Information Technology

Gartner Workshop: Successfully Execute Your AI Strategy

| 1 hour

Artificial intelligence (AI) will make or break industries and companies over the next decade, and most organizations have devised strategies to harness AI for a competitive advantage. Yet, a big question hangs over that strategy: Will it work? Join this free workshop, the follow-up to the recent webinar on creating a robust AI strategy, as Gartner AI expert Arun Chandrasekaran helps you put your AI strategy into action. Arun will identify the key risks and roadblocks to a successful AI implementation, and the best ways to overcome them. Plus, determine how to best incorporate generative AI as you turn your strategy into reality.

  • Determine the right approach to deploy generative AI in your organization

  • Identify the top risks to deploying AI, and how to mitigate them

  • Explore how to deploy AI more consistently across your organization

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Arun Chandrasekaran

Distinguished VP Analyst

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