Information Technology

The Future of AI & Its Impact on Your Organization

| 1 hour, 5 minutes

Artificial intelligence (AI) will change every aspect of digital work in the coming decade. AI’s reach will proliferate in your organization and those of your partners, customers, and rivals, thanks to continued advances in hardware, software, analytics, and the ability to scale these changes. Join this complimentary AI webinar as Gartner analysts explore these changes from technical, organizational and cultural perspectives, and find out how you can use AI to advance your career and improve your organization. You will get the opportunity to interact with the analysts, offering your feedback on Gartner’s AI predictions and impacting Gartner narratives on the future of this technology. 

  • Set hiring priorities for your artificial intelligence initiatives 

  • Discover novel use cases for AI 

  • Calculate business value for your AI ideas

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Whit Andrews

Distinguished VP Analyst


Pieter J. Den Hamer

Sr Director Analyst

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