
Conference Updates

London, September 15, 2022

Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, London 2022: Day 1 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference, taking place today and tomorrow, Friday, September 16, in London, U.K. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference.

On Day 1 from the conference, we are highlighting the Opening Keynote, how to collaborate in a hybrid world and career pathing in a fragmented work landscape. Be sure to check this page throughout the day for updates.

Key Announcements

Gartner Opening Keynote: Pulling Together — How Great Organizations Succeed in a Fragmenting World

Presented by Brian Kropp, Distinguished VP, Research, Gartner

In a world primed to pull people apart, organizations must find new ways to both pull together and push ahead. In this opening Gartner keynote, Brian Kropp, Distinguished VP, Research, Gartner, explored how HR will lead the way in achieving a new, more human model of greatness, sharpening the organization’s competitive edge, and harnessing the full potential of a changing workforce. 

Key Takeaways

  • “Employees who feel pulled apart from their organizations, their colleagues and their work are 57% less likely to be high performers.”

  • “Despite increasing employee burnout, 68% of European HR leaders believe that high performing employees work longer hours than average employees.”

  • “Organizations will pull together in new ways being more human and focusing on: Proactive Rest, Intentional Interactions and Patient Growth. When organizations provide these, they are 4 times as likely to exceed revenue, profit, and customer satisfaction goals." 

  • “Proactive rest reduces burnout – just 2% of employees at organizations with available, accessible and effective rest are burnt out versus 22% of employees at organizations without.”

  • “When organizations provide opportunities for intentional interaction, their employees are 5 times as likely to be on a high performing team.”

  • “Employees who feel their organizations support their broad development at work are 9 times as likely to feel loyal to their employer and twice as likely to stay at the organization.”

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How Should We Collaborate in a Hybrid World?

Presented by Alexia Cambon, Director, Research, Gartner

The global shift to a more distributed workforce has brought up many issues around the reimagining of office spaces, the interplay between virtual and co-located environments and how to meet the simultaneous needs of individuals and teams. In this session, Alexia Cambon, Director, Research, Gartner, answered a fundamental and essential question for business and HR leaders: what does good collaboration look like in this new world?

Key Takeaways

  • “Team intentionality, reciprocity and autonomy are the most important attributes for high performance in the hybrid environment.”

  • “Sixty-one percent of employees who are highly intentional in their collaboration are high performing, compared to just 25% of high performing employees with a low level of intentionality.”

  • “When teams have high levels of reciprocity – members are both transparent about, and accommodating of, each other’s work patterns and preferences – performance can improve by up to 29%.”

  • “Of employees who experienced a high level of team autonomy, 76% of them are high performers.”

  • “We tested which specific norms hybrid teams should put into place. There are three hybrid norms that are proving impactful on performance:

    • A minimum number of days in a year (not in a week) to gather the team in-person

    • Restriction on number of meetings with camera on

    • Regular “offsites” where the team gathers outside the office”

Career Pathing for a Fragmented Work Landscape

Presented by Vitorio Bretas, Director, Advisory, Gartner

Career opportunities are a key attraction and retention driver, but hybrid work settings can make fairness and visibility around internal job moves more difficult. In this session, Vitorio Bretas, Director, Advisory, Gartner, shared how employers can create a different partnership with employees to remove the barriers, and get the benefits, from internal mobility. 

Key Takeaways

  • “Employees leave their employers for better development opportunities at similar rates as they leave for higher compensation.”

  • “In EMEA, 37% of employees are interested in internal roles, while 79% are interested in external roles.”

  • “Just one in four employees is confident about their career at their organization, and less than one-third of employees know how to progress their career over the next five years.”

  • “HR leaders must help employees dynamically track their career progress and show them potential routes, so employees have greater clarity in how to progress careers.” 


  • “Organizations should provide dedicated resources to enable employees to “zoom out” of their current roles to take a wider view on how the organization can help them achieve their personal and professional career goals.”

More information is available in the press release Gartner HR Research Finds Just 25% of Employees Are Confident About Their Career at Their Current Organization.

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