
How to Leverage Technology to Increase Productivity and Reduce Seller Burden

UPCOMING November 14, 2023
| 11:00 p.m. HKT | 1 hour

Although 49% of sellers say they are overwhelmed by the number of technologies required to do their job, 76% of heads of sales expect to increase sales tech spending. The current approach to sales technology puts revenue at risk, which in turn overwhelms sellers, making them less likely to hit quotas. To succeed, chief sales officers (CSOs) must evolve the way sales technology supports sellers by elevating technology to become a teammate rather than just being deployed as another tool. This complimentary sales webinar will help CSOs rethink their revenue technology strategy and unlock steps to improve seller productivity. This transformation presents CSOs with a breakaway moment to position their organization for significant increases in growth and competitive differentiation.


  • Understand why revenue technology needs to be a teammate

  • Learn why it is critical to reshape the human-technology relationship in the sales organization 

  • Explore real-time examples of how to prioritize high-value use cases for sales technology

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Doug Bushée

VP Analyst


Daniel Hawkyard

Principal, Advisory


Steve Rietberg

Sr Director Analyst

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