Information Technology

New Approaches for IT Leaders to Maximize Business Value From AI

| 1 hour

Artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially bring significant value to organizations by enhancing productivity, improving decision-making, and creating new opportunities for growth and innovation. Yet, according to Gartner surveys, obtaining value from AI is challenging. The main barriers to AI implementation are the lack of understanding the benefits and uses of AI techniques and the difficulty in measuring AI’s value. As enterprises shift from experimentation to real-world applications of AI deployed at scale, it is essential to derive value from AI. However, traditional approaches to assessing and realizing AI value fall short. Join this free webinar to explore the new frameworks, practices and domain-specific approaches that IT leaders must use to get the most value from AI.

  • Implement new frameworks and practices to get the most value from AI

  • Explore best practices to assess and demonstrate value from AI to the business

  • Apply best practices in ranking and prioritizing AI use cases

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Hosted by

Rita Sallam

Distinguished VP Analyst


Leinar Ramos

Sr Director Analyst

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