Supply Chain

3 Strategies to Defend Your Supply Chain Against Cybercriminals

| 1 hour

Supply chains are now prime targets for cybercriminals. Their vulnerabilities, coupled with gaps in cybersecurity measures, make supply chains attractive and easy targets. Cybercriminals exploit this situation by utilizing readily available, cost-effective and highly efficient downloadable exploit kits, such as ransomware. Executive leaders need to take proactive measures to safeguard their supply chains. This free supply chain webinar explores three strategies that executive leaders can implement to close the gaps in defenses and defend their supply chains against cybercriminals.


  • Reorganize your team to empower leaders to take decisive action effectively

  • Establish cybersecurity frameworks to bring order and discipline to the chaos

  • Empower your supply chain partners to build effective supply chain resilience

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Hosted by

Brian Schultz

Sr Director Analyst

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