AI in Cybersecurity

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are being used in a variety of tools—but are decision-makers adopting AI in cybersecurity?

One minute insights:

  • ToolsHow many are already using AI tech in their cybersecurity tools
  • Question mark iconWhat are the perceived benefits and challenges of AI in cybersecurity
  • ChartWhich aspects of cybersecurity will benefit most from AI?

Many are already using AI in their cybersecurity tools—and are satisfied with the results

Gauges chart: Do any of your current cybersecurity tools use AI?

Over two-thirds (68%) of decision-makers are using cybersecurity tools that feature AI technology.

Do any of your current cybersecurity tools use AI?

Bubble chart: Are you satisfied with how the AI component functions in your cybersecurity tool(s)?

53% are satisfied with how AI is performing in their cybersecurity tool(s), though almost a quarter (22%) feel it’s still too early to tell.

Are you satisfied with how the AI component functions in your cybersecurity tool(s)?

Dissatisfied 2%, Very dissatisfied 0%, Satisfied for some tools, dissatisfied for others 3%

Of those who aren’t currently using AI tech in their cybersecurity tools, over two-thirds (67%) are willing to consider using AI in the future.

On a scale of 1-5, how willing are you to consider using AI in your cybersecurity tools?

Chart:On a scale of 1-5, how willing are you to consider using AI in your cybersecurity tools?

[A]ny security provider that wants to exist in the future needs to consider AI.

Director, small telecommunications company

Decision-makers think detection speed and predictive capabilities are the main AI benefits, but worry about talent gaps and costs

The main perceived benefits of using AI in cybersecurity are to increase detection speed (74%), utilize predictive capabilities (67%), and reduce errors (53%).

What do you think are the main benefits of using AI in cybersecurity?

Bar chart: What do you think are the main benefits of using AI in cybersecurity?

Increased IT/Security Operations Center eiciency 42%, Increased detection sensitivity (detect novel / “zero-day” attacks) 41%, Reduce costs 38%, Scalability 36%, None of these 1%, Other 0%

As for concerns about using AI in cybersecurity tools, decision-makers worry about finding the talent to implement the tools (63%), affording the costs (55%), and accommodating for tech stack complexities (50%).

Are you concerned about any of the following with regard to the use of AI in cybersecurity tools?

Bar chart: Are you concerned about any of the following with regard to the use of AI in cybersecurity tools?

Separating useful data out from the noise 35%, Compliance issues 23%, Ethical concerns over the use of AI technologies 17%, Regulatory changes 11%, None of these 2%, Other 0%

Privacy preserving AI techniques will need to be considered heavily.

Director, manufacturing enterprise

[We] need to hire more talent. [It’s] difficult to grow our own.

Director, small education company

AI will benefit network and IAM security—and most agree it will reduce successful zero-day incidents

Looking at which aspects of cybersecurity will benefit most from AI tech, most decision-makers chose network security (65%) and identity and access management (IAM) (64%).

Will any of the following aspects of cybersecurity benefit from AI?

Bar chart: Will any of the following aspects of cybersecurity benefit from AI?

Cloud security 50%, Application security 45%, Security orchestration 36%, Event logging 29%, Data management 18%, None of these 1%, Other 0%

86% of decision-makers believe the use of AI technology in cybersecurity tools will 86% reduce the success of zero-day security incidents.

Do you think the use of AI technology in cybersecurity tools will reduce the success of “zero-day” incidents (novel security events)?

Bar chart: Do you think the use of AI technology in cybersecurity tools will reduce the success of “zero-day” incidents (novel security events)?

[AI can] help catch the thief [on entry] rather than chasing [them] after the damage is done.

Director, small software company

Decision-makers believe AI is the future of cybersecurity

Pie chart: To what extent do you agree with the following: “AI technology will be a critical tool for the future of organizational cybersecurity.”

Almost all (96%) decision-makers agree that AI technology will be critical for the future of organizational cybersecurity, with almost a quarter (24%) strongly agreeing.

To what extent do you agree with the following: “AI technology will be a critical tool for the future of organizational cybersecurity.”

[AI in cybersecurity is] an emerging area that we’d like to hear more success stories [about].

Director, medium-sized software company
A lightbulb

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Respondent breakdown

Map: Respondent breakdown