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Kochi, India, November 16, 2022

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2022 Kochi: Day 3 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place this week in Kochi, India. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference. You can read the highlights here from Day 1 and Day 2.

On Day 3 from the conference, we are highlighting top CEO focus areas for 2023, the technology agenda for CIOs in 2023 and how to avoid the top mistakes in your cloud strategy. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Signature Series: CIO and Technology Executive Agenda for 2023

Presented by Andy Rowsell-Jones, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

Executive leaders gained a lot of influence during the pandemic, but now may be struggling to sustain that influence. In this session, Andy Rowsell-Jones, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, explained how CIOs and technology executives have the opportunity to demonstrate their business understanding, impact, contributions, and limitations of their enterprises.

Key Takeaways

  • CEOs are investing to deliver digital “dividends” in four areas: digital capabilities, information technology, people and culture development, and product enhancement.

  • Executives are not satisfied with digital execution: 59% of executives say the time to complete initiatives is behind expectations, and 52% of executives say the time to realize value is behind expectations. 

  • To accelerate digital dividends, reconcile execution siloes and catalyze unconventional talent and practices.

  • “CEOs know very well that digital acceleration cannot be achieved without the technological contribution of the entire enterprise. That is why they want to increase the digital dexterity of all employees.”

  • “You have to rely on talent you don’t trust. Foster the creation of business techs and resort to unconventional talent. Unconventional is not “supplemental labor” anymore: it is needed labor.”

  • “Meet the moment. Deliver the dividends again!” 

    Learn more in the Gartner press release “Gartner Survey of Over 2,000 CIOs Reveals the Need to Accelerate Time to Value from Digital Investments.”

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Signature Series: CEO Concerns 2022-23 – Implications and Actions for CIOs

Presented by Partha Iyengar, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

Now in its second decade, the Gartner global CEO survey uncovers business leader priority changes that will redirect the use of technology in the business. In this session, Partha Iyengar, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, discussed the momentous events reshaping the business world and the domino consequences for CIOs.

Key Takeaways

  • “In 2022, the CEO’s world is inverted and confusing. Growth is still the number one priority, but it matters less than in previous years.”

  • “Globalization is continuing but changing as power shifts between major nations - also known as ‘reglobalization.’”

  • “Navigating these unusual, unpracticed conditions, CEOs will be slower, ponderous and less certain. CIOs can win if you can help the CEO to be quickly decisive. Your CEO needs proactive tech-related business ideas and insights from you.” 

  • “Over a decade, CEOs' views on data have not advanced as much as we might hope. CIOs must take charge to amplify the role of novel data analysis to better diagnose the unusual situation and find superior solutions.”

  • “‘Digitalization’ is becoming a more commonly voiced CEO term, representing a blent of internal and market-facing tech applications. CIOs should ease digital efforts away from demand generation and towards operating model delivery efficiency.”

  • “Most CEOs now see talent scarcity as a crisis, but firing and hiring faster won’t help the situation. Instead, upcycle internal talent using hyperautomation to remove drudge work.”

  • “Engage the circular economy using consumer apps, ecosystems, digital commerce and digital automation to recapture waste flows. Using recycled materials can help with the CEO’s priorities by reducing supply chain fragility, improving investor ESG scores and elevating the brand.”

AI Strategy - From Plan to Execution

Presented by Shubhangi Vashisth, Director Analyst, Gartner

The coming decade will be transformational for artificial intelligence technologies - they can either make or break companies and industries. In this session, Shubhangi Vashisth, Director Analyst at Gartner, discussed the foundational elements of an AI strategy and how to craft a strategy document to harness its potential.

Key Takeaways

  • “Only 14% of organizations had deployed AI in 2019; however, that number rose to 19% in 2020 and it now stands at 27%, almost doubling from two years ago.”

  • “AI strategy isn’t merely a technology strategy; in fact, the cultural, ethical and business dimensions are harder.”

  • “Create a succinct AI strategy document that synthesizes your vision and potential benefits, mitigates risks, captures KPIs, and outlines best practices for value creation.”

  • “Prioritize use cases based on business value and technical feasibility. All use cases must be scrutinized carefully because every AI project requires an iterative approach.”

  • “Identify sponsors for AI projects and ensure its KPIs are being measured accurately and communicated widely.”

  • “Invest in data literacy programs to instill a data-driven culture.”

  • “Democratize AI by harnessing augmented analytics tools and through focused training, and create your reverse pitch to attract talent with specific domain expertise.”

  • “Instill responsible AI practices and make them foundational to your AI strategy, not an afterthought.”

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