
Conference Updates

Orlando, Fla., October 17, 2022

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2022 Orlando: Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place this week in Orlando, Florida. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are highlighting the Gartner opening keynote presentation, top 10 strategic technology trends and management hacks to create an antifragile enterprise. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Gartner Opening Keynote: Make the Difference

Presented by Tina Nunno, Kristin Moyer and Paul Proctor, Distinguished VP Analysts, Gartner

CIOs are leading in a world that is deglobalizing, economically disrupted and facing a greater range of threats than ever before. The executive challenge is how to turn these risks into business opportunities. In this session, Gartner analysts Tina Nunno, Kristin Moyer and Paul Proctor shared three key ways in which CIOs and IT executives can use information and technology to lead and make a difference for their enterprises.

Key Takeaways

  • “CIOs and IT executives should focus on digital investments that deliver repeatable financial and performance results in an efficient and responsible way.This is what Gartner calls IT for sustainable growth.”    
  • “CIOs can use IT for sustainable growth by focusing on three strategies – revolutionary work, responsible investment and resilient cybersecurity.” 

  • “Revolutionize work and deliver business results by creating a tech-enabled brand, eliminating work friction and adding AI augmentation by experimenting with the highly-hyped.”

  • Responsibly invest in technologies that will give you a “two for one” return on financial and environmental sustainability.”

  • Resilient cybersecurity will deliver competitive advantage for you in the long term. Treat security as a business risk, benchmark the right security metrics and agree on the right level of protection for your organization.”

    Learn more in the Gartner press release “Gartner Says Organizations Should Use IT for Sustainable Growth In Turbulent Times.”

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Signature Series: Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023

Presented by Frances Karamouzis, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

Strategic technology trends have significant disruptive potential and set the stage for innovation over the next five years. In this session, Frances Karamouzis, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, said CIOs and IT executives cannot afford to ignore these trends as they deal with the uncertainty driven by global change.

Key Takeaways

  • “The Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 span three core themes: optimize operational sustainability, scale productivity and customer value and pioneer productizing individualism.”   

  • Sustainability: To enhance sustainability, organizations need a new sustainable technology framework that increases the energy and material efficiency of IT services, enables enterprise sustainability through technologies like traceability, analytics, renewable energy and others.

  • Superapps: A superapp combines the features of an app, a platform and an ecosystem in one application. It not only has its own set of functionalities, but it also provides a platform for third parties to develop and publish their own mini-apps on. By 2027, Gartner predicts that more than 50% of the global population will be daily active users of multiple superapps.

  • AI Trust, Risk and Security Management: Organizations that spend time and resources now on managing AI trust, risk, and security will see better outcomes in terms of AI adoption, achieved business goals and both internal and external user acceptance.

  • Industry Cloud Platforms: Industry cloud platforms provide a portfolio of capabilities spanning SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, providing industry-specific sets of modular capabilities, to support specific industry business use cases. 

  • Wireless Value Realization: As enterprises scale digital, they will require a spectrum of wireless solutions to cater for all environments, from Wifi in the office, through services for mobile devices, to low-power services and even radio connectivity. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 60% of enterprises will be using five or more wireless technologies simultaneously.   

    Learn about 5 more strategic trends and additional details on each one in the Gartner press release “Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2023.

Use Management Hacks to Create an Antifragile Enterprise

Presented by Rui Zhang, Sr Principal Analyst, Gartner

During uncertain times, it is important to be even more vulnerable to your clients and aim to be antifragile. In this session, Gartner Sr Principal Analyst, Rui Zhang discussed what hacks are necessary to create an antifragile enterprise and how to use those hacks.

Key Takeaways

  • “Recognize antifragility as a key enterprise goal and response to uncertainty.” 

  • Three powerful levers to create antifragility:
    1. Bring the uncertainty inside
    2. Manage real options
    3. Experiment to learn 

  • “Approach culture change like a hacker. Don’t aim to be comprehensive, changing everything at once. Rather, aim to find small access points where the system - in this case, the culture - is vulnerable to change and exploit those.” 

  • “Use management hacks to shift towards a culture of antifragility.” 

  • There are seven culture hacks:
    1. Listen to Your Disobedient/Disenfranchised/Non/Ex-Customers
    2. Implement a Shadow Board
    3. Create Options Moments
    4. Increase Options Awareness With Games
    5. Label Every Investment Fear/Fact/Faith
    6. Display and Discuss Failed Prototypes 
    7. Run Virtual ‘Digital Safaris'

Signature Series: CIO and Technology Executive Agenda for 2023

Presented by Daniel Sanchez Reina, VP Analyst, Gartner

Executive leaders gained lots of influence during the pandemic, but now may be struggling to sustain that influence. In this session, Daniel Sanchez Reina, VP Analyst at Gartner, explained how CIOs and technology executives have the opportunity to demonstrate their business understanding, impact, contributions, and limitations of their enterprises. 

Key Takeaways

  • CEOs are investing to deliver digital “dividends” in four areas: digital capabilities, information technology, people and culture development, and product enhancement.
  • Executives are not satisfied with digital execution: 59% of executives say the time to complete initiatives is behind expectations, and 52% of executives say the time to realize value is behind expectations. 

  • To accelerate digital dividends, reconcile execution siloes and catalyze unconventional talent and practices.

  • “CEOs know very well that digital acceleration cannot be achieved without the technological contribution of the entire enterprise. That is why they want to increase the digital dexterity of all employees.”

  • “You have to rely on talent you don’t trust. Foster the creation of business techs and resort to unconventional talent. Unconventional is not “supplemental labor” anymore: it is needed labor”

  • “Meet the moment. Deliver the dividends again!”

    Learn more in the Gartner press release “Gartner Survey of Over 2,000 CIOs Reveals the Need to Accelerate Time to Value from Digital Investments.

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Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) delivers actionable, objective insight that drives smarter decisions and stronger performance on an organization’s mission-critical priorities. To learn more, visit

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