Press Release


LONDON, U.K., September 16, 2022

Gartner Survey Shows 49% of HR Leaders Named Innovating For Success As One Of Their Top Three Priorities

HR Leaders Are Discussing the Future of Creativity at the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference September 15-16, in London

Forty-nine percent of HR leaders named innovating for success as one of their top three priorities for 2022, according to a survey Gartner, Inc. The latest findings were announced today during the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, taking place here through today.

Despite HR leaders prioritizing innovations, a May 2022 Gartner survey of more than 3,500 employees found that only 46% of employees agree that their organization encourages creative thinking.

“The survey results show that an organization’s actions directly impact the ability of employees to be creative by 25%,” said Emily Rose McRae, senior director in the Gartner HR practice. “In fact, an organization’s actions have more than double the impact of an individual’s personality when it comes to driving employee creativity.”

Gartner analysis found that effective creativity – producing a high volume of relevant and novel ideas – requires three things: 

  1. Knowledge and expertise
  2. Ability to overcome “stickiness” of prior knowledge
  3. Imagination

There are three actions organizations can take to increase employee creativity in general:

Broaden participation to increase knowledge and expertise

In today’s dispersed workforce, individuals seamlessly toggle between asynchronous and synchronous work environments. As such, leaders and teams must create space for idea generation to occur across all modes of work, while simultaneously facilitating participation.

Leaders must also intentionally include employees from all levels. Executives are more likely to spend their time thinking strategically, while managers are more likely to focus on change management, and those more junior may have the clearest understanding of where potential quick wins lie.

“Bringing together employees who reside in various parts of the organization, both physically and figuratively, will enable the business to harness the diversity of perspective as a knowledge base for creative activities,” said McRae.

Lower stress to reduce stickiness of prior knowledge

The pressure to respond as work, and the workplace, evolved during the pandemic affected every industry and all leaders and employees. HR has had to exercise creativity in many forms – from developing a hybrid/return-to-office strategy, designing a pandemic talent strategy, to finding flexibility for frontline workers and establishing mechanisms for employee activism.

Finding creative, innovative solutions requires mental and temporal space. At a base level, managers must reduce tasks that crowd out creativity, while ensuring employees have time to decompress and recharge between tasks. At the broadest level, senior leaders should consider if their organization has a culture that rewards idea generation, regardless of the ultimate success of ideas.

Increase novelty to drive imagination

The shift to hybrid work has limited employee interactions. When work consists primarily of similar days interacting – or not interacting – with the same people, creativity is particularly challenging.

HR should work with managers to bring together people who haven’t worked together before, or who have very different perspectives. Progressive organizations are going a step further and intentionally create shared new experiences among employees. One method is to offer individuals and teams, both remote and onsite, daily or weekly challenges, such as: work from a different location, take a walk in a new neighborhood, or try a new food.

“Adding novelty to the everyday – and sharing it with colleagues – can spark people to see problems differently and thus develop new solutions,” added McRae.

About the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference

The Gartner ReimagineHR Conference is the premier event for CHROs and HR leaders to learn from the latest research and Gartner experts covering talent acquisition, diversity, equity and inclusion, learning and development, total rewards, talent analytics, and HR technology. Gartner ReimagineHR is taking place September 15-16 in London and October 24-26 in Florida. Follow news and updates from these events on Twitter using #GartnerHR.

About the Gartner HR Practice

The Gartner HR practice brings together the best relevant content approaches across Gartner to offer individual decision makers strategic business advice on the mission-critical priorities that cut across the HR function. Additional information is available at Follow news and updates from the Gartner HR practice on Twitter and LinkedIn using #GartnerHR. Members of the media can find additional information and insights in the Gartner HR Newsroom.

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