Data Analytics

Digital Storytelling: The Key to a Data-Driven Business (APAC)

UPCOMING October 27, 2023
| 8:00 a.m. HKT | 1 hour

Join us live at 11:00 a.m. AEDT local time in Sydney (10/27) | 8:00 a.m. SGT local time in Singapore (10/27)

CEOs have given finance the responsibility of driving greater use of data in decision-making, but most teams have encountered an age-old challenge: Human nature. People remember stories more easily than data. However, how do you tell a story when you’re no longer there to deliver it? Join this free Asia-Pacific webinar which will provide guidance to finance leaders on how to tell compelling, data-driven stories in a digital world.


  • Learn why traditional storytelling approaches no longer work

  • Build a storytelling framework that guides dashboard design through graph analytics and decision science

  • Start with basic dashboard techniques that build towards advanced storytelling capabilities

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Clement Christensen

Sr Director Analyst

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