Information Technology

Your Next Growth Opportunity: Machine Customers

| 1 hour

Get ready to serve your new customers: Machines. Be they autonomous vehicles, factory robots or refrigerators, billions of machines will have the ability to be your customers. Will you be ready? Join this customer experience webinar as Gartner experts Don Scheibenreif and Mark Raskino, authors of the new book “When Machines Become Customers,” share their insights on this emerging trend and what your organization must do to both serve and benefit from these new non-human customers.  

  • Find out what makes a machine a customer

  • Discover why machine customers are essential to the growth of your business

  • Get best practices to ensure your organization is ready to serve machine customers

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Don Scheibenreif

Distinguished VP Analyst


Mark Raskino

Distinguished VP Analyst

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