Gartner Expert

Aapo Markkanen

VP Analyst

Aapo Markkanen is an analyst at Gartner's Tech Product Manager team within the Technology and Service Providers research unit. In his research, Mr Markkanen covers sustainability and ESG - with a particular focus on the challenges and opportunities that climate change and decarbonization create for the tech industry. One of the first industry analysts to specialize in the Internet of Things, he also continues to follow various aspects of IoT. Mr. Markkanen joined Gartner through its acquisition of Machina Research in 2016.

Previous experience

Prior to Gartner (Machina Research), Mr. Markkanen worked as a Principal Analyst at ABI Research, where he led a range of research activities related to the IoT, M2M and big data. In this position, he explored areas such as data analytics, product life cycle and IoT platforms.

Previously, Mr. Markkanen worked as a Research Analyst at IHS, where he was responsible for providing market intelligence and strategic analysis on the European telecom sector and its leading players.

He has also served as an independent expert for the European Commission, evaluating funding proposals submitted under the EC's Horizon 2020 framework for research and innovation.

Professional background

Machina Research

Principal Analyst

ABI Research

Principal Analyst


Research Analyst

Areas of coverage

Product and Services Strategy for Tech CEOs

Product/Service Organization and Leadership

Product/Service Discovery and Validation

Strategize Long-Term Growth

Executive Leadership: Sustainability


M.Sc., Management and Organization, University of Tampere

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Top Issues That I Help Clients Address

1How can our product organization best contribute to the company's sustainability and ESG efforts?

2What market opportunities are being created by sustainable business?

3What is vendor the landscape in ESG software?

4Which software tools can support our carbon footprinting and net-zero efforts?

5How can IoT solutions improve sustainability and ESG?