All Leadership

Establish the Right Foundations for AI Success

| 1 hour

The latest advances in generative AI and ChatGPT is reshaping the world's landscape and transforming how we live and work. Executive leaders must view AI innovation as a societal trend that affects more than just technology and the business but also how it reshapes our society at large and influences what it means to be human. This complimentary webinar will provide a high-level introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and its practical impact on organizations. We will also cover key definitions, major trends, organizational and governance issues, and an overview of AI techniques.

  • Solve complex business problems by pragmatically introducing AI techniques in the organization

  • Identify the steps to take and those to avoid while implementing AI techniques 

  • Explore the AI best practices that leading organizations are strategically applying

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Erick Brethenoux

Distinguished VP Analyst

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