Data Analytics

Virtual Briefing: Data & Analytics Leaders’ Priorities: Provide Business Value

| 1 hour, 30 minutes

This exclusive virtual program features multiple sessions of highly contextualised insights designed specifically for CDAOs, data & analytics leaders, and their teams. Join us to hear from Gartner experts and your fellow leaders on the most pressing D&A topics relating to strategy and execution and how you can effectively prioritise initiatives to make an impact for this year and beyond.

Strategic Session: Data & Analytics Leaders’ Priorities: Provide  Business Value

The role of chief data and analytics officers (CDAOs) is growing in influence and impact, and it continues to evolve. Your success is characterised by your ability to turn insights into business value. Yet, how do you know where to focus your efforts to make an impact and what’s expected in the year ahead?

In this invitation-only virtual briefing, Gartner experts will highlight the top areas in which you’ll need to prioritise your efforts in 2023 and beyond in order to make an impact in your organization. We'll address how you can provide business value by focusing on refining your leadership skills, attracting and retaining data and analytics talent, and moving governance from control to enablement. Current and former data and analytics leaders will also join us to share their top priorities and challenges and how they add value to the business. You will hear real-life examples to inspire how you can effectively prioritise initiatives to make an impact.

  • Demonstrate the value of D&A investments

  • Refine leadership skills to drive results

  • Leverage ecosystems to scale data, analytics, and AI effectively

Execution Session: Assess Adoption & Readiness Maturity for Emerging Technologies With D&A and AI

Many organisations seek a competitive advantage through early adoption of emerging technologies, but too often they lack an understanding of the maturity and adoption constraints within their teams. Chief data and analytics officers (CDAOs) and D&A leaders need to develop a comprehensive approach for evaluating the readiness of emerging technologies and whether their organisations have the maturity to deploy them. Join this invitation-only, complimentary virtual session where our Gartner D&A expert will focus on data warehouses, data lakes, cloud data management and databricks platforms, help you to determine the maturity of emerging technologies, anticipate adoption readiness in your D&A organisation, and identify environmental factors you must consider. We will draw on data from more than 2,000 organisations that have used the Gartner IT Score for D&A self-assessment tool, showing you how you can use Gartner IT Score to improve your maturity and adoption of emerging technologies in 2023 and beyond. 

  • Assess your team’s maturity and adoption constraints

  • Minimize the emerging technologies adoption risks

  • Prioritize focus areas to progress team maturity and emerging technologies readiness

Return to this web page to watch the virtual briefing. Contact us at with questions about viewing this virtual briefing.

Hosted by

Ian Bertram

Managing Vice President

Amy Bickel

Director Analyst

Steffen Lange

Group Data & Analytics Officer, Sulzer


Neil Chandler

Managing Vice President

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