Information Technology

Effectively Demonstrate the Business Value of IT in Midsize Enterprises

| 1 hour

Many CIOs in midsize enterprises struggle to successfully communicate the business value of their IT programs to business leaders. The credibility of many CIOs suffers because executives view their communications as just technology status reports lacking demonstrable business impact. CIOs in midsize enterprises who want to maximize the impact of information and technology on business outcomes should demonstrate that IT supports corporate goals by showing a clear connection between technology initiatives and the goals that business executives outside of IT are accountable for. Join this complimentary webinar which will explore strategies that will help midsize enterprise CIOs build a more compelling and impactful narrative to communicate the business value of IT. 

  • Understand how to create a more compelling value of IT narrative

  • Focus your value message to the people and things that matter

  • Discover areas that hold back most IT value narratives

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Robert Naegle

VP Analyst


Joseph Provenza

Sr Director Analyst

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