web-Scale IT” (G00257849)has been republished to include the following section: “Combine Open-Source Monitoring Technologies With APM to Meet Web-Scale Challenges.”

21 January 2014
“ITOM Vendor Evolution Drives New Approaches to Vendor Selection and New Vendor Possibilities” (G00255256) has been revised to change the rating for HP’s network fault monitoring from “competitive” to “strong” in Figure 1. The updated document is now available on

20 January 2014
“IT Market Clock for Application Development, 2013” (G00252104) has been updated to make corrections to Figure 3, changing SOA Testing and Application Services Governance from “Advantage” to “Choice” and to change the “Next Change” category for BPA Testing, SOA Testing, Cloud Testing Tools and Service, and Functional Programming Languages to “Zero to two years.” An updated version of this document is now available on

“Market Share Analysis: Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 3Q13” (258474) has been republished with corrected data in Table 2 (“Mobile Phone Market Share, Unit Shipments, Worldwide, 3Q13 (Millions)”) in the columns labelled “3Q12 Rank,” “3Q12 Shipments” and “Growth From 3Q12.” The first Key Finding has also been updated to reflect these changes. The corrected version is now available on

17 January 2014
The title of “Healthcare Payer CIOs Must Adjust to Rapidly Changing Business Drivers” (G00259489) has been changed to “Business Drivers of Technology Decisions for Healthcare Payers, 2014” to reflect that it is part of a new research series. An updated version of the document is available on

16 January 2014
“Midmarket Insights: RFP Prework for Selecting the Right BI and Analytic Solutions” (G00259291) has been republished to correct a duplicate heading in Figure 1, from “Create Products” to “Manage the Business.” The updated document is now available on

15 January 2014
“The Gartner E-Commerce Vendor Guide, 2014” (G00252851) has been republished to correct the spelling of Avangate in the Payments section list of vendors. A corrected version of the document is now available on

“Crédit Agricole Pursues Digitalization With Open Banking” (G00255706) has been republished to delete some misleading information regarding iOS apps on the CAStore, and to add some information regarding participants in the CAStore incubator. An updated version of the document is now available on

14 January 2014
“Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms” (G00247705) has been republished because a draft version was inadvertently released initially. The final version of this document is now available on

8 January 2014
In “Vendor Rating: Intel” (G00255828), we have corrected the reference to ARM, removing Advanced Research Machines, in the Corporate Viability section. A corrected version of the document is now available on

6 January 2014
“Research Presentation for ‘Taming the Digital Dragon: The 2014 CIO Agenda’“ (G00261079) has been republished with the following changes: Slide 5 now states 2014 IT budgets are flat (+0.2%); Slide 38 has revised numbers for the World category (+0.2%) and for North America (+1.8%); and Slide 40 has a revised number for Utilities (-1.1%). An updated version of this document is available on

3 January 2014
“Toolkit: Developing KPIs from Customer Experience Monitoring Equipment” (G00250685) has been republished to include Nuvo Consulting (Indaco Group) in the list of contributing vendors. An updated version is now available on