Information Technology

Beyond the Hype: The Practical Applications & Use Cases of Generative AI

| 1 hour

ChatGPT has grabbed headlines, caused competitors to scramble, been embraced by innovators, and banned by some organizations and countries. It is just the latest example of a near decade long technology trend called generative AI, which can augment human capabilities by creating realistic content such as text, images, audio, and much more. It can also be used to generate synthetic data that represents the original data and can eliminate privacy concerns, augment AI training data, and mitigate bias. This complimentary webinar will explore the future of generative AI and help you understand the many use cases for generative AI to enable your organization to stay ahead of the competition and drive innovation.

  • Explore how generative AI is a fundamentally different approach to AI

  • Expose the practical applications of generative AI which are making breakthroughs in product design, operational processes, and business models

  • How to be an early adopter of generative AI to drive innovation in your industry

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Brian Burke

Research VP

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