
Conference Updates

London, September 11, 2023

Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, London 2023: Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, taking place today and tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12, in London, U.K. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are highlighting the Opening Keynote, how to measure the effectiveness of well-being investments, what a world-class recruiting leader will look like in 2024 and building a vibrant intergenerational workplace in a fragmented setting

Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Gartner Keynote: Unlocking Human Performance Through Bold HR Leadership

Presented by Anna Krasniewska, Group Vice President, Gartner and Brent Cassell, VP Advisory, Gartner

In response to the extreme disruption over the past three years, organizations showed remarkable innovation and responsiveness. HR led the way in transforming work models, embracing workforce flexibility and boosting accountability for employee well-being and equity. In this opening Gartner keynote, Anna Krasniewska, Group Vice President, Gartner and Brent Cassell, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner, explored how HR leaders can continue to boldly encourage remarkable change and innovation – expanding what people, systems and technologies can achieve – without a backdrop of extreme disruption driving extreme behavioral change.

Key Takeaways

  • “The role of the HR leader can be something bigger and more influential: 70% of HR leaders say they have more opportunities for impact.”
  • “HR leaders have a moment now to redefine and reshape how work is done, but they are grappling with the question: Is it reckless to continue to be bold, to challenge convention when external forces are no longer forcing our hand?"
  • “Becoming everyday bold requires HR leaders not just to take action, but to prepare – to create the conditions every day to confidently and competently break boundaries when needed.” 
  • “There are three key components to build this muscle of everyday bold: Building stability, initiating trust, and forging ahead.”
    • Organizations that offer stability to their workforce observe a 61% rise in employee engagement.
    • Organizations that give trust increase employee discretionary effort by 39%
    • At organizations that are the best at forging ahead by letting go of existing mindsets and processes, employees are 10 times more likely to say their organization enables innovation
  • Employees in organizations that embrace these components of everyday bold are 6x more likely to be high performers.

Keeping Score: Measuring the Effectiveness of Well-Being Investments

Presented by Brent Cassell, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner

Despite continued investments in well-being programs, just 32% of total rewards leaders believe their organization does a good job assessing the effectiveness of those investments. n this session, Brent Cassell, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner, shared how the best organizations evaluate their well-being programs’ impact on their employees, talent outcomes, and business results. 

Key Takeaways

  • “Only 29% of European employees report that they are physically well; 33% of European employees report that they are mentally well.” 

  • “92% percent of total rewards leaders report steady or increasing well-being budgets despite economic pressures.”

  • “Improving employees’ wellness can boost their engagement by up to 60% and increase their intent to stay at their company by up to 11%.”

  • “Total rewards leaders can demonstrate well-being value via three steps:

    • Measure four distinct dimensions to bring well-being effectiveness into focus: adoption, satisfaction, wellness and outcomes.

    • Create a measurement framework based on the four distinct dimensions: Capture the full adoption journey, look at satisfaction holistically, keep wellness pulses simple and connect programs to outcomes.

    • Go beyond data to tell stakeholders the story of well-being value with metrics that speak to their top priorities.”

Building a Vibrant Intergenerational Workplace in a Fragmented Setting

Presented by Rachael Marshall, Director, Advisory, Gartner

Unlocking the full potential of an intergenerational workforce is increasingly difficult in today’s fragmented work setting. In this session, Rachael Marshall, Director, Advisory, Gartner explored strategies to build cohesion across generations and achieve improved workforce performance and retention.

Key Takeaways

  • “Today’s workforce is multigenerational and encompasses four generations (Millennials, Gen X, Boomers and Gen Z); organizations need to move toward an intergenerational workforce with better cohesion amongst the different generations.”

  • “Team cohesion refers to the ease with which generations are able to collaborate and share knowledge with one another and where all employees feel like an important part of the team.” 

  • “All generations report low team cohesion – in fact, the generation reporting the highest levels of team cohesion are Millennials and only 29% agree.”

  • “Team cohesion more than doubles the percentage of those reporting high intent to stay and also doubles the percentage of employees performing optimally.”

  • “To increase team cohesion across generations, Talent Management Leaders should do three things:

    • Empower teams to co-create norms to enable better collaboration via more visibility

    • Facilitate connections by creating mutual learning opportunities that build age-diverse connections and allow for knowledge and skills transfer 

    • Provide inclusive benefits and evaluate how they are communicated to employees to increase benefit relevance and improve perceptions of fairness.” 

The World-Class Recruiting Leader in 2024

Presented by Saikat Chatterjee, Senior Director, Advisory, Gartner

As hiring volatility and talent shortages remain common, recruiting leaders are evolving their approach to drive the function’s performance in more sustainable ways. In this session, Saikat Chatterjee, Senior Director, Advisory, Gartner, discussed the key trends recruiting leaders are preparing for in 2024 and beyond. 

Key Takeaways

  • “The key forces driving future recruiting trends include talent shortages, recession concerns, evolving talent expectations, wage pressures, automation and generative AI, remote work, and recruiter burnout.”

  • “In 2024, recruiting leaders must develop sustainable practices to recruit talent for growth initiatives.”

  • “To drive business results, recruiting leaders must focus on four things in 2024:

    • Branding the employee experience

    • Taking ownership for continuous forecasting

    • Developing a recruiter enablement strategy

    • Influencing throughput of diverse talent”

  • “56% of job candidates say their experience on the job is just as important as pay and benefits. As a result, in 2024, recruiting leaders will need to implement experience branding, which raises awareness of a job’s day to day experience.” 

  • “Currently, only 22% of recruiting leaders said they have visibility into the business’s hiring needs for this year; going forward recruiting must own continuous forecasting rather than waiting to receive a forecast from business leaders.”

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