Ambassify Increases Qualified Leads by 25% With Gartner Digital Markets

Ambassify, an employee advocacy platform, targets social media managers of enterprise companies in the U.K., France, Germany, and Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). To achieve its growth goals, the start-up sought to strengthen its brand and build an efficient lead generation strategy focused on quality by reaching in-market buyers in its target markets.  

Building brand credibility to capture in-market buyers

Initially, Ambassify created a profile on Gartner Digital Markets’ sites—Capterra, GetApp and Software Advice—to increase its reach and boost its credibility in the market.

Maxim Baeten, who leads performance marketing at Ambassify, explained, "Our target audience is mostly social media managers. They are digitally savvy and do their research online. It's very important for us to have a strong presence on well-known software comparison platforms, like Capterra, to be perceived as a trusted brand and be able to capture in-market buyers."  

By being listed in multiple software categories related to employee advocacy, the company was able to explore different messaging approaches, define its ideal customer profile, and set the foundation of its product positioning. "We learned which categories best suited our product, and how to effectively position Ambassify with an optimized product profile to attract our target audience," said Baeten.

With an optimized profile, Ambassify saw an opportunity to scale its lead generation strategy and launched Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns to drive more bottom-of-funnel leads and increase demo bookings. "The traffic we get from Gartner Digital Markets is highly targeted and ready-to-buy. This means higher conversions for demo requests," explained Baeten.

And as part of its brand-building strategy, Ambassify sourced reviews for submittal on Gartner Digital Markets' sites, which helped the young company build credibility in the market.

Generating high-quality, cost-effective leads in local markets

Since launching lead generation campaigns in 2019, Ambassify considers Gartner Digital Markets an essential part of its global marketing strategy. The company receives traffic from the U.K., France, Germany, and Benelux. "Gartner Digital Markets’ localized sites are a great advantage for companies targeting niche or small markets. I like the flexibility to set different bids or cost-per-click for each country we are targeting. We tested other local providers and we didn't get the same kind of lead volume and quality."

With a strong local market strategy driven by in-language reviews and landing pages, Ambassify stated it was able to generate high-converting leads at up to 3x lower cost compared to other channels. 

But a lower cost per lead was only part of the company's success. Ambassify was able to increase the volume of qualified leads it could send to its sales team. Baeten noted, "Since adding Gartner Digital Markets to our channel mix, we've seen a 25% increase in marketing-qualified leads (MQLs). These are leads that we confidently pass to our sales team because they are high-intent and will more likely increase our opportunity win rate."

By integrating Gartner Digital Markets’ PPC campaigns with its installed CRM, Ambassify continues to track and attribute every lead back to its source. Baeten's team compares results across channels to monitor ROI and adjust its strategy. Baeten shared, "We keep investing in Gartner Digital Markets because we keep seeing positive ROI."

Novorad logo

Software Category:
Employee Advocacy Platform

Lead Generation


Business impact

With Gartner Digital Markets, Ambassify was able to:

  • Strengthen brand awareness and credibility with reviews 
  • Increase qualified leads by 25% 
  • Generate MQLs at one-third of the cost compared to other channels
  • Launch country-specific campaigns to connect to its target audiences

You need to be where your buyers are searching for a product like yours, and Gartner Digital Markets' software review sites are the trusted source for buyers.

Maxim Baeten

Performance Marketing Lead, Ambassify

Get More High-Quality Leads with Gartner Digital Markets

Launch lead generation campaigns that convert active buyers where they are searching for software.