
Conference Updates

Orlando, Fla., October 24, 2022

Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, North America 2022: Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, taking place today through Wednesday, October 26, in Orlando, Florida. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are highlighting the Opening Keynote, how to address new waves of attrition and innovative ideas for bringing women back to work. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Gartner Opening Keynote: Pulling Together — How Great Organizations Succeed in a Fragmenting World

Presented by Brent Cassell, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner and Kimberly Shells, Director, Advisory, Gartner

In a world primed to pull people apart, organizations must find new ways to both pull together and push ahead. In this opening Gartner keynote, Brent Cassell, Vice President, Advisory, Gartner and Kimberly Shells, Director, Advisory, Gartner, explored how HR will lead the way in achieving a new, more human model of greatness, sharpening the organization’s competitive edge, and harnessing the full potential of a changing workforce. 

Key Takeaways

  • “Employees who feel pulled apart from their organizations, their colleagues and their work are 57% less likely to be high performers.”

  • “Despite increasing employee burnout, 77% of HR leaders globally believe that high performing employees work longer hours than average employees.”

  • “Organizations will pull together in new ways being more human and focusing on: Proactive Rest, Intentional Interactions and Patient Growth." 

  • “Proactive rest reduces burnout – just 2% of employees at organizations with available, accessible and effective rest are burnt out versus 22% of employees at organizations without.”

  • “When organizations provide opportunities for intentional interaction, their employees are 5 times as likely to be on a high performing team.”

  • “Employees who feel their organizations support their broad development at work are 9 times as likely to feel loyal to their employer and twice as likely to stay at the organization.”

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Filling the Gender Gap: Redesigning Work to Fortify Your Organization

Presented by Caroline Walsh, Vice President, Gartner

Women in the United States have left the labor force in droves since 2020, and as jobs return to prepandemic levels, women are slower to return. Organizations’ typical approaches for supporting women — parental leave, childcare subsidies, mentoring programs — aren't having the desired effect. In this session, Caroline Walsh, Vice President, Gartner, shared innovative ideas for bringing women back to work and supporting them there.

Key Takeaways

  • “Regarding work, women are more disengaged than men – 41% of women often think about quitting their job compared to 36% of men, while 40% of women have become less enthusiastic about work compared to 35% of men.”

  • “Women consistently perform three jobs: they work their day job; they are caretakers, both outside and inside of their day job; they take on ‘invisible work,’ which is often known as cognitive load or emotional labor.” 

  • “Broadly, the day job is designed in a way that creates friction with caretaking and invisible work. The solution is not to fix women, but to fix work design to make work more equitable.”

  • “There are three mindset shifts that HR can implement to redesign work:

    • Expect flexibility across the entire team and empower managers to calibrate work.

    • Reap the rewards of caretaking through empathy building and rethinking role criteria.

    • Redefine “professional” to be inclusive of all.”

  • “Fixing work design for women will benefit men, too, as men also want a different work-life balance compared to before the pandemic: three quarters of women and men want to spend more time on personal life and with family than before the pandemic.”

Getting Ahead of New Waves of Attrition: Understanding the Quiet Majority

Presented by Rachael Marshall, Director, Advisory, Gartner

Turnover rates have been steadily rising for many years and will continue to do so, in part due to the lower switching costs that hybrid work allows. In this session, Rachael Marshall, Director, Advisory, Gartner, explored the “silent majority” of workers, who still feel limited commitment to the organization and are ready to leave if opportunities come to them.

Key Takeaways

  • “Sixty-five percent of HR leaders believe employees are leaving because other organizations look better.”

  • “Ultimately, employees stay when their organization helps them get what they want out of their personal and professional life.”

  • “Seventy-six percent of employees reported they are satisfied with their role, and 71% say they are satisfied with their current organization. Yet, more than half of employees say they are open to other opportunities.”

  • “To get ahead of attrition, organizations must identify who is at risk of leaving and what matters most to these employees – something that is more challenging with high satisfaction levels that render traditional mechanisms unhelpful.” 

  • “HR must connect the dots between what the organization offers and where employees can seek out better experiences internally, instead of seeking that change outside of the organization.”

  • "Employers must identify how they can improve upon negative aspects of their employee experience and keep pace with shifting employee expectations before it becomes a real problem."

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