Move From Cloud First to Cloud Smart to Improve Cloud Journey Success

Organizations pursuing a cloud-first strategy often find this approach evolving into a cloud-only approach despite some use cases being a poor fit for cloud. This research describes five cloud-smart best practices that can help I&O leaders accelerate their journey to the cloud.

Key  Challenges

  • Many organizations’ expectations for cloud do not align with their ability to execute, making it difficult for I&O leaders to design a strategy to meet business goals.
  • Existing IT governance and foundational practices don’t always adapt to the more dynamic nature of cloud, creating more security and compliance issues for I&O leaders to address.
  • Many decision makers believe that a cloud-first approach maximizes speed, limiting I&O leaders’ ability to adopt other approaches for their cloud journey.
  • Cloud vendors’ offerings are growing more complex, slowing I&O leaders’ efforts to orchestrate a successful cloud migration.
  • Organizations’ circumstances do not always align well with cloud initiatives, complicating I&O leaders’ efforts to orchestrate a successful cloud migration.