Supply Chain

Gartner 2Q23 Update: Semiconductor Trends & Its Impact on Supply Chain

| 1 hour

Nearly every industry in every region across the globe has been impacted by the current semiconductor shortage, which for many shows no signs of abating any time soon. Where is the impact felt most? How long will the shortage last? How should supply chain leaders navigate through the transitions? Join this complimentary supply chain webinar to get a 2Q23 update on the current situation and predictions for the semiconductor shortage, and learn when constrained chip types are expected to recover. Plus, we will examine the high-level factors impacting demand and supply.


  • Learn strategies to manage your supply chain through the semiconductor IC shortage 

  • Gain insights into shape sourcing and procurement actions

  • Shape your supply chain planning capabilities roadmap

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Cori Masters

Sr Director Analyst

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