
Conference Updates

Gold Coast, Australia, September 14, 2022

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2022 APAC: Day 3 Highlights

We are bringing you news and highlights from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, taking place this week on the Gold Coast, Australia. Below is a collection of the key announcements and insights coming out of the conference. You can also read the highlights from Day 1 and Day 2 here.

On Day 3 of the conference, we are focusing on disrupting misinformation in a world without truth, seven disruptions you might not see coming and how to ensure your cloud strategy is up to date.

Key Announcements

A World Without Truth: Disrupting the Misinformation Supply Chain

Presented by Dave Aron, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

It is becoming increasingly clear that citizens, companies and governments are facing issues of information overload, misinformation and disinformation. A loss of truth and trust is making it hard to do business and create social stability. So what can be done about it? In this session, Dave Aron, distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner, outlines the levers we can pull to disrupt the disruption.

Key Takeaways

  • “The ‘world without truth’ is a significant problem, and improving it is almost a prerequisite for solving all the other big problems going on in the world.”

  • “Misinformation costs organizations, people and the global economy billions of dollars. It isn’t new, but the ability to distribute it at such scale and speed, and to mass customize it based on psychographic and firmographic information is.”

  • “Malinformers have goals – for example, to get an election result or a law passed. We need to stop them.”

  • “It’s useful to think of malinformation as a supply chain for delivering campaigns, so we can think about how we disrupt it. The six levers we can pull to disrupt it include education, nudges, the crowd, technology and tools, laws and regulations, and working closely with digital giants to address the problem.”

  • “Education is a powerful approach, especially when it uses gamification. For example, a team at Cambridge University developed a game called “Go Viral!” to fight Covid 19.”

  • “More technology is appearing to help us, for example, tools to spot deep fakes.”

Seven Disruptions You Might Not See Coming: 2022-2027

Presented by David Yockelson, VP Analyst, Gartner 

Disruptions are fundamental shifts in something. They create lasting change, and successful organizations will be those that embrace them. In this session, David Yockelson, VP Analyst at Gartner, highlighted seven disruptions that are closer than you might think.

Key Takeaways

Take time to consider “what if” scenarios to avoid being blindsided by disruption. Here are seven disruptions that should be on the CIO’s radar.

  1. Metaverse work experiences. What if people actually prefer to live and work in the metaverse? Gartner predicts that fully virtual workspaces will account for 30% of the investment growth in metaverse technologies and will reimagine the office experience through 2027.
  2. Flying cars. This long-awaited technology could finally be here, with the first flying taxi service scheduled to launch in 2024. CIOs should assess what problems in transportation — moving people and cargo — might be solved by using these vehicles.
  3. The digital human economy. From medical care and customer service ro virtual influencers and training, the possible uses for digital humans are endless. Gartner predicts that by 2035, the digital human economy will become a $125 billion market.
  4. The “Decentralized Autonomous Organization” (DAO). What if the decline in face-to-face corporate life is irreversible? DAOs represent a new type of organization model which operates without conventional human management. In the near term, Gartner recommends that CIOs learn how a virtual organization works to combat the brain drain from fixed jobs to decentralized talent.
  5. Wireless EV charging. In the short term, wireless charging makes the most sense for fleet vehicles such as buses and taxis. In the next five years, residential installations will be the biggest market for wireless vehicle charging, overtaken by private housing estates and campus sites after that.
  6. Graphene replaces silicon. Graphene transistors enable super quick processing.  CIOs should consider new possibilities enabled by graphene-based technologies and start to identify emerging suppliers.
  7. Tech becomes disposable. What if the technology industry starts to mirror the fashion industry, with “throwaway” applications designed to be made, used, and disposed of quickly? CIOs should consider how this could support composability and produce outcomes faster.

Read more in the press release.

Your Cloud Strategy Is Always Out of Date: Let’s Fix That

Presented by Michael Warrilow, VP Analyst, Gartner

IT leaders find it difficult to maximize the value of cloud innovation, but avoid cloud risks.  In this session, Michael Warrilow, VP Analyst at Gartner, explores why your cloud strategy must be a living document to ensure your organization can harness the opportunity of cloud in all its forms — in 2023 and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • “Your cloud strategy will always be out of date unless you make it a living strategy. Leading adopters are starting to move to a ‘Cloud 2.0’ strategy and take a continuous evolution approach – not a “set and forget” strategy.”

  • “Most organizations don’t have a real cloud strategy, even if they say they do. Most are best described as adoption, migration or implementation plans. But the good news is that it is never too late to start.”

  • “The main thing that makes a cloud strategy work is to make it a living ‘thing’ – strategic plans that spawn operational plans. Don’t do waterfall three year projects. Be agile: have a strategy and deliver it in short sprints.”

  • “It may feel like déjà vu, but for those who remember ‘whole of IT outsourcing’, what should you have kept in house? You can outsource responsibility, but not accountability. Cloud also needs understanding of shared responsibility.”

  • “Cloud computing doesn’t exist in a vacuum and neither should your cloud strategy. Ensure your cloud strategy aligns with existing strategies, such as those for security, the data center, development and architecture. It mustn’t reinvent or contradict them.”

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