Information Technology

Exploit Generative AI for Happier, More Productive Software Developers

| 1 hour

The complexity of decision making amongst disruption and uncertainty is driving demand for artificial intelligence (AI) and more automation. This is transforming how software is developed, tested, and operated by automating mundane tasks in the software development life cycle. With AI models extracting rules from data, and code becoming data for AI models, the lines between the two functions of AI and software engineering within an organization are blurring quickly. Yet, IT leaders struggle to integrate AI within applications, wasting time and money on AI projects that are never put in production. A new generation of coding assistants for professional developers are demonstrating not only longer and novel completions, but also being able to use natural language prompts and comments to generate code. How can software engineering leaders exploit these innovative tools to increase the productivity of their teams? This complimentary webinar will introduce breakthrough innovations to increase productivity, and discuss their benefits, new challenges they present, and how to overcome them.


  • Discover how AI coding assistants can be trained and used 

  • Understand how these tools can generate complex and longer code fragments to significantly increase developer productivity and satisfaction

  • Master the skill of “prompt engineering” to optimize code generation with minimal effort

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Arun Batchu

VP Analyst

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