Information Technology

Get Buy-In on Prioritizing Your Cloud Data and Analytics Initiatives (Americas Global Enterprises)

| 1 hour

Success with adopting cloud is a top priority for CIOs to support self-service data and analytics initiatives, and innovate with AI. Enterprises invest significant time and effort in their data and analytics cloud deployments to navigate the complexities of implementation, operating models, compliance obligations and cost optimization. The combination of hybrid and multi-cloud data and analytic deployments raises many potential risks and pitfalls during migration. How do you drive the conversation with your organization and influence leadership that investing in this technology and strategy is critical to business outcomes? In this exclusive session, we’ll demonstrate how CIOs can create a narrative to inspire your peers and teams to effectively prioritize your cloud D&A adoption initiatives.

  • Hear how you can provide guidance to leadership for investing and successfully executing on technology and strategy to deliver business outcomes

  • Learn how to reliably adopt, scale and demonstrate ROI with cloud

  • Gain insight into addressing skill-set gaps, building new operating models, and avoiding security risks

Contact us at with questions about viewing this session.

Hosted by

Soyeb Barot

Senior Director Analyst


Dennis Xu

Sr Director Analyst, KI Leader

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