
CSOs, Harmonize Account Management and Customer Success to Retain & Grow Customers

| 1 hour

Customer retention directly affects organizations’ growth strategy. Over half of customers seriously consider suppliers other than the incumbent as their renewal or repurchase dates approach. Chief sales officers (CSOs) often underestimate the customer success team’s impact in guiding customers to current value realization and its potential to drive growth. CSOs need seamless interaction partnership between customer success and account management team to retain customer and growth. Join this complimentary webinar to learn about critical lessons for building and deploying customer success resources  for management of existing customer relationships.

  • Learn how to define account management and customer success role responsibilities 

  • Discover how to prioritize and leverage customer success best practices within your industry 

  • Foster organizational alignment by establishing customer success measurements linked to sales results

    Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about registering or watching.

Hosted by

Robert Blaisdell

Sr Director Analyst

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